
美 [bʊk]英 [bʊk]
  • n.书;书籍;著作;部
  • v.预订;预约;给(某人)预订飞机等座位;和(歌手等)预约演出日期
  • adj.书籍的;书本上的;账面上的
  • 网络预定;图书;卷

复数:books 现在分词:booking 过去式:booked

interesting book,useful book,forthcoming book,long book,brilliant book
write book,book flight,publish book,edit book,print book


n. v.

印刷品printed work

1.[c]书;书籍a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them

2.[c]印刷(或电子)出版物;著作a written work published in printed or electronic form

书写用for writing in

3.[c]本子;簿子a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in

邮票、票券、火柴等of stamps/tickets/matches, etc.

4.[c]装订成册的一套东西a set of things that are fastened together like a book


5.[pl](企业的)账簿the written records of the financial affairs of a business

《圣经》等的卷、部section of Bible, etc.

6.[c](长篇作品的)篇,卷,部a section of a large written work


be in sbs good/bad books

令某人喜欢╱厌烦used to say that sb is pleased/annoyed with you

bring sb to book (for sth)

(为某事)惩罚某人并要求作出解释to punish sb for doing sth wrong and make them explain their behaviour

by the book

循规蹈矩;严格遵守章法following rules and instructions in a very strict way

in my book

(发表意见时说)used when you are giving your opinion

(be) on sbs books

(在某机构)登记备用的(to be) on an organization's list, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work

throw the book at sb

从严惩处(罪犯)to punish sb who has committed an offence as severely as possible

词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Water 水 book Hand 手 ...


书籍Book):《在爱中修行》《心灵鸡汤》《细节决定成败》《弗洛伊德心理学》音乐(Music):HIP HOP,R&B,RAP,…


全部 Icon 设计欣赏 - 精美图标 - ... 动物( Animal) 书本( Book) 建筑物( Building) ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 ...


1.图书(Book):是指对某一领域的知识进行系统阐述或对已有研究成果、技术、经验等进行归纳、概括的出版物。图书的内容比 …


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bonus n. 奖金,红利 book n. 书籍 v.预订 bookshelf n. 书架 ...

职称英语C级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... bone n. 骨头,骨状物 book n. 书本,书籍,手册,,册; booklet n. 小册子 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... body n. 身体 book n. 书;本子 boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 ...

