
美 [ˈberli]英 [ˈbeə(r)li]
  • adv.仅仅;几乎不;几乎没有;刚刚
  • 网络勉强;几乎不能;赤裸裸地

barely understand
barely open


1.仅仅;刚刚;勉强可能in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty

2.几乎不;几乎没有in a way that almost does not happen or exist

3.刚好;不超过(某个数量、年龄、时间等)just; certainly not more than (a particular amount, age, time, etc.)

4.刚才;刚刚only a very short time before


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... bare a. 赤裸的 barely ad. 仅仅 bargain vi. n. 讨价还价 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... disease n. 疾病 barely adv. 几乎不 myth n. 神秘事件,神话 ...


大学英语六级词汇(强烈推荐+免费下载)_百度文库 ... banquet n. 宴会,盛会,酒席 barely ad. 仅仅,勉强 barge n. 驳船;大型 …


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... educator n. 教育家 barely ad. 仅仅,勉强;几乎没有 literate a. 能读写的;有文化的 ...


博士英语词汇经典 - 豆丁网 ... bankrupt 破产者 barely 仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能 278 batch (面包等)一炉, 一批 281 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... bandage/ 5bAndidV/n. 绷带,包带 barely/ 5bZEli/ad. 仅仅,勉强 barren/ 5bArEn/a. 贫瘠的;不妊的 ...


英语单词天天背——累积才... ... bare adj. 暴露的,赤裸的;光秃秃的 barely adv 仅仅,勉强,几乎没有;光秃秃地 bark n. 吠 …


英语词汇综合宝典 ... barber n. 理发师 barely ad. 仅仅,只是;赤裸裸地 baseball n. 棒球 ...

And though Loddar could barely care less about that, this may be one area in which David Beckham is likely to surpass his achievements. 尽管洛塔尔对此并不在意,但这也许是贝克汉姆能够超过他的成就。
It's not unusual to see the bumpers on Geely cars barely hanging on after a few years of use. 比如,吉利汽车的保险杠在使用几年后常常会出现不牢靠的情况。
She had become so small, at the end of her life, that she was barely taller than the artichoke plants. 在她生命的尽头,她的身体变得娇小了,她差不多都没有洋蓟植物高了。
We are barely beginning to understand its translational and applied aspects. 我们对其所隐含的意义及其应用性的了解才刚刚开始。
In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1% a year, today's growth rates feel like a miracle. 在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1%的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。
If you just barely get to the coexistence curve, of course then you could see how much material you've got in the two phases. 如果你只是刚好到达曲线,当然那样你能看到你在两相中,各有多少物质。
Whether or not I got rid of it, it barely makes a bit of difference to me now. 不管有没有扔,对现在的我来说,没有丝毫改变。
I said I could never give up my car, but I barely drive now and am going car-free next month. 我说过我不能放弃汽车,但现在我很少开汽车了,下个月起就不会开车了
So tired of all the sad face of a man, sometimes barely holding on really fast, just as in life, like a puppet! 好累,一个人面对着所有的悲伤,有时候真的快撑不住了,就像生活中的傀儡一样!
Aquino, facing his first major test barely two months after taking office, said he would concentrate on preventing a repeat of the incident. 阿基诺刚刚上任两个月,这是他上任以来面临的首次重大考验。他说,他将集中精力,防治此类事件再次发生。
But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on. 但是现在该是他嘲笑我的时候了,他成了著名的脑外科医生,而我只能靠卖二手车勉强维持生活。
The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet. 门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。
It occurred to him that the fortress seemed unusually deserted, but he barely gave it a second thought. 爱克西多突然意识到堡垒看起来空寂得不寻常,但他也没有更深入地去想。
I did not come barely to let you know that I was informed of these things as if I wanted a bribe to conceal them. 我不单是来告诉你我知道了这件事,好像我想得到一笔贿赂,把这件事隐藏起来。
Even then, employers say that many graduates emerge inarticulate, unable to think critically and barely able to read or write. 即便这样,雇主们还说很多大学毕业生会有表达不清、不能批判地思考的问题,而且阅读和写作也差强人意。
"Farmers were barely able to work three or four hours a day, four times a week on average (during the conflict), " calculates Daud. “(冲突期间)农民们每周平均只能下地干活四次,每次几乎干不足三、四个小时,”Daud说。
'I'm a mess, ' she mumbles out of the side of her mouth, which she can barely move due to the anaesthetic cream smeared all over her face. “我简直是一团糟,”她从嘴角含糊地说道,由于麻醉剂乳霜涂满了她的整个脸,她几乎张不开嘴。
Barely more than a year has passed since the start of his campaign, and already Alexander has accomplished all that he set out to do. 亚历山大的征战开始不到一年,他就达成了当初所有的目标。
Keep your thighs close to the surface of the water, but barely allow your knees to break the surface. 保持你的大腿接近水面,但却很难让你的膝盖,打破了表面。
It starts with a barely perceptible blurring of vision from time to time - the sort of thing you might chalk up to getting older. 起初只是偶尔几次感觉看到的景象稍稍模糊--你觉得可能是因为年纪大了。
In the dark and barely able to move his hands, he leaned forward and bit down to see if it really was his foot. 在那黑暗的空间里,他只能移动他的手,他使劲的往前移动,想看清楚那是不是真的是他的腿。
Behind them was the dead tiger, looking like a big sack made of coloured cloth, so heavy that even four men were barely able to carry it. 只见一对对手持缨枪的猎户开道,后头便是那打死的老虎,好像锦布袋一般,四个人还扛不动。
My sister-in-law gave an embarrassed laugh, then scooped up her barely weeping son and plopped him in her lap. 我弟媳有点尴尬地笑出声,弯下腰把她那个扁着小嘴,似乎要哭的儿子抱起来,放到她大腿上。
In a stunning performance in the butterfly final, Phelps was barely able to see as his goggles filled with water. 在一个令人震撼的性能在蝶泳决赛,菲尔普斯几乎可以看到他的护目镜装满了水。
The streets were filled with the dead and barely living. She kept on running, knowing only that she had to be home. 街上到处都是死人和奄奄一息的人,她不停地跑着,只知道自己必须回家。
The next morning she could barely get out of bed and that night, she had shaking chills and a high fever. 第三天早晨她几乎不能下床并一直持续到晚上,她开始打摆子并发高烧。
The selection in many vending machines has barely changed, if it has changed at all, in a generation. 长期以来,很多自动售货机出售的食品品种即便有所变化也并不显著。
"Every time I logged on it was just messages from bands I barely heard of, " she said. “每次我登陆Facebook,带给我的都是几乎没有听说过的人的消息”,她说。
At the bottom end of the range, the difference would be barely noticeable. 在范围的底层,这种区别很难被注意到。
His muscles are barely visible and his long, silky hair pops up in the air as he gallops across court. 他的肌肉刚好可以看见,而且当他在场上疾驰的是偶,他那又长又丝滑的头发还会飘逸地出现在空中。