
美 [bæɡ]英 [bæɡ]
  • n.手提包;旅行袋;塑料袋;眼袋
  • v.把…装进袋子;猎杀(动物);得分;抢占
  • 网络包包;书包;背包

复数:bags 现在分词:bagging 过去式:bagged

plastic bag,small bag,black bag,brown bag,blue bag
carry bag,take bag,get bag,find bag,hold bag


n. v.


1.[c](尤指商店用的)纸袋,塑料袋a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in shops/stores

2.[c]手提包;旅行袋a strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc., usually with one or two handles, used to carry things in when shopping or travelling


3.[c]~ (of sth)一袋(的量)the amount contained in a bag

4.[u][pl](informal)~ (of sth)大量;很多a large amount or a large number of sth


bag and baggage

(尤指秘密地或突然地)携带全部财产with all your possessions, especially secretly or suddenly

a bag of bones

瘦骨嶙峋的人(或动物);皮包骨a very thin person or animal

be in the bag

十拿九稳;稳操胜券if sth isin the bag , it is almost certain to be won or achieved

leave sb holding the bag

突然把重担推给某人to suddenly make sb responsible for sth important, such as finishing a difficult job, that is really your responsibility

(not) sbs bag

(非)爱好,特长(not) sth that you are interested in or good at

日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... book 书 bag post card 明信片 ...


首页-Cap-fashion【帽子飞起来】-淘宝网 ... 皮带「 Belt」 包包Bag」 上新区「 New arrival」 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...

褚字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 丝绵衣服〖 silkwaddingclothes〗 囊,bag〗 褚 chǔ ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... know v. 知道;了解 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子 math n. 数学 ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... board- 板子 bag- 背包 burden 负担、包袱, ...


人教版·七年级英语词汇表(上册)附音标 - 豆丁网 ... know 知道,了解 bag 书包,提包,口袋 math 数学 ...

A few days ago a girl careful not to fall due to slippery road, hit a bag on his head. 一女生前些天因下雨路滑不小心摔了一跤,脑袋上撞了个包。
I took a bag from the seat-pocket and gave it to him. He remained silent, holding on tight to the seat in front of him. 我从椅背的口袋里拿出袋子递给他,他一言不发,紧紧抓着前面的椅背。
I ran back in the direction of my house but I forgot about my school bag which I had dropped while trying to get away. 我朝着我家的方向跑去,我的书包在我挣扎的时候掉在了地上,但是我忘记了。
Look at my honey's heavy bag, can you guess how much weight is it? 看,我老公的背包,你能猜猜有多重么?
Baseball Any one of the four corners of an infield, marked by a bag or plate, that must be touched by a runner before a run can be scored. 棒球内场的四个角中的一个,用一个袋或盘作标记,跑着得分之前,跑者必须触摸到它。
When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-line shape. 该包装袋在沿着热封层的拉伸方向撕裂时,撕口成直线状。
The young woman took a cup out of her bag and threw it over the heads of other people who were looking at the painting. 果个后生女从自己个手袋拿出一只茶杯,跟住在睇紧画果堆人的头上掉过去。
Originally the carton was developed as a patched bag, but over time it has evolved into a bag in a carton skeleton. 原本纸箱是发展成为一个补丁包,但随着时间的推移它已发展成为一纸箱骨架袋发展。
Officials whisked Ms Deng off to a mental asylum, saying that antidepressant pills found in her bag showed she was psychologically unstable. 地方官员迅速将邓女士转移到一家精神病院,并称在她包里发现的抗忧郁药表示她精神不稳定。
He took special care of the bag and dreamed of the day it would contain marbles with which he could play and share with his friends. 他对这个包特别小心,梦想有一天包里装满大理石,他自己与大理石玩耍,并且跟朋友一起玩耍。
"You're going to want Rat Chow, " he said, handing him a ten-pound sack, "and a bag or two of these wood shavings. " “你就要得到鼠食品了,”他说着递给他一个能装十磅重东西的袋子,“在这些木质存储物中拿出一两袋。”
How much for a bag in that code? 在这个代码下一包多少钱?
With a Vuitton coin pouch, you know where your coins are thus you wouldn't have to flip your bag upside down looking for a quarter. 用硬币袋威登的话,你知道去哪里你的硬币是这样,你就不会翻你的袋子颠倒过来找一个季度。
When I take a bus, I hang on to the straps with both hands so nobody even thinks I might be trying to steal their bag. 当我坐公车的时候,我总是双手紧握手扶带子这样才没有人会怀疑我偷他们的袋子。
We walked for a moment, and I found a beautiful school bag hanged on the wall. 我们走了没一会,我就发现了一个漂亮的书包挂在墙上。
Of course such a drastic measure comes with its own bag of user and possible managerial resistance due to its invasive nature. 当然这样一个重大措施会背上大量用户的包袱,并可能茵拒有侵犯性而引发管理抵制。
The old lady walks in with the evening crowd, clutching an old bag that she sets down in the middle of the square. 老妇人随着傍晚的人流走进来,手里紧紧抓着一只旧口袋,在广场中央坐下来。
One of the guys took out a pair of Nikes from his bag and started to put them on. 其中一个人从他的包里拿出一双耐克鞋,然后开始穿上它。
guessed that the bag on the right is the real Louis Vuitton, good for you. But it's easy to be fooled by a fake, like the one on the left. 如果你猜测右边这款包是路易威登的正品,那么恭喜你答对了。不过人们很容易被假货欺骗,就像左边的这个包。
Putting down his shopping bag, Will held out his hand, and the cat came up to him. 威尔放下购物袋,伸出手,小猫向他走过来。
At this time, his wife said: "Could that be heaven to see our poor, left this bag of money to rescue us? " 这时,他老婆说:“莫非是上天看到我们可怜,丢下这袋钱来救咱们么?”
he took an empty bag from the wagon and began to fill it with papers, rags. 他看到从马车上有一个空袋子,开始用它装满了废纸,破布。
The Fox lifted the big, heavy bag up till it was over the open kettle, and gave it a shake. 老狐狸把那个又大又沉的袋子举起来,放在打开的水壶上头一抖。哗!
"You are crazier than a Serb, " said the boss, before reaching into a carrier bag and handing me a beer. “你比塞族人还要疯狂,”老板这么说,然后从背包里掏出一罐啤酒给我。
Police are on the case. Be on the look out for a really bad-spelling dirt-bag wielding a box-cutter and a face full of shame. 目前警方已经接手此案,正在搜寻一个单词都不会拼的大垃圾,他可能嚣张地挥舞着美工刀,但是也因为自己的没文化而满脸羞愧。
Very occasionally a mail bag or two would find its way into one of the transport planes, but what was that among so many? 有时候这样的一个邮包或两个人会找到自己的方式成为一个运输飞机,但那是怎么在这麽多?。
One night while getting ready to go onstage, Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag. 一天晚上,在为登台准备,Dana正慌忙地搜着他的隐形眼睛包。
The only people you see are queuing [lining up] to buy a bag of bread or something like this. 你唯一能看到的是那些排队买面包等食品的人。
She got the small things I got from my parents: new dress, new bag, new pair of slippers, a piece of lollipop, hairpin, etc. 我的父母像对我一样给了她许多东西:新裙子,新书包,新拖鞋,棒棒糖,发夹等等。
a small bag provided on request by a restaurant for a customer to carry home leftovers of a meal, ostensibly to feed a dog or other pet. 酒店顾客要求提供一种小袋子,用来把剩食带回家,显然是带去喂狗和其他宠物。