
美 [beɪt]英 [beɪt]
  • n.诱饵;鱼饵;用作诱饵的人(或物)
  • v.下诱饵;在(鱼钩上、陷阱中等)放诱饵;(故意以侮辱性言语)激怒
  • 网络引诱物;诱惑;钓饵

复数:baits 现在分词:baiting 过去式:baited

bait hook


n. v.

1.鱼饵;诱饵food put on a hook to catch fish or in nets, traps, etc. to catch animals or birds


侠盗猎车手3_百度百科 ... 罗伍失踪 LOVE'S DISAPPEARANCE 诱饵 BAIT 萨姆导弹 S.A.M. ...


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... illegal adj. 不合法的;违法的 bait n. 鱼饵;诱饵 target n. 目标;靶子 ...


lee的博客 - lee - 网易博客 ... baggage n. 行李 bait n. 引诱物;饵 bald adj. 秃头的,光秃的 ...


  一是诱惑Bait),把敌人引诱到使用此技能者旁边,选一战一法的人可以用这个技能来保护法师,10级最高可引诱50级的怪 …


20~30公尺绑一钓钩(hook)和钓饵(bait),主绳全长可达百多公里。延绳钓是一般渔船公司或捕鲔船队采用的方式,台湾东港渔民 …


大海啸鲨口逃生 (Bait) 30秒预告片 电影达人 62 <大海啸鲨口逃生>中文版预告片 neonan 16231 大海啸鲨口逃生大海啸之鲨口 …

It did not come from the stern area, where the bait had been put into the water, but from the side. 它不是从我们放置诱饵的船尾水域上来的,而是从另一侧。
Nearby was an empty Mason jar labelled "Human Sweat" and a bunch of yellow sponges in a plastic bag marked "Human Bait. " 它旁边放着一个拧着金属盖的玻璃瓶,上面标着“人汗”,再旁边是一个标着“蚊饵”的塑料袋,里面放着一块黄色的海绵。
And what you're seeing here is a bait box with a bunch of -- like the cockroaches of the ocean -- there are isopods all over it. 这里你看到的是一个诱饵盒子有着一堆--像海里的蟑螂--类似甲壳类动物的东西。
Although a bait cast rod can be used for drop shotting purposes, a spinning rod gives a bit more versatility to this light-line technique. 虽然枪柄竿也可以用来倒钓,但是纺车竿对这种细线玩法更胜一筹。
Not ours, Shemsen thought as he sculled backward , easing his way slowly out of the uncanny school. We are bait, not even meat. 不是“我们的”,舍姆森边向后划边想,让自己的路线慢慢离开那群不寻常的家伙。我们是诱饵,连肉都不算。
The hydraulic lift raises a great white shark, which had been caught with tuna bait, out of the Pacific Ocean off Mexico in 2008. 2008年,在远离墨西哥的太平洋海域,这台液压电梯把一条已经被金枪鱼诱饵钓上钩的大白鲨提了起来。
It's bait she'll dangle out there to see if you bite, usually in the form of a mild insult or a snarky attitude. 她会挂出诱饵看你是不是会上当,通常会以软磨硬泡的方式。
The U. S. photographer said he had deployed his assistant Mauricio Handler (pictured) as bait for this friendly 70-ton giant. 这位美国摄影师说他安排了助手毛利西奥·汉德勒(图中人)作为这头友好的70吨重庞然大物的诱饵。
If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky. 如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。
For the young fish had just hatched out, the bait of choice is all the more important. 对于刚刚孵化出来的幼鱼来说,饵料的选择便显得格外重要。
Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it. 不要咬那欢乐的饵直到你知道背后没有个鱼钩。
He took the bait like a male and he pulls like a male and his fight has no panic in it. 看它吃鱼饵和拉扯鱼线的方式,都像一条公鱼,而它面对这场战斗也毫不惊慌。
No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. 没有飞鱼跳出水面,鱼饵鱼也都没有散开。
If you are trying to match a particular bait, the color of your fly should match the color of the bait for the depth you are fishing. 如果你想匹配一个特定的诱饵,你毛勾的颜色应与你捕鱼的水深颜色相配。
greed or boredom do not really explain why he took the bait. 贪得无厌不能真正说明他为什么会吞下这枚诱饵。
because he, along with the formidable bait also swallowed the little nothing, and he spent some time trying to regurgitate it. 因为伴随著这个巨大的钓饵,他也吞嚥下这个小小的空无。他花费一些时间将这个空无消化反刍。
Lobster, I take the bait and slowly the rod and lobster and no mention of pliers, as I let go fishing pole slowly get out of the water. 等龙虾上钩后,我慢慢地提起钓竿,龙虾并没有放开钳子,随着我的钓竿慢慢离开水面。
It's common to see large predatory sharks come in and feed on schools of bait-fish - the odd thing was I didn't see any bait-fish at all! 大型肉食鱼类追逐捕食鱼群还算常见——但奇怪的是我根本没有看到鱼群。
We don't recommended wearing the bait bag on the front of our body. It becomes too big of a distraction for new dogs. 我们不建议把腰包戴在身体前面。这是因为对于初训狗来说腰包是个过大的干扰。
Did not catch up, not urgent but not dry, but steadily from the water or slow or illness to withdraw fishing rod, and then the next bait. 没有钓上来的,不急不燥,只是稳稳地从水中或慢或疾地抽回钓杆,然后再下饵。
Text together responds to come over right away, that person takes Qian son, just for leading him to take the bait, but the body of Qian son? 文齐马上反应过来,那个人带走芊儿,只是为了引他上钩,可是芊儿的身体呢?
Harry knew he shouldn't have risen to Dudley's bait, but Dudley had said the very thing Harry had been thinking himself . 哈利知道他不应该上达力的钩,可是达力说中了哈利的心事……
Note: test such as bait, can be an easy job to make a lot of people showing greedy nature, however it is often suffer deceived start. 注:试探如饵,可以轻而易举的使许多人显露出贪婪的本性,然而那常常是吃亏受骗的开始。
Bryant did not take the bait. "What is it with you, you want to emotionally drain me? " Bryant responded with a smile. 布莱恩特没有上当,微笑着说,“你怎么想,你不会让我回答这样的问题吧?”
You are lured to the site by a bait and switch scheme, in which the product or service is not what you were expecting. 通过“诱饵调包”阴谋将您引诱到该站点,在这个过程中提供的产品或服务不是您想要的。
First, the point to be awarded slightly better than the drift bait to bait. 定点微诱饵优于颁需变位地饵。
but they know nothing about the hook of hooks with which to angle for the pond itself, impaling the legislature for a bait. 但是,他们不知道那钓钩上钓起了最好的湖上风光,而立法也成为钓饵了。
If you're grinding the bottom with a deep crank bait and suddenly hit something, it could mean there's a hump, a stump or big rock there. 如果你的深潜crank舌板不停的在水底摩擦,但是突然碰到什么,这说明那里可能有个暗岛,树桩,或者是大石头。
The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to take in and hold as if by using bait or a lure. 这些动词所共有的中心意义是。象使用鱼饵一样欺骗并捕获。
In fact, during less tolerant eras, a homosexual honey trap with a goal of blackmail could be just as effective as using women as bait. 事实上,在社会缺少宽容的岁月里,一桩同性美人计的好戏同异性美人计一样,为了达到要挟的目的,都卓有成效。