
美 [ˈbenəfɪt]英 [ˈbenɪfɪt]
  • n.益处;优势;成效;福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金)
  • v.对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于
  • 网络贝玲妃;利益;好处

复数:benefits 过去式:benefited 过去式:benefitted 现在分词:benefiting 现在分词:benefitting

mutual benefit,great benefit,important benefit,little benefit,obvious benefit
get benefit,derive benefit,bring benefit,gain benefit,obtain benefit
greatly benefit,benefit enormously


n. v.

1.[u][c]优势;益处;成效an advantage that sth gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has

3.[c][usupl](公司发的)福利,奖金;(保险公司发的)给付,保险金an advantage that you get from a company in addition to the money that you earn; money from an insurance company

4.[c]慈善(或公益)活动an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity


for sbs benefit

为帮助某人;为某人的利益especially in order to help or be useful to sb

give sb the benefit of the doubt

(在证据不足的情况下)假定某人说实话,假定某人没有错to accept that sb has told the truth or has not done sth wrong because you cannot prove that they have not


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FAB利益销售法 - MBA智库百科 ... (2)优点( Advantage) (3)、利益( benefit) (1)特性( Feature) ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... benefit vi. 受益 benefit n. 好处,受益 bet vt. 打赌 ...


FAB法则_百度百科 ... 2.作用( Advantage) 3.益处Benefit) 1.属性( Feature) ...


薪酬福利Benefit) 四、 薪酬福利(Compensation pack and Benefit) 1. 试用期工资为税前 为税前 元/月,转正后工资为税 …


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... bend vt. (把目光等)集中 benefit vi. 受益 benefit n. 好处,受益 ...


但对于效益Benefit)往往没有清晰的认识。Frost先生说,大多数企业把项目的直接产出看成是社区投资的效益,但并不清楚 …


惠字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 通“慧”。聪慧〖 clever〗 恩惠benefit;favor;kindness〗 恩爱;宠爱〖 conjugallove〗 ...

as a pacific nation , we benefit , as you do , from trade across the ocean and from the growing vitality of this region. 作为太平洋周边国家之一,我们和贵国一样受益于跨太平洋贸易,受益于这个地区日益壮大的生机和活力。
He said the benefit to the local community would go beyond jobs at the prison itself. 他说,这项出售计划为当地带来的收益将超过监狱创造的就业计划本身。
First, consumer's expense free or said the option replaced consumer's price benefit to become the antimonopoly law the main protection goal. 首先,消费者的消费自由或曰选择权代替了消费者的价格利益而成为反垄断法的主要保护目标。
If you have previously been working full-time you need to be without work for at least seven hours a week for benefit to be payable. 如果您以前从事全职工作,那么您在一个星期内至少要有七小时没有工作才能领取补助金。
When she was a child, her parents taught her to be prepared for making self-sacrifice for the benefit of the motherland. 小时侯她的父母就教育他要准备为了国家的利益作出自我牺牲。
After a certain number of points, the players changed round so that neither could benefit unduly from the wind or the position of the sun. 达到一定比分后,运动员就互换场地,这样双方都不致由于风向和阳光的位置而独得优势。
They thought he might be trading illegally for their benefit on information gleaned by his marketmaking arm. 客户们以为他是通过从他的做市商公司获得内幕消息来违法交易从而获得利润的。
The two schools that the commission flunked did not provide those who cannot afford the fees "sufficient opportunity to benefit" . 委员会之所以没让上述两所学校通过评估,是因为它们没能把“足够的获益机会”提供给支付不起费用的学生。
"And, the study doesn't discuss how much caffeine would be needed for any real benefit, " he said. “而且,这项研究并没有说出,到底吸收多少咖啡因才有实际的好处,”他说。
Hodge acknowledges the debate just long enough to dismiss the idea that there might be any benefit at all. 霍奇承认这个争论非常长,长到可以使人认为此次改革根本不会使任何人受益。
Every Scorpio, of every birthday, will benefit from at least one eclipse. 每一只蝎子,无论哪天出生,都会至少在一次食中获益。
Pet understanding of the skills of its decision to understand, and the intrepid pet skills can be of great benefit to the players fighting. 宠物的悟性决定它对技能的理解程度,而强悍的宠物技能可对玩家战斗大有裨益。
a boy with particularly smelly feet that did not seem to benefit from daily showers cheerfully put up with the name Stink. 男孩的双脚特别臭,天天冲澡都无济于事,但他依旧欢欢喜喜地忍受着“恶臭”这个名字。
It is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Company and may not be used or relied upon by any other party. 本准则仅仅是为了公司的利益,不应被其他各方利用或依赖。
However, Nokia seems to be looking at the potential for community development as a major benefit of the machine. 然而,Nokia似乎更想把社区开发的潜能作为这台机器的主要优点之一。
Understanding the niche in which the product resides gives it a relevant differentiated benefit (RDB). 了解产品居住的适当位置给它一个相关的被区分的好处(RDB)。
As an extra benefit, when goals are specific, it's easy to measure employee progress toward their completion. 而这也能带了额外的好处,目标具体了,衡量员工的进展情况也就变得简单了。
Not just in terms of dollars and cents, economic benefit or what we get out of it. 当中涉及的,不单只是钱财、经济利益或其他好处。
Another not insignificant benefit of this change was that the manual page got a lot simpler. 另外值得一提的是,用户手册也简化了许多。
I feel that living for the benefit of many other people is noble, and I will try to live up to my expectation. 我觉得生活的利益是高贵的,又有许多闲杂人,我将试图达到我的期望。
For this reason, therefore, I shall publish a sheet full of thoughts every morning, for the benefit of my contemporaries. 有鉴于此,我打算每天上午发表一整张随感文字,以飨时人。
They seem to be betting on whatever did worst during the sell-off and whatever would benefit from a rebound in the economy. 它们似乎在押注于一切在股市遭到抛售期间表现最差的股票,以及任何会从经济复苏当中受益的股票。
A. Yes. Morale saves are just a special type of save. They benefit from the Save +[#] ability like any other save. 是,士气检定也只是一种检定。检定+[#]的能力可以适用在任何种类的检定当中。
So far at least , Apple's cult-like fan base seems willing to give the company the benefit of the doubt . 至少目前来说,苹果狂热的粉丝团似乎更愿意疑案从无。
There seems to be no mutual benefit in trade between the economies, as Southland is more efficient at producing both products. 似乎如果这两个经济体进行贸易,不会产生互利的局面,因为南国生产两种产品都要来得更高效。
Such talk is revolutionary even on the right, which has done little over the years to trim France's benefit culture or to root out fraud. 该言论即使在右翼也是前所未闻——多年来他们在整顿法国的福利文化或是铲除救济金诈骗方面所做甚少。
But from the point of view FOR the health benefit, the latter is no doubt better than the FORmer. 而以有益健康的角度来看,后者无疑优于前者。
This was that China's strong economic growth and its growing emphasis on cleaner energy sources would benefit natural gas companies. 他的观点是,中国强劲的经济增长及其对更清洁能源来源的日益重视,将会使天然气公司受益。
"I shall put it into a single word for the benefit of your highness" . 为阁下考虑,我可以总结成一个词。
Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. 一些人认为学校的主要作用是把孩子培养成好的公民与劳动者,而不是让他们个人获益。