
美 [ˈbʌnd(ə)l]英 ['bʌnd(ə)l]
  • n.包;一批(同类事物或出售的货品);风趣的人;笑料
  • v.匆匆送走;推搡;赶;(成群地)匆忙赶往
  • 网络捆;束;包袱

复数:bundles 现在分词:bundling 过去式:bundled

make bundle


n. v.

1.[c](一)捆,包,扎a number of things tied or wrapped together; sth that is wrapped up

2.[c]一批(同类事物或出售的货品)a number of things that belong, or are sold together

3.[sing](informal)a ~ of laughs, fun, etc.风趣的人;笑料a person or thing that makes you laugh

4.[sing](informal)一大笔钱a large amount of money


not go a bundle on sb/sth

不十分喜欢某人╱某事物to not like sb/sth very much

690个英语四级高频词汇 ... bunch n. 群,伙;束,串 425. bundle n. ,包,束 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式 427. ...

690个英语四级高频词汇 ... bunch n. 群,伙;束,串 425. bundle n. 捆,包, ceremony n. 典礼,仪式 427. ...

690个英语四级高频词汇 ... bunch n. 群,伙;束,串 425. bundle n. 捆,,束 ceremony n. 典礼,仪式 427. ...


四级词汇表_百度文库 ... bunch n. 串束 bundle n. 捆束,包袱 bureau n. 局司处所社 ...


Ø 安装一个捆绑bundle)。捆绑将你需要的基本Linux操作环境、基本桌面使用、GNOME或者KDE桌面使用或者应用发展所 …


考研英语大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... bunch n. (一)簇,束,捆,串 622. bundle n. 捆,包,束 623. burden n. 担子,重担,负担 ...

进出口贸易词汇_百度文库 ... (balance) 余额、平衡 (bundle) 、捆 (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) 比、荷、卢(三国) ...


职称考试(B级) - 豆丁网 ... bullet n. 子弹 bundle n. 包裹,包袱,一包,一捆,一束 burden n. 负担,负重,负荷,载重,义务, …

He came to me and put his hands under my arms and lifted me from the floor, as though I were a bundle of feathers. 他走到我跟前,双手放在我的胳膊下,把我从地板上举起来,就好象我是一束羽毛似的。
Most crucially, it is usually claimed that the total bundle of loans is safer than any individual credit. 最至关重要的是,人们通常声称,打包的贷款集合体,比其中任何单个贷款都更加安全。
and the englishman drew from his pocket a bundle of bank - notes , which might have been twice the sum m . de boville feared to lose. 英国人说着便从他的口袋里抽出了一叠钞票,那叠钞票大概有两倍于波维里先生所害怕损失的那笔数目。
He had seen a mad woman in Battle Square, but she had merely clutched a bundle of rags and rocked herself to and fro, keening like a gull. 他曾在战争广场看过到一个疯女人,但那个女人只是紧紧抱着一束碎布,来来回回摇晃着身子,哭泣声,象只鸣叫的海鸥。
The next step is to bundle everything you've learned into a single Java application that includes an embedded Apache Derby database. 下一步是将您了解的所有信息打包成一个含有嵌入式ApacheDerby数据库的Java应用程序。
After completing the steps above, we are now ready to package the HttpLog project into a real bundle. 完成以上步骤后,应该准备将HttpLog项目封装到实际的包中去。
When combining products into a bundle, it's common to give the customer a discount for buying more than one product at a time. 当您将多个产品组合捆绑成产品包时,一般会给一次购买多个产品的客户提供折扣优惠。
The resulting bundle had a combined retail value of around $400, but he would sell it for a tenth of that price. 这套程序包的最终市场零售价约为400美元,但是他能做到以一折的价格销售这套产品。
The poor boy was carrying a bundle of firewood to the small town and he might sell it for several coins if he was lucky. 这个可怜的男孩背着一捆柴去小镇上卖,假如运气好的话,他也许能卖几个钱。
New helixes or strands are being formed as the light-encoded filaments are beginning to bundle themselves together. 新的螺旋或者股如同形成光形态那样—编码丝正开始将它们自己捆绑在一起。
Ah! perhaps a burning match might be some good, if she could draw it from the bundle and strike it against the wall, just to. 啊!如果她能从这捆火柴中取出一根,在墙上划着了就会好一些,也就可以。
Before the baby was born, you could afford to ignore night-time shrieks from the toddler, or unceremoniously bundle her back to bed. 在小女儿出生前,你可以忽略大女儿夜里的尖叫,或者随便地把她赶回床上去。
This bundle, with or without storage, is usually referred to as IaaS. 这种捆绑在一起的服务通常简称为IaaS,无论是否带有存储能力。
Mother would count out to her a bundle of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. 母亲会把积攒了几个星期的一捆要洗的衣服一件一件数着交给她。
"Now, " said the father, "untie the bundle and each of you take one stick and try to break it. " 父亲说:『现在把这捆棍子松开,每人各拿一根棍子,并设法把它折断。』
He searched for his golden dream in the pitch dark of the night. It was just like looking for a needle in a bundle of hay. 他象大海捞针一样在茫茫黑夜里寻找金色的梦。
Annabel said, looking at a woman with blazing red hair carrying a little bundle in her arms. 安娜贝利说,她看到一个火红色头发的女人,手里抱着个小生命。
Just a bundle of suffixes and prefixes piled up into a little attention-grabbing hummock. 只不过是由后缀和前缀堆成的吸引人眼球的小山。
He took the bundle just as it was to the police-station. 他把那包裹原封不动地送到警察局去了。
As soon as he saw Miss T'ang he could tell she was very aloof and without a trace of her usual smile. In her hand was a large paper bundle. 一见唐小姐,便知道她今天非常矜持,毫无平时的笑容,出来时手里拿个大纸包。
She went out in the dark to the woodpile. She picked up the top bundle of the lazy man's green wood. 天未亮她出门去柴堆,拾起了那捆由那个懒人采集的新鲜树枝。
The girl took out a large bundle of money and handed it over to the accountant of the company. 女孩拿出厚厚一摞钱,交到了公司财务人员手中。
Red sits in the dark, a bundle of nerves, trying to hold himself still. He feels like he might scream or shake to pieces. 瑞德坐在黑暗中,极度紧张,他在努力的控制自己,生怕自己会尖叫、颤抖起来。
On the boat, stay out of the wind, bundle up and wear a hat. 坐船的时候不要吹风,注意保暖及戴帽子。
So it's on him. The top shelf guys like Billups and Kidd are likely out of the question. It would take a bundle to bring in Bibby as well. 顶尖球员,比如比卢普斯,基德肯定是不可能了,交换毕比也需要打包交易,他有可能交易到。
Then when he fell on the dry branches like a bundle of wood, the militiamen were on him in a heap. 接着他像一捆木柴似的倒在干枯的树枝上,许多民兵一拥而上。
In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them in her hands. 她那破旧的围裙兜着许多火柴,手里还拿着一小捆。
Install add-ons to agents: This menu option enables you to push the base software bundle (and any other add-ons) out to the existing agents. Installadd-onstoagents:这个菜单选项允许您将基础软件捆绑包(和其他附件)推到现有的代理。
there might be somebody who knew her, but it was like looking FOR a needle in a bundle of hay. 滨水区某处可能有人知道她,但找起来犹如大海捞针,实非易事。
In his left hand he carried a little bundle tied up in a handkerchief; in his right he leaned on a sort of a cudgel, cut from some hedge. 他左手提着一个手结的毛巾小包袱,右手拿着一根木棍,好象是从什么树丛里砍来的。