
美 [trɪm]英 [trɪm]
  • adj.苗条的;修长的;健康优雅的;整齐的
  • v.修剪;修整;剪下;点缀(尤指某物的边缘)
  • n.(尤指毛发的)修剪;(衣服、家具、汽车等的)饰物
  • adv.整齐[整洁]地
  • 网络微调;修剪命令;调整

比较级:trimmer 最高级:trimmest 过去式:trimmed 第三人称单数:trims 现在分词:trimming

trim cost


1.~ sth修剪;修整to make sth neater, smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it

2.~ sth (off sth).~ sth (off/away)切去,割掉,剪下,除去(不必要的部分)to cut away unnecessary parts from sth

3.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)装饰,修饰,点缀(尤指某物的边缘)to decorate sth, especially around its edges


trim your sails

随风扬帆;见风转舵to arrange the sails of a boat to suit the wind so that the boat moves faster


CAD快捷命令大全 ... SC,*SCALE 缩放 TR,*TRIM 修剪 *EXPLODE 分解 ...


PS快捷键_百度百科 ... 9.Crop-( 裁切) 10.Trim-( 修整) 11.Reverl All-( 显示全部) ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... TRIG trigger 触发,触发器,触发脉冲 Trim 调整,微调,调谐,削波 TRK track 音轨 ...


  修剪命令TRIM)和延伸命令(EXTEND)在我们修改图形的时候是经常要用到的,不过你有没有在使用命令的时候注意到命 …


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... TRIG trigger 触发,触发器,触发脉冲 Trim 调整,微调,调谐,削波 TRK track 音轨 ...


编程英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... replace (替换) trim整理) Buffer (缓冲器) ...


单击裁剪 (Trim) > 拐角 (Corner)。选取镜像的竖直线以及上面的水平线。


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... pilot 导正筒 trim 剪外边 pierce 剪内边 ...

You've got to trim about 500 calories a day to lose a pound a week. 要想一个星期减去一磅肉,你每天得消耗掉500卡路里左右的热量。
When a texture has a trim for the top and bottom, align the bottom of the texture to the floor and the top to the wall. 当一个纹理的顶端和底端要裁剪时,应该把纹理的顶端和底端分别与天花板和地板调齐。
Once a year on it, do not always move hair, my hair is done once a year, but you can always trim the hair that no effect. 一年一次就可以了,不要经常动头发,我就是一年做一次头发,但是往常可以修一修头发那没什么效果。
Yep, just trying to trim some of the drama out of my life. 是,我正努力让我的生活少点儿戏剧性。
And with that kind of trim-chiseled face that just seems to glint and sparkle with frosty intellectuality! 他那副收拾得整整齐齐的脸简直就像是闪耀着冷冰冰的智慧的光!
Such talk is revolutionary even on the right, which has done little over the years to trim France's benefit culture or to root out fraud. 该言论即使在右翼也是前所未闻——多年来他们在整顿法国的福利文化或是铲除救济金诈骗方面所做甚少。
It was an old, beautiful Victorian style house painted in a light blue paint with white trim, any other time I might have admired it. 这是一幢美丽的古式维多利亚风格的房子,房身漆成淡蓝色伴有白色修边要是换了别的时候,我没准会驻足好好欣赏一番。
A few are going further by trying to trim the power of the unions that defend civil servants' wages. 一些州甚至试图削减包围工人工资的工会的权力。
How much does a cut without washing cost? I just want a trim. Let's keep it the way it is. 只剪头发不洗头要多少钱?我只要稍微修一下。就维持现在的发型就可以了。
As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze. 沿着一排排的桌椅走进去,他分明感到有一道目光紧紧跟随着他。回过头,他看到了她---一名身着剪裁匀称的酒红色套装的女子,相当地引人注目。
The majority of animals killed for fur end up in as fur trim, a sector of the industry worth billions of dollars a year. 大多数宰杀动物得来的毛皮最终会被分割成小件的毛皮制品,这是一个毛皮产业的细分市场,这个细分市场每年获利达数十亿美元。
It does not take too flinty a heart to interpret that as a mandate to trim higher-education funding, even if that were to hurt the poor. 该如何解读这个调查结果?即使你不是个硬心肠的人,也知道这是在说即使削减高等教育经费会伤害穷人,还是必须得做。
Sometimes the land may tell you to plant this or that, or put in a fountain for running water, or to trim this or that. 有时候大地会告诉你需要在某处植树,或为了运转水元素而造一座喷泉,或去修整这个或那个。
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。
There's plenty of research showing that this is one of the best ways to trim your food budget. 很多研究显示,这是减少食物预算的最好方法。
When we shall be able to trim wicks again, together in your western window, I would talk to you about this moment of night rain in Sichuan. 什么时候能够和你团聚在西窗下,一起剪烛芯,那时再来谈谈这个巴山夜雨的时刻。
and by the look of the house and the trim maid who opened the door I judged that it was a sum adequate to keep the widow in modest comfort. 从她现在的住房和给我们开门的使女的整齐利落的样子看,我猜想这笔钱是足够叫这位寡妇过着小康的日子的。
Cropping is often used to hide or trim a part of a picture, either for emphasis or to remove unwanted portions. 裁剪常用于进行隐藏或剪切部分图片,以强调或者删除不需要的部分图片。
Yes, there was his wife: blonde, trim, a heart-shaped face. And she was sitting next to her lover. 是的,他妻子就在那儿:金发碧眼,苗条的身段,心形脸,正坐在她情人身旁。
The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth dampened with soapy water. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use wax on the door handles and trim. 用蘸了肥皂水的抹布清洗门把手和边缘。用柔软抹布擦干。不要在门把手和边缘处打蜡。
I'll give it a little trim if you want. What do you think? 我可以给你修一下,你觉得怎么样?
We might be able to trim a little off of that. How about if we discount that by 10 percent? 我们也许可以再降低一点。再给您打折10%,怎么样?
I generally do not worry about length of coat, as long as it is tangle free and unstained prior to beginning the trim. 我通常不担心长外套,只要它是免费的,保持原样前纠缠的开端。
Trim up the side of the head from your chin cut up to the end of the outside cut on the ear. 修剪起来一侧头部从你的下巴削减直至年底外面削减对耳朵。
Another reason to trim down and clean up a system is to reduce the amount of time spent backing up the resource. 削减和清理系统的另一个原因是时间的减少备份资源所花费。
It took a week to knit together the silk fabrics and add a blue ribbon trim for a project appropriately called 'the art of seduction'. 她用一周的时间缝制起丝绸面料,还加了一条蓝丝带。这件透视装原本是为一个名为“诱惑的艺术”的项目制作的。
In fact, they are going to grow back, and in a few years, they will have to return and trim the trees all over again. 事实上,树还在生长,过不了几年他们就会回来,重新修剪所有的树。
The car pictured in the video isn't fully decked out in production trim. The final result will look like the sneak preview image above. 照片中的视频是不完全,稳稳的进了生产装饰。最终的结果将看起来预览上图中。
An external trim extraction unit supplied by Soma is able to work with a variety of materials at full working speed. 外部装饰抽提装置提供的索玛是能够与不同的材料在全工作速度。
It was by an act of faith in his science that a trim Shepelev crawled into the chamber and sealed the door. 正是出于对科学的信念,干练的舍甫列夫爬进了舱室并封上了门。