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这个日本团体叫甚麽名字? 急需要 快来帮助我... ... 骇物乐团( HAL) 爆音( BACK-ON) 灵魂出窍( SOUL'dOUT) ...


喜欢牙医的还喜欢哪个组合_greeeen吧... ... 只限日本 arashi 回复 收起回复 back-on 八原秋 UVERworld ...



It was a difficult time for the boy and it was nice to see him back on the pitch, especially with a goal. 对于小乔来说,那段日子真的是不堪回首。看到他又回到球场真好,特别是还有一个进球作为‘开场白’。
After she lost her job, it took her a while to get back on her feet. 失业后,她过了一段才振作起来。
"With so much flying fish there should be dolphin, " he said, and leaned back on the line to see if it was possible to gain any on his fish. 「这地方有这么多的飞鱼,那一定有海豚了。」他说。他拉住鱼线,身体往后靠,看看能否把线收回来一些。
Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city. 恢复行走之后不久,他开始在这个城市指导学童。
He will turn his back on me if I ask him for money even from other people's mind that we are good friends! 虽然外人看来我们俩确实是好朋友,但如果我向他借钱的话他肯定会拒绝我的。
It certainly is possible to "cheat" in an open relationship -- by going back on an agreement or lying. 在开放的性关系中,“欺骗”当然也是可能的——回去重新达成协议或撒谎吧。
The body said the Centre for Life would report back on its work and the licence variation would not affect any decisions. 主要负责人认为,生命中心应当立足于本职工作,许可条款的更改不会影响任何决定。
It was a difficult time for the boy and it is good to see him back on the pitch. It was certainly nice for him to get a goal. 那是一段非常艰难的时期。不过我们很高兴又看到他重回场上,今晚能打进一球,他的感觉一定很好。
She's trying to tell me about something that happened to her on the underground. How many times did she have to get back on topic. 她尝试着告诉我一件她在地铁上经历的事情。她尝试了多少次想回到话题呢?
it in his breast, slipped off his great wooden shoes, and lay down on his back on the heap of stones. He was fast asleep directly. 旅客抽完了那锅烟,把烟斗揣在怀里,脱掉大木鞋,躺倒在石头堆上,立即睡着了。
Taking your eye off the ball is OK, as long as you re-focus, and get back on track. 暂时转移你的注意力没有问题,只要你可以重新集中精力,即时回眸。
The transition comes at a time when the United States has been trying to get nuclear negotiations back on track. 权力过渡之际,恰逢美国持续努力重启核谈判之时。
But if he ever puts me back on to the secondary market, I shall be rushing with enthusiasm - not desperation - to the internet. 但如果他将我退回到“二级市场”,我将以充分的热情(而不是疯狂)奔向互联网。
But that may not be enough to help beleaguered consumers and businesses get a flagging recovery back on track. 不过,这可能不足以帮助陷入困境的消费者和企业使乏力的复苏恢复势头。
When Priscilla looked back on her years of hard struggle she said that it was no easy job to balance work and study. 普里西拉回忆开初艰辛奋斗年月时说,在工作和学习之间取得均衡是不易的。
The agency expects that builders will continue to either cut back on or stabilize their land purchases for at least the next six months. 惠誉国际还预计,在未来至少六个月内,建造商将继续减少购地或保持购地数量不变.(完)
People wanted to see his best the moment he stepped back on to the field after the World Cup, but I said he needed games, he needed time. 大家都希望看到世界杯后托雷斯能立即回到巅峰状态,而我说过,他需要多打比赛,他还需要时间。
Looking back on eight years of struggle, Border Region officials were able to congratulate themselves on the following accomplishments. 回顾过去八年抗战的斗争历程,边区的干部对他们所取得的胜利成果感到自豪。
Last month was a bit messy because Mercury was retrograde, so I had asked you to hold back on home-related purchases and projects. 上个月由于水星逆行,生活有点乱乱的。所以我当时让你在一些家庭事务和购买或者大规划方面不要轻举妄动。
So it's just as easy to say Google will regret buying Motorola as it is to say it will look back on the deal as a shrewd move. 因此,说谷歌会因收购摩托罗拉而感到后悔,正如说它今后会将这桩交易看成是一笔精明的投资一样,都是说得轻巧。
It turned its back on all that had been common between Muslims and non-Muslims in the era before partition. 它否定了分治以前穆斯林和非穆斯林之间的所有共通点。
I wondered how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, "What was the best time of your life? " 我寻思着等我到了尼古拉斯的岁数真不知该怎样回顾自己的一生,于是我问他:“你一生中最美好的时光是什么时候?”
In a speech in Berlin, Weber said the ECB should be ready to tighten credit costs again once the financial sector was back on its feet. 韦伯在柏林的演讲中则表示,欧洲央行应好准备,一旦金融业站稳脚步,就当收紧信贷成本。
If I'm not back on schedule, which means we're through that wall by the end of the day manana, we're not getting out of here. 我要是不能按照计划行事,我们永远通不过那道墙。这样我们就甭指望出去了。
If I can turn my back on that and shut out the remembrance, I think, I might be just as desirable as any other girl. 如果我能不去理这点,把它逐出脑海,我想我应可以变得跟其它女孩一样可爱。
All that means Morgan is prepared to repay TARP as soon as U. S. regulators allow, he said, and can go back on offense when markets improve. Kelleher称,这表示摩根士丹利已准备好在美国政府批准后立即偿还这笔资金,并在市场改善时发动进攻.(完)
It was a shame, as after a bit of a slow start we got the measure of Chelsea and really believed we could get back on level terms. 很可惜的一场比赛。我们在开局阶段的慢热后已经开始逐渐适应切尔西的打法了,而且我们本有希望追平比分。
He said he still looked back on those years in the seminary as the most important years in his life. 他说他仍在怀念于神学院度过的那几年其人生中最重要的美好时光。
He knows it will be back on him in a week or two. 他知道一周或者两周后媒体还会再关注他的。
Quickly he was back on his feet. He had returned to good financial health. His company, however, ended up in the red. 很快他回到从前,他回到有好的财务状况。他的公司出现了亏损。