
美 [ˈbækwərd]英 [ˈbækwə(r)d]
  • adv.向后;倒;回向原处
  • adj.向后的;朝后的;倒退的;反向的
  • 网络后退;落后的;向后地

backward step
backward country,backward Economy,backward region


1.[obn]向后的;朝后的directed or moving towards the back

2.倒退的;反向的moving in a direction that means that no progress is being made

3.落后的;进步缓慢的having made less progress than normal; developing slowly


英语构词法 - 搜搜百科 ... collective 集体的 backward 向后, eastward 向东 ...


高二英语必修五单词列表_百度文库 ... movement n. 移动 backward adj. 向后的 loop n. 圈 ...


AGV_百度百科 ... 前进 Forward 后退 Backward 侧移 Crabwise ...


大学英语四、六级单词、词组 - 豆丁网 ... background n. 背景;经历 backward a. 向后的;落后的 bacon n. 熏猪肉 ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... backup 备份 备份 Backward 反向 左右反向 bad 不正确的 不正确 ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Forward 向前地 Backward 向后地 Downwards 向下 ...


lee的博客 - lee - 网易博客 ... baby-sit v. 看管(婴孩) backward adj. 退步的;相反的 baggage n. 行李 ...

Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right. 他假装用左拳进攻,可以马上退后半步,把右拳用全力向上猛攻。
"You will not change them" - Referring to men as though your only option is accepting your fate as an Egyptian girl in a backward society. “妳没办法改变他的”-在一个思想落伍的社会里,妳唯一的选择就是接受身为一个埃及女孩的命运。
As he took a step backward, the magician turned to face him, fixing him with a pair of unsettlingly deep brown eyes. 当他后撤了一步时,法师转过身来,一双让人不安的深褐色眼睛注视着他。
He took one step, slipped on a wet spot, fell backward, and hit his back against the hard porcelain bathtub. 刚走一步,他踩在一块湿的地方,摔倒在地,他的背重重摔在陶瓷浴缸上。
Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw. 他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。
Not ours, Shemsen thought as he sculled backward , easing his way slowly out of the uncanny school. We are bait, not even meat. 不是“我们的”,舍姆森边向后划边想,让自己的路线慢慢离开那群不寻常的家伙。我们是诱饵,连肉都不算。
Likewise, if the woman must lift, it is safest for her to lift cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend. 同样的,如果女选手要起高球,最好的方法就是起斜线球给对方的男选手,以便她能够退后一步进行防守。
He is puzzlingly enchanted with a bit of film shot when Flannery was 5, displaying a chicken she had "taught" to walk backward. 他莫名其妙地迷上了弗兰纳里5岁时的一个电影短片,展示她“教会”一只鸡倒着走路。
Now that I speak . . . I'm very stubborn, relatively backward, you want me to the wind wind, rain is big with the rain, I wouldn't do. 现在该我发言了……我这个人很顽固,比较落后,你要我这种人风大随风,雨大随雨,我就不干。
As the refrigerant does not flow backward before it flows into a compression space, it is possible to improve the compression efficiency. 由于在制冷剂流入压缩空间前制冷剂不会回流,所以能够提高压缩效率。
Amazingly, da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror. 令人惊奇的是达芬奇写下了反向,所以读他的笔记的最简单的方法便是在镜子前面举着笔记。
The painter was consumed by his own painting, and so excited with it that he unconsciously took a few steps backward while admiring it. 画家被自己的画所吸引,他非常兴奋,一边欣赏一边不经意地向后退。
It looked like he was trying to scoot backward, to somehow escape the bomb strapped to his neck. 他似乎想要往后面逃,以甩掉捆在他脖子上的炸弹。
"Far from making progress we seem to have been going backward since the notion of reproductive health was born, " Phumaphi said. 自从生殖健康的观点提出以来,我们似乎不是在进步而是在倒退。
He never stood off from the backward comrades; on the contrary, he was always willing to help them. 他对后进的同志从不疏远,相反,他总是愿意帮助他们。
She began to step backward toward the door, when something about her plaintive face attracted him. 她开始向门口落后,这时她悲哀的脸吸引了他。
I yelped and craned my head backward, trying to see what was going on. 我疼得直喊,努力把头转过去,试图看到背上到底怎么了。
But the general tendency in Sun specifications is to always maintain backward compatibility, or at least maintain it for quite a long time. 但是Sun规范总体趋向于始终维护向后兼容性,或至少在相当长的一段时间内维护向后兼容性。
The path we've been on is blocked; we need to take a few steps backward to be able to go forward again. 这就像是前方的道路被堵住,就需要后退几步以便重新前进一样。
Or I can choose to make a specific amount and work backward to see what I will have to do in order to make it happen. 而我还可以选择获得特定数额的收入然后回归头来看要达到这个目标我需要做什么。
All this bears out the suggestion that any Chinese who had come to Europe in the +9th century would have found it a rather backward place. 这一切意味着,如果早在公元9世纪有中国人来到欧洲,他就会发现这是一个相当落后的地方。
As an economically backward country, Cuba's social security level is at the front ranks of the world. 古巴作为经济发展缓慢的国家,其社会保障事业的发展水平却位居世界前列。
My feet shot out in front of me and I fell backward. My spine landed flat on a rock and my head snapped back against a rough crest of stone. 我的双脚向前,身子向后摔倒,脊梁骨结结实实地着地,脑袋仰着磕到坚硬的石头上。
And the extent of rural discontent is at last becoming known, as western journalists are slowly allowed to explore the backward interior. 随着对西方记者在中国内陆省区采访调查限制的逐渐放宽,中国农村地区的不满情绪逐渐引起各界关注。
Then slowly he began to walk, not forward or backward, but in the same place, in the center of the log. 他开始慢慢走动,但并没有向前或向后,而是在圆木中间走动。
The market subject tends to hold forward expectations in time of deflation but backward expectations in time of inflation. 市场主体在通货紧缩时期的预期方式是前瞻性预期强于后向预期,通货膨胀时期预期以后向为主。
Sitting in the bus, and looking at all that moved backward quickly outside window, I was confused much more. 我坐在公车里,看着窗外飞速向后移动的一切,我便觉得更加的茫然了。
In response to a threat from the front, the fly moves its middle legs forward, leans back and raises its back legs for a backward takeoff. 在对前方威胁的反应中,苍蝇向前移动中腿,后倾,并且抬起其后腿实现向后起飞。
I trail with perfectly placed backward steps, looking at the world after Hattie has passed it, which makes it a little friendlier somehow. 我倒退脚步跟行自如,打量着海蒂路过的世界,她的经过不知怎么使它变得友好些了。
As a consequence, when I came of age I left the city without sparing it a backward glance. 其结果是,当我成年后离开这座城市时,不屑回头多看它一眼。