
美 [bɪˈlɔŋ]英 [bɪˈlɒŋ]
  • v.应在(某处);适应;合得来
  • 网络属于;住;属於

第三人称单数:belongs 现在分词:belonging 过去式:belonged




1.[i]+ adv./prep.应在(某处)to be in the right or suitable place

2.[i]适应;合得来to feel comfortable and happy in a particular situation or with a particular group of people


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... Spotty 人名 belong 属于 belong to 属于 ...

新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... beings n. 人 belong vi. belongings n. 行李 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... belly 腹部 belong 属於 belongings 所有物 ...


归属(belong)则不需要改变自己; 也就是说,只需要做自己。———————————————— 「Zoe说」


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... bell a. 钟,铃 belong v. 属,附属,隶属 beloved a. 受爱戴的,敬爱的 n.爱人,被心爱的人 ...

归属感 ... 一切从模仿开始 Flattery Which Defines 归属感 Belong 罪恶的存在 The Existence of Evil ...


四级常用短语_百度知道 ... belly n 肚子;腹部 belong vi. 属于;应归入 belong to 属于… ...

I just stood silently inside This is a bit cold autumn wind, watching the dark night sky, performing a drama does not belong to me. 我只静静的站在这有点冷的秋风里,看着漆黑的夜空,上演着不属于我的戏剧。
"You know what'll I say? " I am surprised of his answer. Do not since he knows why the meeting remains, belong to his alleyway in this? “你知道我要说什么?”我很惊讶他的回答。既然他知道,为什么又会停留在这个不属于他的胡同?
This was a very special gift that God was entrusting to her. A gift that would one day belong to the world. 这是上帝托付给她的一件特别的礼物,上帝告诉她终有一天它将属于整个世界。
The child did not belong to any risk group and thus did not receive BCG vaccination as a newborn. 孩子不属于任何危险群,因此没有收到接种卡介苗作为一个新生。
this world some things should not belong to you, and lost it on the lost, not to be too concerned about, and not to tortured themselves. 这世上还有些东西本不该属于你的,失去了就失去了吧,不要太在意,也不要折磨自己。
When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was, he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents. 亨特注意到他穿着讲究,象是受到良好照管的样子,他想这一定是有钱,有身份人家的孩子。
Treat them as if they were very dear to you, but know in your heart of hearts that they do not belong to you. 对待他们就像他们亲切地对待你一样,但内心深处要知道他们并不属于你。
Branches Beautiful appearance, but that this does not belong to own thing, would be stripped true colours. 美的假象,但那本不属于自己的东西被剥离时,就会原形毕露。
You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 你们都是光明之子,都是白昼之子。我们不是属黑夜的,也不是属幽暗的。
The first time I'd flipped through it, I'd seen nothing but confirmation of the fact that this strange new woman didn't belong in my house. 我第一次翻看这本书时,我只是确认了这样的事实:这个奇怪的新女人不属于我的家。
We think of the poor as possessing very little, yet Jesus said the riches of heaven belong to the poor in spirit. 我们认为穷人是生活有匮乏的人,然而耶稣说,天堂中的富人是自觉心灵贫穷的人。
You'll see odd, wavy plants growing out of the desert that look as if they belong underwater. 你将在沙漠中看到破浪形状的植物,它们就好像生长在水中。
ASHLEY: You seem to belong here. As if it had all been imagined for you. 希礼:你似乎属于这儿,这儿的一切好像都是你梦想的。
He examined and tested the plant, but it did not belong to his system of botany, nor could he possibly find out to what class it did belong. 他检查和测试工厂,但它不属于他的植物体系,他可能也无法找到它没有什么阶级归属。
Caves belong to the most enigmatic formations, created by Mother Nature on the surface of planet Earth, or, to be more accurate, beneath it. 洞穴堪称最神秘的构造,是大自然母亲在地球表面,或者更精确些,在地表以下巧夺天工的创造。
wisdom belongs to me, emptiness does not belong to me, to grasp every moment, and I next to a beautiful agreement. 智慧属于我,空虚不属于我,把握每一分每一秒,我与未来来个美丽的约定。
All that now seems to belong to a distant, prelapsarian, naive age. 现在看来,这些终究只是那个遥远、纯洁而又天真的年代才有的。
To the beginning of Gaocheng Longqing, still belong to the original in Nanjing (see the case of things the "old Beijing, the word Lin" ). 至隆庆初告成,仍归原本于南京(案事见《旧京词林志》)。
However, you will be able to be a member to more than one guild, with the restriction that you can only belong to one warlike guild. 然而,您可以成为好几个公会的成员,但是您只能加入一个战斗公会。
Our out-groups are the groups to which we are not equal to in terms of status and thus do not belong to. 外群体就是和我们的身份地位不相等,我们不属于的群体。
Adding or removing a permission from a default group might have significant repercussions for the users that belong to that group. 在默认组中添加或移除权限会对属于该组的用户产生重要影响。
But one must be blind in order not to see that oceans no longer belong to the West, while land under its domination keeps shrinking. 只有瞎了的人才不会看见那些海洋已经不属于西方,而受西方支配的土地正在缩水。
But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups. 但种族和贫困问题则是构成上学的障碍:全球三分之二的失学女童属于少数族裔群体。
I am an honest man, you see; this child does not belong to me; she belongs to her mother. 我是一个诚实人,您知道。这小姑娘不是我的,是她妈的。
The competition among modem enterprises has gradually upgraded to that of industry chains which the enterprises belong to. 现代企业的竞争已经逐渐升级为企业所在产业的产业链之间的竞争。
In retrospect, it was foolish of me to think I could belong to a country I had no memories of and had only visited sporadically. 现在回头想想,我真是够天真地去觉得可以属于一个我没有任何回忆并且只是偶尔回来逛逛的国家。
they had not trifled with fortune, but had fulfilled all the requirements that belong to the business of treasure -hunting . 他们没有那么幸运;但是就挖宝而言,他们已经尽了最大努力。
Russia, the United States and other countries jointly operate the International Space Station, to which China does not belong. 俄罗斯、美国与其他国家共同运营国际空间站,中国并不属于其中。
A growing number of American adults (16 percent) do not belong to any particular religious group. 越来越多的美国成年人(16%)不属于任何一个宗教团体。
Should I move toward her? Was she like a bubble that would burst? Honestly, at this point, my limbs seemed to belong to someone else. 我是不是在幻觉中?是不是朝母亲那边走去?她会不会像个气泡那么炸开,无影无踪?坦白说,在这个节骨眼上,我的四肢仿佛并不属于我自己了。