because we believe

  • 网络我们相信;因为我们相信;修改

because we believebecause we believe

because we believe


Andrea... ... Bellissime Stelle 星光灿烂 Because We Believe 我们相信 A Te feat. Kenney G on sax soprano 献给你 ...


“天籁男伶”专辑引进... ... 3. Luna 月亮 4. Because We Believe 因为我们相信 5. I Only Know How to Love 我知道如何去爱 ...


Because We Believe 歌词... ... Andrea Bocelli( 安德烈波伽利) 16.Because We Believe( 修改) > My Christmas( 我的世纪礼赞) ...


北医图‧阅... ... That’s my goal — 逐梦之路,至善至美 Because we believe因为相信,克服障碍 The prayer — 诚心祈祷, …

Trying to be a better person because we believe it will encourage God to love us more is also an insufficient motive for growth. 试图将它更好的人,因为我们相信上帝的爱将激励我们更加也是不够用心的成长空间。
"We extended his contract because we believe in him, " said the manager. 温格说,“我们与他续约是因为我们相信他。”
My dear girl, you know, that he, in our hearts so important, but give it to you, and we don't worry, because we believe that ? 亲爱的女孩,你知道吗,那个他,在我们心中多么重要,但是把它交给你,我们不担心,因为我们相信,你是爱他的,我们更相信,他的眼光不会错!
Sometimes we find ourselves putting off the end of a project because we believe we'll always have time "later. " 有时我们发现自己喜欢拖拖拉拉,因为我们相信我们后来总有时间的。
We're going to rebuild Japan because we believe it is in the best interests of your children. 我们要重建日本,因为我们相信这对你们的子孙后代最有利。
Young us, floating youth, the dream in the heart PangPai surges, excited, because we believe that young and without fail. 年轻我们,青春飞扬,梦想在心中汹涌滂湃,激动不已,因为我们相信:年轻没有失败。
We read the classics, he said, because we believe they say more than the author meant. 他说,我们之所以阅读经典,是因为我们相信经典作品表达得比作者本人想表达的含义还要丰富。
We do this because we believe in the dignity and value of every person. 我们这样做是因为我们相信每个人的尊严和价值。
We do not believe in scale because we believe in quality, and scale and numbers will automatically happen. 我们不追求数量因为我们主张的是质量大规模和多数量会自动发生的。
We buy Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified pulp because we believe only sustainable pulp should be used to make paper. 我们买的森林管理委员会(FSC)认证的纸浆,因为我们相信只有持续纸浆应该被用来制造纸张。
Compassionate Americans want to help, not for our own benefit, but because we believe that every human life has value. 她说:“富有关爱之心的美国人民愿意帮助别人,不是为了自己获益,而是因为我们相信每一个人的生命都是宝贵的。”
America supports international trade because we believe fundamentally that trade will enrich those nations who embrace its discipline . 美国支持国际贸易,因为我们相信,贸易会使那些遵守行为准则的国家富裕起来。
At this stage, we choose to prioritize growth because we believe the scale is essential to achieving the potential of our business model. 在这一阶段,我们选择优先增长,因为我们相信发挥我们公司,商业模型的潜力,规模是最重要的。
Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves. 美国人民慷慨、强大、体面,这并非因为我们信任我们自己,而是因为我们拥有超越我们自己的信念。
WCS is committed to this work because we believe it essential to the integrity of life on Earth. 野生动植物保护协会正在致力于这方面的工作,因为我们相信它的完整性至关重要地球上的生命。
We smirk because we believe that synthetic happiness is not of the same quality as what we might call natural happiness. 我们假笑是因为我们相信合成的快乐比不上天然的快乐。
ETS will not give a word per minute speed because we believe that all test takers will have enough time to complete the tasks. ETS相信所有的考生都会有足够的时间来完成考试,所以不给出每分钟打字字数的建议。
We also support the OpenID standard because we believe in advancing this open effort. 我们也支持OpenID标准,因为我们认为这一开放计划很有前途。
Because we believe that it's not biology, it's culture. 我们认为这并不是天生的,而是文化(环境)。
Because we believe this is the right thing to do we will take these steps regardless of the pending Government response to the report . . . 我们相信这是一件正确的事情,不管政府对这份建议书的意见是什么,我们都会采取行动。
We created the Gates Foundation in 2000 because we believe in the principle that every human life has equal worth. 年,我们创建了盖茨夫妇基金会,因为我们原则上相信,每个人的生命都同样有价值。
We also will reach out beyond governments, because we believe partnerships with people play a critical role in our 21st century statecraft. 我们还将广泛对外接触,不仅限于各国政府,因为我们认为与人民结成伙伴关系对于我们21世纪的治国方略具有极其重要的作用。
How often do we forget our dreams because we believe they are too ambitious without even trying? 因为感觉自己目标过高,未曾努力过,又有多少次我们遗忘了自己的梦想?
We don't always see the easy path because we believe that the difficult path is somehow better or we gain more when we struggle. 然而容易的路径却常常被我们忽视,因为一般都认为困难的路径较好,或是经过奋战后会获得较多。
And it is right because we believe we should not stand aside while this dictator murders his own people. 本次行动之所以正确,是因为我们相信,当该独裁者对其民众挥动屠刀之时,我们不应该袖手旁观。
"We have more money for investments because we believe that is where job creation is greater, " Pelosi said. 佩洛西说:“我们将更多的资金用于投资,因为我们相信投资能创造更多的就业机会。”
Even though we know that that's not true, we stick with it because we believe there are no alternatives. 尽管我们知道事实并非如此,我们还是一如既往,因为我们以为除此以外别无他法。
Accountable because we believe in your child's future. 因为我们深信您孩子的光明未来!
Gold has value only because we believe it is valuable. 黄金有价值仅仅因为我们认为它有价值。
I doesn't matter because we believe anecdotes, we believe what we see, what we think we see, what makes us feel real. 因为我们喜欢听小故事,我们会相信我们眼睛看到的,相信我们内心认为我们看到的相信那些让我们觉得真实的事情。