bruce lee

  • 网络李小龙;布鲁斯李;李小龙传

bruce leebruce lee

bruce lee


李小龙(Bruce lee)的发达肌肉是他严格遵守武术原则和对健身科学理解的基础上所产生的结果。尽管看起来总是随时为拍摄而做 …


艺名:李小龙 原名:李振藩 英文:布鲁斯李Bruce Lee) 身高:5尺7.5寸 体重:140磅(64公斤) 原籍:广东南海生日:19…


分享他的过去与未来。。。 -... ... 再造繁荣( Rebuilding Prosperity) 李小龙传( Bruce Lee) 一千灵异夜~凶宅( Haunted House) ...


再再旧直版的李小龙漫画,且封面也用了李小龙的英文名字(Bruce Lee).....莫非也想吸引鬼佬也去买..饼坛元老 金牌饼迷 中级饼 …


只有李小龙的字体Bruce Lee)特别显眼……, h& H0 s+ {1 ?8 d( V: zLv.2 回应 #4 lsm1978 的文章 引用: " S; V# k$ Q9 U* W' …


  TSL│谢瑞麟与Mr. Wigan跨界合作的微雕作品“李小龙传世光芒”(BRUCE LEE)介绍  Mixed Media: TSL Estrella diamond ring, …

"I won't try to be Bruce Lee's Kato -- I will try to bring my own interpretation to the part, " he said. “我不会扮演李小龙的加藤-我会努力用自己的诠释来扮演这个角色,”他说。
Bruce Lee play in the area to do our impression is too deep, it is difficult to move a few people do not think you are a Bruce Lee. 因为李小龙在打方面确实给大家的印象太深刻了,很难去随便做几个动作让人觉得你是李小龙。
Not sure what this one was all about but it's always cool to see that Bruce Lee is someone of cultural significance in other people's eyes. 不知道这是什麽,但看到李小龙成为大家眼中的文化标志人物,总是觉得很棒。
'I tried not to imitate Bruce Lee, ' Mr. Yen says of his role in the movie, 'but I tried to preserve the Bruce Lee flavor. ' 甄子丹谈到自己在这部影片中的角色时说,我努力不模仿李小龙,但我试图保留住李小龙的神髓。
There is no doubt that Bruce-Lee is one of the best Shooting kick-boxing players in the world. 毫无疑问李小龙是这个世界上最厉害的搏击选手之一
I have never seen this person before, but I feel it would not be that easy to beat Bruce Lee. 我从未见过这个人。不过,我相信要打败李小龙可不是一件容易的事情。
In 1993 Hollywood came out with "Dragon the Bruce Lee Story" with Jason Scott Lee who were starred Oscar winning movie "The Last Emperor" . 1993年好莱坞出品《李小龙的故事》,主演李截,曾出演奥斯卡获奖影片《末代皇帝》。
The movie "The Green Hornet" was an adaptation of a U. S. television series played by the late Chinese actor Bruce Lee in 1966. 《青蜂侠》电影是改编已故华人影星李小龙1966年曾在美演出的同名电视影集。
I was incredibly excited to hear that he and Wong Kar-wai may collaborate on a biopic about Bruce Lee (speaking of the Dragon himself! ). 听说他和王家卫可能合作一部关于李小龙的传记电影,我真是兴奋极了。
With this nunchaku, Bruce Lee looked like an unbeatable machine. The effect of this hand weapon was unheard of. 有了双节棍,李小龙就像一台无敌无敌的机器,这种手上武器的威力是从来没有听说过的。
Jackie Chan is the man. He started off as a stunt double for the Bruce Lee films like this scene from "Fists of Fury" . . . 成龙是条汉子。他从李小龙电影中的替身演员起步,就像来自《精武门》的这个场景一样…
The legendary skills of the Shaolin monks have for years thrilled and fascinated him. He has been a fan of Bruce Lee from childhood. 他对少林僧人的传奇武艺已着迷多年,从童年时代开始就是李小龙的影迷。
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do Bruce Lee developed his form of the martial arts to be as effective as possible. 李小龙的截拳道李小龙的发展,他形式的武术要尽可能有效。
He was the one of his own, Bruce Lee. 他就是独一无二的——布鲁斯李,李小龙。
The young Bruce Lee, the last on stage everyone laughed like this Bruce Lee is also very cute. 最后的少年李小龙登场,大家都笑的这个李小龙很像也很可爱。
Bruce Lee ended a fight with one of Vic Damone's security staff with a side kick to the jaw. 结束了李小龙与维克达莫内的保安人员之一,侧踢的下巴斗争。
I am not a fan of Bruce Lee but I still respect him as a good chinese sample for his spirits. 我不喜欢李小龙,但我还是尊重他是一个很好的中文样本的精神。
Jeet kune do authority Tim Tackett explains the best ways to perform one of the signature techniques of Bruce Lee's art. 由截拳道权威人士蒂姆·泰尅特来诠释李小龙的成名技术中的绝佳打法。
Q. What was the reaction from Bruce Lee's siblings to your portrayal? 李小龙的姐姐和弟弟怎么评价你的表演?
"Not for some, with endless for limited" the twelve word is Bruce lee to his founded JKD kungfu and philosophy of the highly generalization. “以无法为有法,以无限为有限”这十二个字是李小龙对他所创立的截拳道武学和哲学思想的高度概括。
The foods of that restaurant are all steam-cooked; it uses the photograph of Bruce Lee as advertisement. 那家餐厅的食物都是蒸熟的,为它做广告的是李小龙的照片
Now Rush Hour has turned Jackie Chan into a household name the way Enter the Dragon made a legend of Bruce Lee. 而今《尖峰时刻》就如同当李小龙的《猛龙过江》所创造的神话那样,成龙已成为家喻户晓的名字。
One of the most successful Hollywood martial artists was Chuck Norris, Bruce lee's opponent in the climax of the "Way of the Dragon" . 好莱坞动作明星中最出名的还有查克·诺里斯,在《猛龙过江》的高潮部分他是李小龙的对手。
By the end, it seems Stephen Chow's desire to emulate his idol Bruce Lee is stronger than his interest in crafting some more good gags . 藉着结束,它似乎史蒂芬吃饭的欲望效法他的偶像布鲁斯李比他的飞机再多一些好箝口物的兴趣更强壮。
Bruce Lee, one of the most influential martial artists of the 20th century, is now immortalized in wax. 李小龙,20世纪中最有影响力的武术家之一,现在以蜡像的方式不朽。
After years of waiting (because of legal issues), Wong Kar-wai can finally make his own biopic of Ip Man, Bruce Lee's master. 经年的期盼之后(涉及到法律问题),王家卫最终拍摄了王氏版本的李小龙之师---叶问的传纪电影。
In recent years, the Bruce Lee brand has brought in around $1 million a year, the estate says. 李香凝说,最近几年来李虬龙品牌每一年带来将近100万美元的收入。
Bruce Lee fight back from the grave was downright with Lee imitator rising from the grave to seek vengeance of his murderers. 李小龙死而复生完全是编造,他的模仿者从墓中回到人间,向谋杀他的人复仇。
Get into his world and try to understand what Bruce Lee is about. 进入他的世界,试着了解李小龙是什么。
Perhaps you can tell him you want to cut the first wave of Bruce Lee, he would not say anything. 或许你可以跟他说,你想剪李小龙的波波头,他也不会说什么。