the shadow

  • 网络影子;阴影;魅影魔星

the shadowthe shadow

the shadow


阿狸·梦之城堡_百度百科 ... 呓语 ● Dream Words 影子The Shadow 灯 ● Light ...


荣格认为最重要的原型有四种,其中之一是阴影(the shadow)。每个人都有一个阴影,它位于人格的深层,由人类祖先遗传而来,是心 …


...away),同年又主演了由著名连环漫画改编的影片《魅影魔星》 (The Shadow)。


魅影奇侠The Shadow),导演:Russell Mulcahy蒙面怪杰(The Mask),导演:查克·拉塞尔 蝙蝠侠大战幻影人(Batman: …


文逸民 出演的影片列表 ... 寂寞的十七岁 Lonely seventeen 兰闺阴影 The shadow 缇萦= Thestory of Ti Ying ...


【罗百吉专辑歌词大全】转,_罗百吉吧_百度贴吧 ... 3.SHUT UP( 噤声) 4.THE SHADOW( 光影) 5.THE FUTURE( 灿烂前程) ...


冯宝宝 出演的影片列表 ... 木偶公主 Puppet princess 雷克探案之血影惊魂 The shadow 新夜光杯 The new magic cup ...

It was a deep, rather unusual voice. I turned, to see a tall, dark man in the shadow near the kitchen door. 这声音低沉,不大熟悉。我转过身,看到在厨房门旁的阴暗处有一个又高又黑的人。
Changfeng draws back his sight, closes his eyes for a little while, then opens, looked like he is trying to rinse the shadow off his mind. 长风收回了目光,闭了一下眼睛,又睁开,仿佛在洗刷着自己内心的阴暗面。
But on the otherhand, the shadow is often the place where the real creativeenergies are to be found. 但是,从另一方面来说,阴影经常是真正可以找到创造力的地方。
Amy, too, had a dear child named Beth, but she was a frail little creature and the dread of losing her was the shadow over Amy's sunshine. 艾米也有一个可爱的孩子取名贝思,但她是个纤弱的小东西,担心失掉她变成艾米幸福中的一个阴影。
The shadow chancellor means it when he says he would have preferred a pop career with one of the bands he joined as a youth. 这位影子大臣声称宁愿自己像个年轻人参加某个流行组合时,是郑重其事的。
The company commander DingHao (LiXingWen play) in the body of the policies, seem to see the shadow of an empty purse I ever. 连长丁浩(李兴文扮演)在安邦的身上,似乎看见了本人曩昔的影子。
But the shadow of the manner of these Defarges was dark upon himself, for all that, and in his secret mind it troubled him greatly. 尽管他这样说,德伐日夫妇的态度也留给了他一个阴影,他在心里的隐秘之处也十分着急。
The next day, The boy old tricks, the good farmers and rushed to help him fight wolves, but did not see the shadow of the wolf. 第二天,放羊娃故伎重演,善良的农夫们又冲上来帮他打狼,可还是没有见到狼的影子。
behind the shadow, from the extension of the foot lightly, do not pull with the step as I quietly sent away with my endless grief. 身后的影,从脚下淡淡地延伸,一步不拉地跟随着我,悄悄伴我遥寄不尽的哀思。
Leading up to the crisis, market participants and policymakers failed to understand the interconnections within the "shadow banking" system. 在危机发生前,市场参与者和政策制定者都未能理解“影子银行”体系内部各个部分相互关联的现象。
My life, sunlight, people do not feel the shadow of the sun, but I am under the sun, but I do not give to see side Bale. 我的生活,阳光,人们不会觉得太阳的影子,但我在阳光下时,但我不给看一边贝尔。
The meeting of the two European leaders took place in the shadow of the latest barrage of released U. 这两位欧洲领导人的会晤笼罩在最近被公布的一连串美国外交电报的阴影中。
And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz. 先知以赛亚求告耶和华,耶和华就使亚哈斯的日晷向前进的日影,往后退了十度。
Do not you forget, your life is nothing but the shadow of our pre-dawn light it? 难道你忘了,你的生命,不过是晨光出现前的幻影么?
He must be fifty, and I don't believe he could ever have been much more the shadow of a man. 他应该有五十岁了,早已日薄西山,我真不相信,他还有几年好活。
As they walked along, their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge. They went into the field. 他们的脸沐浴在阳光中,脚则落在了树篱的阴影里。他们走进了麦地。
Fruit is a noble cause, the cause of flower is sweet, but still let me in the o curity of the shadow of the dedication to do it cause leaf. 果实的事劲舞团卡字代码业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的,但还是让我在默默献身劲舞团字体颜色代码的阴影里做叶的事业吧。
She looked at him, and the shadow of a smile played upon her this pale lips. 她看着他,苍白的薄嘴唇上露出一丝笑意。
I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family. 我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。
Meditating in the light of the whole garden, the time can easier be noticed; and a man can see the shadow of his own. 在满园弥漫的沉静光芒中,一个人更容易看到时间,并看见自己的身影。
Into her unit office building, he rose hidden in suits, the fact of people inside the building had not the shadow. 走进她单位的办公大楼时,他把玫瑰藏在西服里,其实大楼里的人早已没了人影。
"No one shall know, " said the shadow; "not even my own shadow; " and he had very particular reasons for saying so. “不应让人知道,”影子说,“即使是我自己的影子,”他这样说,有自己特别的理由。
Transform it a little bit to make the shadow bigger than the original shape and apply the Gaussian Blur filter twice. 把它一点点的阴影,使大于原来的形状和运用高斯模糊滤镜两次。
We see light from behind the surface, as well as the shadow of the ball. 我们看到光从表面背后,以及球的阴影。
The area of the small square shown below is 12 square dm, how much is the area of the shadow? 如图小正方形的面积为12平方分米,求阴影部分的面积?
The Shadow Dragon is slightly more accurate with its melee attacks, but many of its base numbers look a little lower -- on the surface. 阴影龙用它的混战攻击稍微更准确,但是它的大多数基数看起来稍微低--在表面上。
When asked about how he came to be in the employ of the Shadow Thieves, EDWIN sneers that it is none of your business. 当问起他是怎么被影贼雇用时,艾德温不屑地说这不干你的事。
Zhongguancun in the long semi-annual report security matters, the reporter found the Bank of China Beijing Branch of the shadow. 在中关村半年报长长的担保事项中,记者发现了中国银行北京分行的影子。
The shadow cast by this man made Javert turn his head. He raised his eyes, and recognized Jean Valjean. 这个人的投影使沙威回转头来,认出了是冉阿让。
Through time, I seem to see the shadow of a passionate, chanting, and asked how many jun can have our lives? 透过时间,我似乎看见,一个多情的影子,吟诵着,问君能有几多愁?