
美 [bʌz]英 [bʌz]
  • n.嗡嗡声;传闻;蜂鸣声;唧唧喳喳的谈话声
  • v.发出嗡嗡声;发出蜂鸣声;充满兴奋(或活动等);用蜂鸣器(发信号)
  • int.(消息)早过时了
  • 网络嗡嗡叫;蜂音;巴兹

第三人称单数:buzzes 现在分词:buzzing 过去式:buzzed



v. n.

1.[i]发出嗡嗡声to make a continuous low sound

2.[i]发出蜂鸣声to make a sound like a bee buzzing

3.[i]充满兴奋(或活动等)to be full of excitement, activity, etc.

4.[i][t]~ (sth) (for sb/sth)用蜂鸣器(发信号)to call sb to come by pressing a buzzer


写出下列“叫”的同义词_爱问知识人 ... bray: (驴等的)叫声 buzz: (蜜蜂、蚊子等)嗡嗡声 cackle: (母鸡下蛋后)咯咯声 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bush 灌木 buzz (蜂等)嗡嗡叫 C calcium 钙 ...


最新消息:2013考研英语大纲新增60词汇_沪江考研 ... botany 1植物学 buzz 1嗡嗡声,蜂音 censorship 1审查(制度),检查…


...m);卡奇 (Kacheek);天马 (Uni);巴兹 (Buzz);猎奔 (Lupe);艾非象 (Elephante);杰乐 (Gelert);明晰猴 (Mynci);奇俐 (Ky…


优印良品 皮克斯 玩具总动员 巴斯光年(Buzz)T恤(3件包邮) ¥58.00 优印良品 皮克斯 玩具总动员 警长胡迪(Woody)T恤(3件包邮) …


闵庆勋buzz) 胆小鬼 祝你幸福 不要站在我们离别的前面 (世界上的一个人) My Love (And) My Darling (End) 等评论| 评论| 李 …

For all the buzz of CPAC, however, the straw poll has never been a reliable guide to ultimate success. 抛开党内的喧嚣,民意调查测验对最终的胜利并没有多大的指导意义。
It's as if there were a buzz in all the different parts of the body. 就仿佛体内所有不同的部位都在滋滋作声。
The company is using the buzz-around display to promote its line of tennis apparel, in conjunction with its sponsorship of the U. S. Open. 该公司正在用快速的切换展示宣传自己的网球系列服饰,同时也为赞助美网公开赛作宣传。
But the academic buzz around the subject isn't just a case of eggheads rationalizing their slothfulness. 但围绕这个主题进行的学术讨论并不是一群学究在试图合理化他们的怠惰。
Me: I understand, but I still can't figure it out. By the way, I was not expecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat. 我:这我都懂,可我就是摸不着头绪。顺便提一下,我并不希望你用即时信息不断地干扰我的工作。
An audible buzz can be heard when placing speaker cables (or any other analog audio cable) within a few inches of a live power cable. 只要将扬声器线缆(或者其他模拟音频线)放在距离通电电缆很近的时候,就能听到嗡嗡的干扰声。
I'll admit that things like this can turn dangerous very quickly, but there was a buzz being a part of democracy in action. 我承认这件事很快会发展到危险的地步。但行动中却有一个成为民主一部分的声音。
That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think "Hey, I'm fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing. " 咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”
All black lacquer and chrome, it might look too much like a nightclub for some people's taste but it had quite a buzz. 全黑漆和铬合金可能会使一些人觉得像夜店,但是,它引起一阵热潮。
In essence he made her emotions buzz with his statements, and then used her defeat as an excuse to hug her. 重要的是,她的情绪被调动起来了。他常以此为借口来抱抱她。
When I got to the park for our date, I looked around for a blond man with a buzz cut and a military bearing. 我到了约定地点后,朝四周张望,寻找一位短发、有军人风度的白肤男士。
The environmental mode has a bit of a buzz in the background. 对环境的模式,因为在后台一些议论。
Before he gets out of bed, Zhang Kaihong grabs his phone, logs on to his microblog and checks out the early morning buzz. 起床前,张凯洪(音)拿起他的电话,登陆他的微博,查看早间的最新动态。
It created a real buzz amongst the players and it got even better when he said the names of the two he'd be taking with him. 肯尼的话音刚落,教室里立刻炸开了锅,而当他说出那两个名字的时候,我感到更加美妙了。
You don't have to deal with the buzz of florescent lights all day long, or stare endlessly at the drab gray cubicle walls. 不必要一整天都开着白炽灯听它嗡嗡作响,没完没了的坐在灰褐色的办公隔间里。
And for that moment, at least, it seemed as if he could feel the plush grass underfoot and hear the buzz of the crowd. 至少在那一刻,他彷佛感觉到脚下绵密如绒的草皮,也听到了场上球迷的吵杂声。
His son, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said casinos would generate the kind of "buzz" found in London, Paris and New York. 他的大儿子、新加坡现任总理李显龙表示,赌场会带来伦敦、巴黎和纽约那样的热闹氛围。
Among the first to do so was The Word of Mouth Marketing Association, an organisation for the viral and buzz marketing industry. 最早这样做的机构包括口碑营销协会(TheWordofMouthMarketingAssociation),这是一个病毒式口碑营销的行业组织。
At least, that's the buzz among efficiency mavens, who seem to spendall their time adding up microblogging's fiscal toll. 至少,那是效率专家们发出的嗡嗡叫,他们似乎把所有时间都用来增加微博的财政收入。
It took me a while to realise that the real buzz is to be felt behind the doors of several excellent downtown restaurants. 过了很久我才意识到,正真的兴奋感只有在市中心几家一流餐馆里才能找到。
It would be such a buzz to be part of the British team in London. 如果能成为英国队的一员,参加伦敦奥运,那绝对非常令人激动。
Stylist: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut. 发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。
Buzz off! I'm tired of your crap. I'm not going to put up with it any more. 走开!我对你的废话烦透了,我不会再忍耐下去了。
I knew it was you The moment we met There was a buzz in the air A song in the wind A hum in my heart. 我知道那就是你,我们相遇的瞬间,空中嗡嗡的响声,风中飞扬的歌声,心中激动的共鸣。
But, just as the fully sated revellers lie back in the sun to enjoy an afternoon rest, the pesky fly returns to buzz in Bertha's ear. 但是当牠们满足的吃完后躺著休息享受午后阳光时,那只麻烦的苍蝇又回到了Bertha的耳边嗡嗡叫。
And different people simply care about different parts of it, which is why the buzz-word "virtualisation" shows up in so many places. 而不同的人只关心不同的部分,这就是为什么术语“虚拟化”在那么多地方出现的原因。
Given the buzz attached to his name in the hallowed halls of Apple, Jonathan Ive might be expected to be something of an egomaniac. 他的名字金光辉煌地印在苹果的神圣大殿上,乔纳森埃维虽说仍会被看作一个极其自负的狂人。
The bigger the transaction, the longer the buzz, giving those who use it a physical reminder of how much they are spending. 交易的数额越大,振动时间越长,给使用者一个他们花费了多少的实际提醒。
Vujacic began this season with a buzz haircut, but friends told him it was hurting him with the referees. 赛季初萨沙剪了个新发型,但朋友告诉他裁判因此会做出更多不利于他的判罚。
Schumpeter: Too much buzz | The Economist THE only area of business that seems to be recession-proof is social media. 唯一能在经济危机中抗衰退的商业领域恐怕就只有社交媒体了吧。