to the limit

  • na.到极点
  • 网络到顶点;到最大限度;冲向极限

to the limitto the limit

to the limit


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go beyond the limit 超过限度 to the limit 到顶点,到最大限度 within limits 在一定范围之内 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go beyond the limit 超过限度 to the limit 到顶点,到最大限度 within limits 在一定范围之内 ...


[转载]100部户外题材经典电影片_水影儿_新浪博客 ... 冲浪学校 Surf School 冲向极限 To the limit 末路狂澜 Riders ...


limit的翻... ... the frozen limit [口]忍耐的极点; 达到无法容忍的地步 to the limit [美]到极点 within limits 适度地, 有限地 ...


PChome Online 网路家庭-电子报 ... 3. set out 动身,启程 4. to the limit 到达极限 1. be/come on the scene 出现,到来 ...


...败了佩普·丹卡特(Pepe Danquart)的《到极限》(To The Limit),获得了“最佳纪录片奖”。


2009-11-24-筋斗云-同名专辑_阿得_新浪博客... ... 08.盲从 Blind Obedience 09.界线 To The Limit 10.底细 Secret Secret Secret ...


香港太空馆 - 太空馆节目 - 全天域电影 ... 28 Whales 鲸 14 To the Limit 挑 战 极 限 35. Fantasia 2000 幻 想 曲 2000 ...

Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective "So you say, " and drove him to the limit of his patience. 无论他说什么,托德。比米什都说同一句单调却又很起作用的话加以反对:“这可是你说的,”这真使他忍无可忍。
Can we say again that you are not the victims of the circumstances, as you all knew that this lifetime would test you to the limit. 我们可以再说一遍吗,你们不是环境的牺牲品,因为你们全都知道这一生会测试你们到最大限度。
His wife, who will then also be a mother, might watch in silent dread but Massa insists he shall push himself to the limit again. 他那将要成为母亲的妻子,可能又要无声却担心地观看他的比赛,但马萨坚持他将再次不遗余力。
Carra pushed himself to the limit at Stamford Bridge to make up for his lack of match fitness and his reading of the game was phenomenal. 卡拉在斯坦福桥拼尽了全力以弥补因为长期缺阵对比赛适应性的不足,但他阅读比赛的能力是现象级的。
First, the Bank of Japan's "debt monetization" close to the limit, no longer be sustainable. 首先,日本央行的“公债货币化”接近极限,不再具可持续性。
This required additional users and higher number of data requests (both up to the limit specified in a user license). 这需要更多的用户和更高的数据请求数量(都达到在用户许可中指定的上限)。
User threshold policy ensures users can access concurrently the application up to the limit specified in a user license from the provider. 用户临界值策略保证用户能够并发地访问应用程序,并发量最高上限为提供商的用户授权规定的限制数。
Fernando Alonso on Thursday said he misses being pushed to the limit by a top teammate like Lewis Hamilton. 阿隆索周四表示,他怀念被推到了极限的最喜欢的队友汉密尔顿。
Many other places in central London are close to the limit and can be expected to break the law within weeks. 且伦敦区的其他地方监测结果也接近限额,未来几周内还有望超过。
Each user session can open multiple cursors up to the limit set by the initialization parameter OPEN_ CURSORS . 每个用户会话都能够打开多个游标,上限由OPEN_CURSORS初始化参数决定。
If Jesus' teachings seem too lofty for everyday public affairs, we should at least hold our government to the limit of "an eye for an eye. " 如果耶稣的行止对于日常社会生活来说在道德上过于高调,我们至少可以让政府执行“以眼还眼”这一限制。
Buyers to the limit, no one can guarantee agencies in a time point, the purchase of property can transfer. 买家交了房款,没有一家机构可以保证在某一个时间点,购买的物业就能够过户。
If MostRecent is true, the most recent requests are stored up to the limit imposed by this setting and older requests are discarded. 如果MostRecent为true,则存储的最近请求可达到此设置设定的限制并放弃以前的请求。
If you're looking for a good running mantra, this song's "Push it to the limit" chorus can give you plenty of inspiration. 如果你在寻找一个好的跑步口号,这首歌曲的“推到极限”副歌能够给你很多的动力。
The conveyor takes a box up to the limit switch, and a motor stops then (Segment 4). 需要一盒输送到车门限位开关、电机停止然后(段4)。
A: I've already use my credit cards all up to the limit. I've been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. 我已经用完信用限额,现在只有靠拆东墙补西墙的办法勉强支撑着了。
As I learnt when I was a governor of the Fed during the current crisis, its staff have been stretched to the limit. 我在当前危机期间担任美联储理事时,那里的人手就已紧张至极。
Prescott, Motley, and Parkman, the historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the limit of their powers. 普雷斯科特、莫特利和帕克曼这三位史学家,都有远大的抱负,而且都已尽力完成了他们的计划。
I would never be happy to finish behind him, so it would be a constant push to the limit. 落在他后面我永远都不会生气,反而会促进我一直不停的推到极限。
You cannot go so far up the ladder, and then not go to the limit just because you are a woman. 你们不要因为自己是妇女,就登上梯子而不爬到顶点。
The Peak Clad temperature was twenty one forty eight degrees Fahrenheit, very very close to the limit of twenty two hundred pounds. 最高的覆盖层的温度的2148华氏度,与2200磅,这个限制非常接近。
Go up a hill in the morning, return at dusk, the scenery in four seasons is different, and that is happy too infinite to have To the limit. 早晨上山,傍晚返回,四季的景色不同,而那快乐也是无穷无尽的。
Due to the limit of the width of frequency bank, the increasing of RTU and inspection system limits the quality and efficiency. 由于受到带宽的限制,前端数据采集设备RTU及检测系统的增加制约了通讯的质量和效率。
Bedroom: the Grandeur and elegance to the limit, so warm and romantic things to tell on each piece and even in every corner. 卧室:把华丽与优雅发挥到极致,让温馨与浪漫诉说于每件物什,每个角落。
A bailout of Portugal is widely expected but a similar rescue for Spain would stretch EU resources to the limit. 市场普遍预期葡萄牙将会接受纾困,但若西班牙也需要伸手求援时,则欧盟的资源可能难以承受。
Let's make sure that families who already stretch their budgets to the limit don't have to pay more for groceries this fall. 让我们确保家庭已经舒展自己的预算限制,在今年秋天没有太多的负担。
The European Central Bank and US Federal Reserve are close to the limit of their capabilities. 欧洲央行(ECB)和美联储(Fed)已接近能力极限。
Unfortunately, because of the weather, we were not able to push to the limit, but these things happen. 不幸的是,由于天气原因,我们无法向极限推进,但是结果已经这样了。
As dealing started yesterday, traders pushed the renminbi to the limit of its trading band for only the second time. 昨日交易开始后,交易商推动人民币汇率接近波动区间限制,这种情况仅仅是第二次出现。
Steel had been tested to the limit, and marked with figures that showed its breaking point. 钢受试验到一个限度,就用数码标着优劣的等级。