A small artist's book will be published in conjunction with Take the Dark Out of the Night Time. 一小本艺术书也将配合《为夜晚清除黑暗》出版。
I tried to get such a book as you desired, but could not get the sort you wanted; so I sent on to New York. 我想照你合意的样式去买,可是在本城买不到;所以我就到纽约城去函购。
He looks in the library content label to see if it had the book he wanted. 他查阅了图书馆的图书目录,想看看是否有他需要的那本书
You know, don't You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy. 你知道,一定会有人称这整本书是个亵渎。尤其是,如果你继续以这样一个自作聪明的傢伙的样子出现的话。
I volunteered to serve as a temporary clerk, ready to hand the book in person to any young customer who wanted to buy it. 我充当临时的店员,进来买《从军日记》的青年,我都愿意亲自将书递给他。
Taking an appointment book out of her purse, she told me that next time she wanted us to work on having intercourse. 从钱包拿出一个预约簿,她告诉我下一次她想做“性交”服务。
However, the book said not Luanchenzeizi, sea pirates, but because ordinary people do not know the law enforcement is the court. 不过,本书说的不是什么乱臣贼子、江洋大盗,而是普通老百姓由于不懂法律被法院强制执行的事。
It's easy to imagine how the elegant courtroom of the old courthouse may have inspired parts of her book. 因此很容易理解,旧法院大楼的优美法庭是如何启发她的灵感并进而化成为书中的一部份。
The book's tone is by no means as bleak as you might suppose (or maybe as it should be): Mr Clark writes with disarming wit. 这本书基调决不像你可能想像的那么灰暗(或像它本应的那么灰暗):克拉克的写作风格机智地令人失去警觉。
The result is a deliciously clever book, full of dark insight and even a touch of hope. Mr Ross dedicates the book to his wife, after all. 最终的结果是一本饶有趣味,构思精巧的书籍,富于灰暗的深刻见解,在其中也透出一丝丝希望之光——毕竟,罗斯是将此书献给他的妻子。
How much does this book cost? It costs 20 yuan. 这本书值多少钱?它值二十元。
I wanted this book to be different from the traditional political memoir. Most, I have found, are rather easy to put down. 我希望本书和传统的政治回忆录所有不同,我发现这些传统的回忆录大部分很容易撰写。
The authors even review the general theory of relativity and black holes, although by then the book has degenerated into a series of notes. 作者们甚至还回顾了广义相对论和黑洞理论,尽管这样做的结果是将书退化成为一系列的笔记。
Even large, sophisticated firms failed to understand fundamental characteristics of the book business. 甚至老谋深算的大公司也未能理解图书生意的基本特点。
The type of philosophy that we will be exploring in this book is often called analytic philosophy. 我们在本书中将要探讨的那类哲学,常常被叫作分析哲学。
By the time World War I, the Great Depression, the U. S. economy, global exploration into the heat of the characters in the book. 作者把当时第一次世界大战、美国经济大萧条、全球探险热等融入书中的人物中。
Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains, not because of any claims made about its source. 欧林和我鼓励你看这本书,是因为它包涵的智慧,而非对其来源的任何声明。
His book is a brilliant account of what happened and full of villains, heroes, fools and plenty of good ol' fashioned greed. 此书生动地记述了所发生的一切,其中不乏险恶之徒,英雄,笨蛋以及对于人类贪婪的详细描述。
Had not thought that, this book reputation has already far exceeded the Guinness black beer. 没想到,这本书的名声早已远远超出了吉尼斯黑啤酒。
Frank Ames of Saranac in New York earned his place in the Guinness Book of World Records with a pair of bushy brows measuring 9. 6cm. 来自纽约萨拉纳克(Saranac)的法兰克.阿梅斯以一双9.6厘米长的浓眉在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地。
It's just a book, " she said evasively, looking about with apprehension. " “就是一本书呗,”她推托着说,提心吊胆地四下看看。
Moreover, he threw himself into an important friendship, at a time when he had probably written one draft of his sixth book, on whaling. 此外,在他写完第六部著作初稿的时候,他特别钻研了有关捕鲸的事,和它结下了不解之缘。
There is an easy-to-read book that explains his approach to fundamental analysis - The Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom. 有本很简单的书解释了他的基本面分析——罗伯特•G•汉格斯特龙写的《巴菲特之路》。
Therefore this book only then may call it a decision complete human destiny wonderful book! 所以这部书才可以称之为一本决定全部人类命运的奇书!
This book is written by Dr. Robert O. Young and his wife Shelley provides recipes in the book too. 这本书是由RobertO.Young博士和他的妻子Shelley编写,里面还提供了食谱。
One eagerly awaits the American entrepreneur or politician capable of writing such a balanced, enlightened book imagining our future. 民众只是迫切的等待着一位美国的企业家或政治家有能力描绘出一幅平衡,启迪人的图景来想象我们自己的未来。
Journalist: World Book Day is coming, and the topic of reading began to heat up. In this age, what can we exactly gain from reading? 记者:世界读书日快到了,阅读的话题又开始热起来。在今天这个时代,读书到底还能给我们带来什么?
The first one describes the years of his governing and justifies his cruel methods. They say the tsar himself edited this book. 第一部,描述了他在执政时期,证明他的手段残忍,人们说,沙皇亲自编辑了此书。
BOY stole a lesson-book from one of his schoolfellows and took it home to his Mother. 有个小孩在学校里偷了同学一块写字石板,拿回家交给母亲。
The rules in this book allow you and a group of friends to assume the roles of a pack of werewolves, hunting and fighting as one. 根据这本书里的规则,你和你的朋友们可以扮演一组狼人去打猎去战斗。