
美 [ber]英 [beə(r)]
  • adj.裸体的;裸露的;(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的
  • v.揭开;脱(衣服)
  • 网络赤裸的;光秃的;空的

比较级:barer 最高级:barest 第三人称单数:bares 现在分词:baring 过去式:bared

bare fact,bare truth,bare chest,bare leg


1.裸体的;裸露的not covered by any clothes

2.(树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的not covered with leaves; without plants or trees

3.无遮盖的;没有保护的not covered with or protected by anything


5.[obn]仅够的;最基本的;最简单的just enough; the most basic or simple


the bare bones (of sth)

梗概;概要the basic facts

with your bare hands

赤手空拳;徒手without weapons or tools

lay sth bare

暴露;揭露to show sth that was covered or to make sth known that was secret


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... bar n. 棒;栅,栏 bare a. 赤裸的 barely ad. 仅仅 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... auditorium n. 礼堂 bare a. 赤裸的,裸露的 barefoot a. 赤脚的 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... spacious a. 广阔的;宽敞的 bare a. 不铺地毯的;赤裸的;光秃的 marble n. 大理石 ...


学士学位英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... barber n. 理发师 bare a. 赤裸的,光秃的,空的 bargain v. 讨价还价 n.便宜货 n.契约,合同,交 …


星火英语四级词汇表·巧记·速记·精练 - 豆丁网 ... embarrass vt. 使窘迫 bare a. 裸体的;光秃秃的 bare a. 刚刚够的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... heinie n. <贬>德国兵[佬], <俚>屁股 bare adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的, 空的 heaven n. 天, 天空, 天堂 ...


超级搞笑背单词——联想记忆词汇教程 - 豆丁网 ... barbarian n. 野蛮人 bare v. 露出; barely adv. 仅仅 ...

My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. 我的鸽子,我的完全人,只有这一个是她母亲独生的。是生养她者所宝爱的。
Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog. 一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。
You 're just in Love I hear singing and there's no one there. I smell blossoms and the trees are bare . All day long I seem to walk on air . 没有人我却听到了歌声光秃的树我却闻到了花香我整天仿佛在空中漫步为什么,我困惑这是为什么。
He drilled his warriors rigorously and forced them to go bare- footed , which allowed them to run faster and surprise the enemy. 沙卡给战士的训练非常严格,强迫他们赤脚走路,这样跑起来会快一点,令敌人措手不及。
of the booth and looked up and down the long hall which, until this afternoon, had been a bare and ugly drill room. 她坐在摊位柜台后面的一条小凳子上,前前后后地观看那个长长的展览厅,这地方直到今天下午以前还是个空空荡荡难看的教练厅呢。
His family knew that this was the result of his bad deeds. In moments, nothing was left of Old Wei but bare bones. 他的家人知道这是他作恶的报应。不一会,老魏的尸体只剩白骨一堆了。
He did not know her, and she was speculating on the division made bare by their degrees of the knowledge, a deep cleft. 他不了解她,她思索着由于他们知识水平的不同而造成的赤裸裸的分裂,这是一个深深的裂纹。
At this point, you or any other developer can clone the bare repository on your Web server and begin working on your Web site. 现在,您或任何开发人员可以在Web服务器上复制裸存储库并开始处理您的网站。
Birdlike, he retired at dusk, lying on the bare floor with a wooden block under his head like a pillow. 他像小鸟一样,黄昏就寝,用木板作枕头,躺在光秃秃的地板上。
MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE, Sri Lanka's president, shakes out his white outfit and spreads his bare toes with a satisfied air. 斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨身着传统的白色服装,将他裸露的脚趾惬意的舒展在空气中。
In my thatched cottage Chen Qingyang wore a white cloak with bare arms and legs, in the same outfit as she was in her clinic on the hill. 陈清扬在我的草房里时,裸臂赤腿穿一件白大褂,和她在山上那间医务室里装束一样。
there was a sound of footsteps in the darkness , and the drummer - boy came splashing through the mud with his bare feet towards the door. 在黑暗中响起了脚步声,小鼓手光着脚板,踏着泥泞,来到了门前。
We must not imagine that there is nothing at the bottom of the sea but bare yellow sand. 我们不应该设想海底光秃秃的,只是一片黄沙。
This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. 他说这话,并不是挂念穷人,乃因他是个贼,又带着钱曩,常取其中所存的。
The beloved fears and hates the lover, and with the best of reasons, For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved. 被爱者即害怕又恨着爱人的人,原因是,爱人的人永远都在试图剥去被爱者的面具。
So the poor little girl had to go on with her little bare feet which were red and blue with the cold. 因此可怜的小女孩只好赤着脚走路。脚冻得青一块,紫一块。
the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the bare trees. 地上覆盖着一层已结成冰的冻雨,就像那光秃秃的树木。
She walked with her arms away from her sides and her sleeves tucked up, her bare arms all covered with fruit juice. 她走过来的时候双臂远离两跨,袖子卷了起来。只见她裸露的臂膀上全是果酱。
Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces. 所谓的力量,就是能够徒手把巧克力条掰成四份——然后只吃其中一小块。
And what you sow, you do not sow the body that will be, but a bare grain, perhaps of wheat or of some other of the rest. 并且你所种的,不是那将来的形体,乃是赤裸的子粒,也许是麦子,或其他的谷。
You walked through the garden of my childhood, and even when bare-footed you could hear ants crying out. 你步行穿过我少年的花园,即便赤脚,也能听到蚂蚁的尖叫。
It was a wonder that his statue did not crumble at the sight of her bare breasts. 奇怪的是,他的雕像竟然没在她赤裸的双乳之前崩溃掉。
Her ragged dress and worn shawl did not keep out the cold and she tried to keep her bare feet from touching the frozen ground. 她褴褛的衣服和戴围巾并未御寒和她试图让她的脚裸接触空中解冻。
Like an East Side clinic it was, with tiled walls, bare light, and marble-topped tables. And of course a big stove with an elbow pipe. 它很像纽约曼哈顿东区的一家平民诊所,砖墙,无罩的灯和大理石桌面的桌子,当然少不了一只带拐弯烟筒的大火炉。
But the truth is that the treasury is bare, the treasury is empty and yet we continue to spend all this money. 事实是国库已经空空如也了,国库已经没钱了,然而我们继续通过了这些花钱的法案!
Also, destroy your credit cards or at least decrease credit significantly, so that you could only buy on credit bare essentials. 剪掉信用卡,要明显地减少信用使用次数,这样你就只能买一些必需品了。
Winter of xiamen but felt less than a chill, see the beach is full of gulangyu is bare feet up in the sea legs paddle tourists. 冬天的厦门却丝毫感觉不到一丝寒意,只见鼓浪屿的海滩上到处都是卷起裤管光着脚丫在海边戏水的游客。
We bare it down to the basics because love is really what marriage is all about, not all the extraneous material stuff. 我们把一切回归到最简单,因为我们觉得婚姻最重要的还是两个相爱的人决定生活在一起,不是那些附加的外部物质条件。
The only basis on which this rise is possible is the thinking study of the world, not the bare sensuous, animal, attuition of it. 这种提高的基础不外是对于世界的思维着的考察,而不仅是对它加以感性的动物式的考察。
As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet. 他正在遐想的时候,天热起来了,苍蝇开始朝他腿上落,叮他的光脚丫。