
美 [bæk]英 [bæk]
  • n.背;后面;后卫;腰背
  • v.支持;倒退;帮助;下赌注于(赛马、参赛队伍等)
  • adv.向后;以前;回报;回原处
  • adj.背后的;后面的;后部的;过去的
  • 网络返回;背部;后退

复数:backs 现在分词:backing 过去式:backed

come back,back ring,away back
move back,back system,back plan,back idea,stand back
back page,pay back,back window,back order,back ache


身体部位part of body

1.(人体或动物的)背部,背;腰背the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs; the part of an animal's body that corresponds to this

2.脊柱;脊梁骨the row of bones in the middle of the back

后部part furthest from front

3.[ususing]~ (of sth)后部;后面;末尾the part or area of sth that is furthest from the front

纸张of piece of paper

4.[ususing]~ (of sth)(文件等的)背面the part of a piece of paper, etc. that is on the opposite side to the one that has information or the most important information on it

书刊of book

5.[ususing]~ (of sth)(书等的)最后几页,末尾the last few pages of a book, etc.


7.(家具)…靠背的used to describe furniture that has the type of back mentioned


at/in the back of your mind

在潜意识里;依稀记得if a thought, etc. isat the back of your mind , you are aware of it but it is not what you are mainly thinking about

the back of beyond

偏僻地方;边远地区a place that is a long way from other houses, towns, etc.

back to back

背靠背;背对背if two people standback to back , they stand with their backs facing or touching each other

back to front

(衣服)前后颠倒(或前后穿反)if you put on a piece of clothingback to front , you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be

be glad, etc. to see the back of sb/sth

庆幸终于摆脱(不喜欢的人或事物)to be happy that you will not have to deal with or see sb/sth again because you do not like them or it

behind sbs back

背着某人;背地里;私下without sb's knowledge or permission

be on sbs back

缠磨;烦扰to keep asking or telling sb to do sth that they do not want to do, in a way that they find annoying

break the back of sth

完成(任务等的)主要部分to finish the largest or most important part of a task

get/put sbs back up

惹恼to annoy sb

get off sbs back

不再烦扰某人(如停止批评或缠磨等)to stop annoying sb, for example by criticizing them, or asking them to do sth

have (got) sbs back

保护,支持(某人)to protect and support sb

have your back to the wall

处于背水一战的境地;没有退路to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do sth but are unable to make the choices that you would like

off the back of a lorry

(指货物等)来路不明goods thatfell off the back of a lorry were probably stolen. People say or accept that they cameoff the back of a lorry to avoid saying or asking where they really came from.

on the back of sth

由于(某项成就)as a result of an achievement or a success

(flat) on your back

因病卧床;卧病in bed because you are ill/sick

put your back into sth

全力以赴to use a lot of effort and energy on a particular task

turn your back

扭头;转身to turn so that you are facing in the opposite direction

turn your back on sb/sth

转身背对某人(或某物)to move so that you are standing or sitting with your back facing sb/sth


TestDirector用户手册_51Testing软件测试网 ... 帮助按钮( Help Button) 返回Back) 前进( Forward) ...

人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... sore adj. 疼痛的 back n. ,背部 arm n. 臂,胳膊 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Russian 俄语 Back 背部 Chinese 中国人 ...


javaScript面试题大全 - 焦涛 - 博客园 ... screen.width/screen.height: 对象是什么? history.back 后退 history.forward 前进 ...


魔方公式_三阶魔方公式图解 - 简介 - 魔方博客 ... 前面 F:Front 后面 B:Back 上面 U:Up ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... B baby n. 婴儿 back ad. 回(原处);;向后 a.后面的 n.背后,后部;背 background n. 背景 ...

Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically. 小提琴制造者们十分注重技术,尽管他们试图打破常规,但是巴洛克风格又会自动回来。
You turn back and walk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my life as you disappear in the fog. 你带着最甜美的微笑轻轻转身离开,一点点消失在蒙雾中,然后,我了解到我的生命里再有也不会有任何你的痕迹。
Nick Varney of the local University and College Union (UCU) branch said the policy "harks back to Victorian times. " 地方高校工会联盟分部的尼克•瓦尼说这项政策(让人感觉就像是)“回到了维多利亚时代”。
Snow said: " the guests are waiting for you, come back soon ah, don't let me be an awkward bride. " 小雪说:“客人都在等着你,快回来啊,不要让我做个尴尬的新娘。”
But after attaining Knowledge he will not have to come back to this earth or to any other plane of existence. 但获得了知识以后,他不会被迫回到这个尘世上,或者是去任何存在的地方。
"What have I given? The world is nothing to me. I have enough to do with myself! " The snail goes back to his house. “我给过什么?这个世界和我没有关系。我自己有足够多的事要做!”蜗牛说着便钻回他的窝里。
And when I tracked that received wisdom back to its source, I found that everything I had learned was just a poor educated guess . 因此当我追溯抽菸成瘾性传统看法的起源时,才发现我所知道的一切只不过是没有根据的专家臆测罢了。
360 was sensitive enough to call back some of its employees on Spring Festival off to counter QQ's sudden challenge. 360非常明智的把员工从春节长假中召集回来,以此应对QQ突如其来的挑战;很快。
This asana is so named because the body mimics the shape of a bow with its string stretched back ready to shoot an arrow. 之所以这样命名是因为身体酷似拉弓,背部伸展拉弓射箭的形状。
Carlo Ancelotti has all his players back from international duty and ready to face the trip to Cagliari. 卡洛。安切洛蒂手下参加完国家队比赛的球员已经全部到齐,全队整顿停当准备出征卡利亚里。
And forgetting his own sorrow he ran back to the place, and saw there a little Hare caught in a trap that some hunter had set for it. 忘记了自己的悲痛,星孩跑回去一看,原来是一只小野兔被困在了猎人设下的陷阱里。
Cathy wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes, turned back to the cart and began loading her groceries onto the belt. Cathy擦去大笑的眼泪,转向购物车,把货物放到传送带上。
Nor did it stop him from smoking the Havana cigars which had become a trademark of his stage act back in the 1920s. 他仍抽着哈瓦那雪茄烟,这已成了他20年代以来的舞台形象的标记。
Then, throwing back his shoulders, he said: "It is of no importance-no importance at all. " 接着他挺了挺胸脯说:“这无关紧要--一点也不要紧。”
No matter what he decides to do with it, it will always be good for my son to have Chinese in his back pocket. 无论他决定以后做的事是否与此有关,对我儿子来说,懂得中文总是有好处的。
He drew back hastily, and passing through the kitchen groped his way along the narrow passages. 他飞速后退,摸索着穿过厨房来到狭窄的走廊里。
On the next circle the fish's back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. 又兜了一圈,鱼的背脊露出来了,不过它离小船还是太远了一点。
Be aware that this function does NOT switch back to the database you were connected before. 注意此函数不会切换回先前连接到的数据库。
I watched as she picked up a large package of T-bones, dropped them in her basket. . . hesitated, and then put them back. 我看着她将一大块T型牛柳丢进购物车,犹豫了一下,然后又将牛柳放回原处。
I tried to do all I could to get him to come back to L. A. But the main thing is, I wanted him to be happy, just being his friend. 我试着做了一切做够做的,让他重回LA,但是最主要的还是,我想让他快乐,我是他的朋友。
These results are likely to add fuel to the debate over how much is needed to lose pounds and keep them from creeping back. 这个结果很有可能给,“需要多大运动量才能减肥并且防止体重反弹?”
At least Rooney, perhaps in a less war-weary condition, will be back in England's colours in an attempt to qualify for 2014. 总之,备战或许不周的鲁尼还可以为2014年身披英格兰战袍奋斗。
Going back in a flash over the women I've known. It's like a chain which I've forged out of my own misery. Each one bound to the other. 我很快回想了一遍我所认识的女人,这就像一条我用自己的痛苦锻造的铁链,一个套着另一个。
As she spoke, I had continued to knee, my eyes on the pictures and notes, fighting back tears. 在她说话时,我继续跪着,我的眼睛盯着那些照片和便条,抑制着眼泪。
They stare back at viewers as if in confrontation, demanding to be recognized as more than anonymous species ideals. 它们好像以对抗的方式目不转睛地回盯着观众,似乎在要求比那些匿名的物种要更接受的多。
The Turin giants have something of an emergency at the back and Beppe Marotta is eager to resolve it when the transfer window opens again. 都灵巨人的后防线已经出现了一定程度的用兵荒,俱乐部总经理贝佩。马洛塔希望在转会窗口再度开启时解决这一问题。
Just by cutting back on small expenses each week you can save a nice bit of money by the end of the year. 只有每周都减少那些不必要的花销,到年末你会节省相当可观的一笔钱。
When the door finally opened I felt a compassionate pat on my back and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. 最后当电梯门打开时,我感到有人在我的背上同情地拍了一下,回过骰来我看到一位年长的修女正在逸靡微笑。
I had no idea what I needed to do to snap out of this mindset but I did know that something big had happened and there was no turning back. 我完全不知道怎样做才能振作起来,但知道有些事发生就无法回头了。
Hillary Clinton, just back from Iraq, said on January 17th that she supported legislation to put a cap on the number of troops there. 刚从伊拉克回来的希拉里•克林顿,在1月17日说道,她赞同通过立法给军队数目设定上限。