
美 [kəˈnæl]英 [kə'næl]
  • n.管;运河;导管;灌溉渠
  • v.在…开运河;疏导
  • 网络沟渠;水道;渠道

复数:canals 过去式:canaled 过去式:canalled

dig canal,dredge canal,build canal
anal canal



1.运河;灌溉渠a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water for boats and ships to travel along; a smaller passage used for carrying water to fields, crops, etc.


运字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 运费〖 transportationexpenses;freight〗 运河canal〗 运货员〖 ponter〗 ...


C开头的单词_百度文库 ... Canadian a. 加拿大的 canal n. 运河;沟渠;管 cancel vt. 取消,撤消;删去 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... campaign n. 运动,战役 canal n. 运河;水道 cancel vt. 取消 ...

C开头的单词_百度文库 ... Canadian a. 加拿大的 canal n. 运河;沟渠; cancel vt. 取消,撤消;删去 ...


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... Canadian 加拿大的(人) canal 运河,渠道 canary 金丝雀 ...


水字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 水情〖 waterlevel;situationofriver〗 水渠canal〗 水乳交融〖 aswellblendedasmilkandwater〗 ...

LFB station manager Guy Foster said the fire was centred around Camden Canal Market, where a number of market stalls had caught fire. 伦敦消防厅消防站经理福斯特表示,火场主要集中在肯姆顿运河市场,那里有数摊位着火。
Lumbar DS is a major cause of spinal canal stenosis and is often related to low back and leg pain. 腰椎的退行性滑移是导致椎管狭窄的一个主要原因,并常与腰腿痛密切相关。
The Peripheral Canal was supposed to be the system's final link, a liquid superhighway around the delta's slow-moving twists and turns. 外围运河一度被认为是整个水利系统的关键枢纽,它像一条高速水路使圣华金三角洲地区迂回曲折的缓慢水流快速前行。
I had worked with that canal-plugging technique in a lot of my basic research, so I was comfortable with it as a surgical technique. 在笔者的基础研究中,已经处理过许多声道堵塞技术,因此笔者相信这是一项可行的手术技术。
Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the water out. 然后使用注射器把水轻轻的喷到耳槽壁上,再把头倾下,让水流出来。
His father was a carpenter, and they dwelt in a little old red-brick house, neat and clean, by the side of a sluggish canal. 他家住在一幢古老的小红砖房里,干净、整齐,房子旁是一条水流徐缓的运河。
This is why Italy made it its colony just a year after the opening of the canal in 1869 and why the British conquered it in 1941. 这就是意大利为什么要1869年苏伊士运河刚刚开通便把其变为殖民地的原因,也是1941年英国抢夺其殖民权的原因。
But with just that handkerchief of a mizzen, and stays' I and working jib, we might as well have been trying to row her to the canal. 可是凭着这后桅上的手帕一点大的帆,支索帆和船首三角帆,我们本来可以设法把它划到巴拿马运河的。
At last, big earth- moving machines were sent to Panama, and hundreds of men began to build the Canal. 最后,大型推土机被送往巴拿马,成百上千的人开始开凿运河。
A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water, As for a millrace, or to regulate or measure the flow. 堰,拦河坝,挡流坝横截河流或运河以提高水位或使河水转向的坝,如用于推动水车,调节或测量水流
He came toward the two- horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at him in great rage . 他往我所看见、站在河边有双角的公绵羊那里去,大发忿怒,向他直闯。
For the front teeth, if of tooth mass enough to keep, can consider not doing false teeth after root canal therapy done, simple filling. 对于前牙而言,若保留的齿质够多,做完根管治疗后可以考虑不做假牙,简单的填补即可。
Here, the pace of the city is dictated by the boat traffic on the canal. Soon your heartbeat slows and you settle to a new rhythm. 在这里,城市的步伐是由运河里的交通船决定的,很快你自己的心跳也会变慢了,自然就适应了这里的节奏。
Hangzhou, between QianTang Jiang River and the Grand Canal, is in the heart of Zhejiang province with a quite typical Chinese taste. 杭州位于浙江省中部,钱塘江北岸,大运河的南端,是中国古老的风景名域
Studies have shown that tannic acid can remove the smear layer, but it has not yet been used in clinical root canal treatment. 有研究发现:鞣酸有去除玷污层的作用,但在根管治疗中的应用尚无进一步研究。
Almost a year and the flow of the Yellow River is a modern Grand Canal -- diverting water from the broken line project will be built . 一条年径流量差不多和黄河相当的现代大运河――南水北调中线工程将于今年破土兴建。
The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a tragus. 在你太阳穴旁边、耳道前方隆起的一小块肉称为耳屏或耳珠(tragus)。
Han Jia, how much land can the canal irrigate? 韩佳,这红旗渠现在能灌溉多少田地啊?
Bone cement is often used to cover the canal after it is plugged. 堵塞之后,骨结合剂常用于覆盖在声道的表面。
But, this new wealth and a growing sense of civic pride did not sit easily with the foul stretch of canal winding through the city. 但新的财富与日益增长的市民自豪感并没有轻易地坐视流经这座城市污秽水道。
After about 30 minutes the ship is ready to steam into the wider waters of the canal. 大约30分钟后,船驶进了运河稍宽阔的水域。
To the point that you could buy a beautiful house on a canal in Amsterdam for the price of one bulb. 当时用一个郁金香球茎的价钱你就能在阿姆斯特丹运河旁买上一栋漂亮的房子。
Yangzhou's history cannot be separated from that of the ancient canal. 扬州城的历史跟古运河是分不开的。
A filly named Sugar was out for a ride with her owner when something spooked her, sending her falling into a canal. 一匹名叫“糖糖”的小母马在和主人出去遛弯的时候被什么东西惊吓到了,掉进一条小沟里。
For laying indoor, tunnel, canal and underground. Able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 适用于室内、隧道、电缆沟及地下直埋敷设。电缆能承受机械外力作用,但不能承受大的拉力。
The route from England to India via the Suez Canal is often called the life line of the British Empire. 从英国经苏伊士运河至印度的航线常被称为不列颠帝国的生命线。
A baby is separated with his mother after passing out of the birth canal. 胎儿是通过产道之后与母体分离的。
The dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. 馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停靠天河岸边,但它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。
The water that fills the canal's locks flows from nearby rivers where the children of indigenous peasants swim naked during school hours. 流进运河船闸的水来自附近的河流,在上课期间,当地农民的孩子赤身在河中游泳。
The Erie Canal was not the first canal built in the United States, but it was the most influential. 伊利运河不是美国第一条运河,但是它是最具影响力的运河。