bank of china

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bank of china


中国银行(Bank Of China),全称中国银行股份有限公司(Bank of China Limited),总行(Head Office)位于北京市复兴门内大街1号。


中行BANK OF CHINA)详细咨询。评论| 去中国银行,他们会帮你解决的~评论| 2008-09-01 广州国际银行中心怎么去 1 20…


单位详细信息 --... ... 德国巴伐利亚银行 BaynerLB Bank 中国银行股份有限公司 Bank of China 德国北方银行 HSH Nordbank A…


北京夜景 ... 北京军事博物馆 Militia Museum 中银大厦 Bank of China 王府井-北京著名商业街 WangFuJin,Business District ...


菲律宾有中国银行BANK OF CHINA), 你可以去问一下的。如果是美元还是西联汇款(WEST UNION)更方便些。


凭藉如此背景,刘从中国银行Bank of China)获得了数以百万澳元计的贷款,并在90年代中期就拥有了一个价值4千万澳元 …

Zhu Min, Executive Vice President of the Bank of China, said the infrastructure construction plan can support next year's growth. 中国银行副行长朱民表示,架构重建计划有助于明年的经济增长。
The guarantee Bank of Party A is The Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch, while that of Party B is Sanwa Bank. 甲方的保证银行是中国银行广州分行,乙方的保证银行是三和银行。
You may refer to our bank, the Bank of China in London for our financial and credit standing. 你方可向我往来行伦敦中国银行查询我方资信情况。
Thank you for the receipt of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. NW-4512 established through the Bank of China for the captioned order. 贵方通过中国银行开立的用于支付标题所示订单的第NW—4512不可撤销信用证已收到,谢谢。
She was clearly happy to get an enviable offer from the Bank of China in her hometown, Shangzhou, a quiet place in Shaanxi province. 因此,当她得到家乡陕西省商州一个中国银行分行的工作时,她的开心溢于言表。家乡是个远离喧嚣的地方。
Zhongguancun in the long semi-annual report security matters, the reporter found the Bank of China Beijing Branch of the shadow. 在中关村半年报长长的担保事项中,记者发现了中国银行北京分行的影子。
Furthermore, the Bank of China said it had not been asked to accept the transfer of North Korean funds. 此外,中国银行表示,还没有得到接受朝鲜资金的要求。
The move followed word last week from a Bank of China Ltd. official that it had stopped issuing new loans for the rest of January. 而在上周中国银行(BankofChinaLtd.)的管理者就表示,该行已暂停在1月份剩余时间里发放新贷款。
But Japanese media reported that the bank was in talks with Bank of China, one of China's "Big Four" commercial lenders. 但日本媒体此前报道,三菱东京UFJ正与中国“四大”商业银行之一的中国银行(BankofChina)谈判。
An intermediary buying American bonds in London at the behest of the Bank of China would not show up in Washington's tallies. 例如,中介根据中国银行的要求在伦敦购买的美国债券将不会出现在华盛顿公布的账单上。
According to a statement, the Bank of China is one of few Chinese companies to enter the Western fund-management business. 根据一项声明,中国银行是仅有的几家进入西方基金管理业的中国企业之一。
The Bank of China'sglass-curtained tower seems to twist out of a metal sheath like a tube oflipstick. 中国银行的玻璃帘塔看起来很像转动的口红管式的金属外套。
The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning. 中国银行周一宣布已于当日清晨完成首笔跨境贸易人民币结算业务。
Mr. Li said the yuan business is 'one of the top priorities' for Bank of China's U. S. operations. 黎晓静说,人民币业务是中国银行在美国经营的“一个首要任务”。
The primary task of deepening reform of the financial structure is to turn the People's Bank of China into a central bank true to its name. 深化金融体制改革,首要的任务是把中国人民银行办成真正的中央银行。
The Bank of China's entry into the British market will come as a surprise to some and a relief to many. 一些人会因中国银行进军英国市场而惊讶,而许多人却会为此感到慰藉。
Mr Min said the Rothschild name, with a 250-year banking history, and its cautious banking approach had appealed to Bank of China. 朱民表示,吸引中行的是具有250年银行业历史的洛希尔家族的声名,及其审慎的银行业策略。
Vehicles of the saving service under the Bank of China in the company should be permitted to entry by the guard. 中国银行在公司设立的储蓄点所使用的车辆,警卫予以放行。
The telegraphic transfer shall reach the bank of China at least five days before the delivery date of vessel. 货款至少必须在货舟抵达日之前的5天电汇到中国银行。
The breakthrough deal was the first time the Bank of China, which has 130m customers, has taken a stake in a eurozone financial institution. 这项具突破性的交易,是拥有1.3亿客户的中国银行首次收购欧元区金融机构股份。
And yet it is supposed to be the Bank of China. 可这是中国银行哎。
Halfway downtown we passed by a suburban branch of the Canadian bank to which the Bank of China had wired the delegation's travel money. 途中,我们路过了一家加拿大银行的郊区支行,代表团的差旅费正是从中国银行汇至这家银行的。
The lower terminus is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building. 缆车终点离中国银行大楼只有五分钟路程。
our company by the Bank of China, New York Branch, which told us that you export Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods. 中国银行纽约分行向我公司推荐贵公司,并告知贵公司出口中国纺织品和棉布。
He said he hoped state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will soon get an operating license. 他说他希望国有的中国工商银行不久能获得经营执照。
The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of China, Beijing, certifying that your signature is true and valid. 汇票要由北京中国银行附签,以证明你方签字是真实有效的。
Print it out from bank of china website the last day of every month for our foreign exchange gain loss procedure. 从中国银行的网站上打印每月最后一天的汇率作计算外汇损益用。
Daedong does not want its money transferred to the Bank of China and is trying to have its funds returned separately. 平壤大同信贷银行不希望将其资金转移到中国银行,正试图单独返还其资金。
It had agreed that $25m held at a bank in Macau, Banco Delta Asia, could be transferred to a North Korean account at the Bank of China. 美国政府已经同意,朝鲜政府在澳门汇业银行被冻结的2500万美元可以转移到他在中国银行的一个帐号里。
Editor's Note: Mr. Collier is an independent China analyst and the former president of the Bank of China International's U. S. office. 编者按:AndrewCollier是一位独立的中国分析师,此前曾任中银国际美国办事处的负责人。