the face

  • 网络千颜儿语;脸孔;面孔

the facethe face

the face


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全球TOP100杂志(1-20)|英语报刊 ... 11.FHM 男人帮 12.THE FACE 脸孔 13.ROLLINGSTONE 滚石 ...


面孔 (The Face), 2011北京世界城市音乐节 (2011 Beijing Inter City Music Festival)by Veli-Matti Palomäki No views 0:17 韩庚入...


塑美极适用部位_塑美极 ... 眼部 The Eye 面部 The Face 身体 The Body ...


...红艺人权相宇曾下榻此饭店VILLA,他也是韩国知名脸部化妆品及保养品THE FACE)长期合作代言人代表作,天国阶梯一 …


R。S。THOMAS 诗(中译)_李景冰_新浪博客 ... 在教堂( In Church) 这张脸( The Face) 磨坊( The Mill) ...

isn't alone in trying to reduce the cost of IT in the face of mounting national debt. 英国政府不是唯一一个国家——在面对增长的国家债务时试图减少IT成本。
Although notebook prices are relatively cheap, but the face of such a variety of notebooks , we still have to carefully select the next. 虽然现在笔记本的价格都比较便宜,但是面对这么各种笔记本,大家还是要细心的挑选下。
"Jinpingmei Cihua" is the treasure house of words, in the face of this vast ocean of words, we can only choose just a part of it. 《词话》是词汇的宝库,面对这个浩瀚的词汇海洋,我们也只能取其一瓢而已。
Besides, only the face of a computer screen, the heart of suspicion vigilance is probably inevitable. 何况现在,只是面对着一个电脑屏幕,猜疑警惕之心恐怕是难免的。
In fact, faces seem to have co-evolved with our interest in them; the face is the body's billboard. 事实上,面孔像是与我们对它的兴趣共同演进,面孔是身体的广告牌。
On the face of things, capital punishment ought to be the ultimate deterrent. But it does not seem to be. 表面看来,死刑应是终极的威慑,但实际似乎不是。
French surgeons replaced much of the face of a woman in 2005 after she was disfigured in an attack by her dog. 2005年法国外科医生为一名被自己养的狗咬伤的女士换了大部分脸。
The ball will find its way on the racket's throat or bottom of the face, wherever you feel comfortable with it. 球可以放在拍颈的位置,或拍面的底部,只要你感到舒服就可以。
On the face of it, yields of close to 8% should be enough to steady the market, provided investors start to regain their nerve. 乍看起来,假如投资者开始恢复镇静,近8%的收益率应足以稳定房产市场。
And that's when a look appears on the face of whoever I'm talking to, the horrified "it could have been me! " look. 所有人在听到这句的时候,都惊惧不已,一副“天哪,我可能就是下一个!”的表情。
Found that men really wake up a few lines, a woman fought hard in the face of a man: You do not even like animals! 醒来发现男的真的没过线,女的狠狠打了男的一耳光:你连禽兽都不如!
Though the Next Levels and Westwinds may be the face of the future, for now, they're just a quirky minority. 尽管新水平和西风教堂可能是未来发展趋势的代表,不过现在,他们还只是古怪的少数派。
Organisers call it a One Nation rally to rekindle enthusiasm for President Obama in the face of attacks from conservatives. 组织者称面临来自保守主义者的攻击,这次重燃对奥巴马总统的热情的活动被称作一个民族集会。
Like the Internet itself, DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network. 与因特网本身相似,DNS设计为甚至在部分网络受到严重破坏的情况下仍能工作。
The face of the sky you know how to discern, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. 你们知道分辨天色,倒不能分辨这时期的神迹。
On the face of it, that sounds like a scenario straight out of cheap science fiction. 乍看起来,这种情况,听起来好像是直接来自廉价科幻小说的情节。
Some people, you must be calm in the face, something can only be buried in the bottom of my heart, become the most precious memory. 有些人,你必须坦然面对,有事却只能埋藏在心底,成为最珍贵的记忆。
it has been a continual consolation in the face of life's hardships, my own and others', and an unfailing well-spring of tolerance. 在自己或者他人面临人生困难时,它时常给我安慰,并且一直是我宽容的源泉。
Now, in the face of a formidable "no" campaign, it is trying to scare them into doing so. 如今,在强大可畏的“说不”运动面前,它试图吓唬他们顺从。
is often politely accompanied by a generous punch in the face. 随之而来的往往是迎面一记礼貌、慷慨的老拳。
I decided to be a good person and tell the owner. When I rang the doorbell and told him what happened, he slapped me across the face. 我好心去找鸡的主人通报一声,当我按过门铃说明情况之后,他给了我一耳光。
The face that she saw was that of an old man. 她看到的是一张老年人的脸。
He went as close to the fighting as possible to see how he would act in the face of danger. 他去接近战斗尽可能看他如何行事,在面对危险。
Second, chits can usually relay more information than the face of a die, which tends to be limited in size (barring oversized dice). 第二,图标可以显示比骰子(受到大小影响)更多的资讯。
Avoid full bangs! The key is to open up the face and make it seem to be longer due to the lack of sharp angles. 由于圆脸型没有棱角分明的立体感,千万不要留齐刘海,关键在于需要使用发型对脸庞进行一些修饰,使脸型看起来长一些。
So far, stocks have shown amazing resilience in the face of bad news, and a stubborn refusal to put in a major correction of 10% or more. 目前为止,股市已经对负面消息表现出了令人惊讶的弹性,顽强抵挡住了大幅回调10%以上的压力。
I couldn't look at him in the face. Damn, I'm really bad at tying shoes. My feet were safer to look at then his face. 我不能看他的脸。该死,我真不怎样擅长系鞋带。看鞋比看他的脸要平安多了。
The face of each child, as the amount of his contribution was mentioned, darkened in a peculiarly vindictive manner. 每个孩子一听到自己的那份捐款,脸色马上就变了,露出一定要报仇雪恨的样子。
Perhaps she did not know, that slap her in the face, but the deep pain in my heart. 或许她不懂,那巴掌打在她脸上,却深深的痛在我心里。
For days the face of Lincoln haunted him, and very often during the war his mind reverted to that singular figure. 林肯的面貌有好多天萦绕在他的脑际,在战争期间他时常回想起那个杰出的人物。