big fish

  • 网络大鱼;大智若鱼;大鱼奇缘

big fishbig fish

big fish


豆瓣电影250 ... 无敌破坏王 / Wreck-It Ralph 2012 大鱼 / Big Fish 2003 勇敢的心 / Braveheart 1995 ...


玛莉安·歌迪雅 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 《终极杀阵》( Taxi) 《大智若鱼》( Big Fish) 《美好的一年》( A Good Y…


  伊云继《大鱼奇缘》(Big Fish)以后,最快面世的新作将是《Star Wars: Episode III- RevengeoftheSith》,答应演出的片约 …


看小说大鱼老爸Big Fish),故事里有好多笑话。其中一则是和父亲有关的。


...保持著由上(政治)到下的决策;换言之,像夏梦这样的大人物big fish)她的第一把交椅不会因陈思思、朱虹卖座更佳而 …


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10.10每日iOS限时免费:生日本,GIF制作,钓大鱼... ... 生日本 · Days Matter 钓大鱼 Big Fish 突袭小鸡 Chicken Raid ...

I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave. You are a big fish in a small pond. 我恐怕得让你走人了。我这里庙小,装不下你这个大和尚。
He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. 他一个大的捕捞鱼,捆绑起来的鱼头部和上身一侧船以上。
When he pulled it out of the water, there was a big pot instead of a big fish. 当他把渔网拉出水面,是一个大罐子而不是一条大鱼。
her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, after In but she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. 在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是芸芸众生之一了。
He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head to the upper part of the body side of the boat above. 他钓了一条大鱼,把鱼的头部帮到船上部的边上。
Laurence hooked up a big fish with the crooked end of his cane and held it out to her. 正当那女人要在失望中饿着肚子离开时,劳伦斯先生用他的拐杖钩起了条大鱼递给她。
A man is knee-deep in the dark water and looks to be fighting something, maybe grappling out a big fish. 一个男人泡在齐膝深的黑水中,好像在跟什么东西较劲,也许是在捞一条大鱼。
But one of the bank's maxims is that it has to be a big fish in a business, or not in it at all. 但是银行有一句座右铭说到:在这个行业里要么成为老大,要么就不要进入。
In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small pond, but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions. 在她家乡,她很了不起。可是搬到纽约后,她就不过是普通人一个了。
This single mother was ambitious for her son and made up her mind to make him a big fish out of a common boy. 这个单身母亲望子成龙,下定决心要把她的儿子由一个普通的男孩培养成一个大人物。
Big fish to the boat pulled San Diego do not see the shore of the Sea, did not yield to the elderly hook, think about the escape. 大鱼把圣地亚哥的小船拉到看不到岸的海域,丝毫没有向老人的鱼钩屈服,总想着逃生。
However, being the big fish, in the case of Berry Masters does not mean sit back and let the others run behind you. 但是,由于大的鱼,在贝里大师赛的情况并不意味着坐视让别人后面运行。
But big fish in deeper waters might also be affected if entire species were lost at the bottom of the food web. 但是如果在食物链底部的全部物种失去的话,在较深水域的大鱼也可能被影响。
I believe that the shop cannot go, Shui Qian did not have the big fish, the water depth to have the dragon. 个人认为,小店不能去,水浅了没有大鱼,水深则有龙。
He would like to be a big fish in a little pond because he likes being his own boss. 他决定做一条小池里的大鱼,因为他喜欢当自己的老板。
I've got some hard thinking to do on valuation yet, and I'm not sure that I've caught all the big fish in this business. 我还在绞尽脑汁来对它们作评估,我也没有肯定抓到了这个行业的大鱼。
Well, when I was in high school, I thought I was really cool. Turns out, I was just a big fish in a small pond. 在我高中的时候认为自己很酷。现在发现,我只是条在小池塘里的大鱼。
In groups of three and four, is often a big fish in front leading the way, followed by some little fish. 三五成群的,往往是一条大鱼在前边引路,后面跟的是一些小的鱼。
But when the keepers here decided to move one into a larger tank with sharks and other big fish. . . 但当这里的管理员决定将一只巨型章鱼放到一个有鲨鱼和其他大鱼的较大水箱里时…
You know, I got a really big fish to fry now! 我现在还有一件天大的事要完成呢!
I saw a big fish in the South Bay , fifteen pounds if it was an ounce . 我在南湾看见一条大鱼,至少有十五公斤。
Than you eat the small fish can be added to, than you encounter the big fish to escape, they would be eaten! . 吃掉比你小的鱼就能加分,遇到比你大的鱼要躲开,否则就被吃掉啦。
Sharks who eat the meat of the fish eaten whole, the results can imagine the old dragged back just a big fish skeleton. 鲨鱼把这条鱼身上能吃的肉全吃完了,结果可想而知老人拖回去的只是一副大鱼骨架。
Hiding a big fish, eat fish, the evolution of a marine in Bazhe, the final climb up the land for the evolution of amphibious animals. 躲大鱼,吃小鱼,不断进化,成为海洋中的霸者,最终爬上陆地进化为两栖类动物。
Also flying dragonflies , butterflies and flying, kitten as not to see. Little one, the kitten also catch a big fish. 蜻蜓飞来了,蝴蝶也飞来了,小猫就像没看见一样,一步也没走开。
My holiday is a colorful, I went fishing on Saturdays, the day of good fun, and I had to catch a few fish, big fish are. 我的假日是多姿多彩的,星期六我去了钓鱼,那天好开心的,我钓了几条鱼,全是大鱼。
but without fishing rod. How do you make it to fish up such a big fish? Look, the fish is still waving its tails in the water. 一个老翁、一个鱼篓,却看不到钓竿,你是何种能耐却钓了一条大鱼,瞧,鱼还在水里摆着尾巴呢。
Now throw her as a very good bait, may be able to catch a big fish to it. 现在姑且把她当做很不错的钓饵,也许能钓出大鱼来呢。
Each morning he rowed his skiff out into the Gulf Stream where the big fish were. Each evening he came in empty-handed . 每天早晨他划着小船到有大鱼出没的墨西哥湾流去,每天晚上他总是两手空空地回来。
That would be a realy big fish and a very strong guy. 那真是一条大鱼需要非常强壮的人