
美 [ˈbæskət]英 [ˈbɑːskɪt]
  • n.篮;筐;篓;一篮
  • v.把…装入篮内
  • 网络篮子;笼;球篮


big basket,large basket,same basket



1.篮;篓;筐a container for holding or carrying things. Baskets are made of thin strips of material that bends and twists easily, for example plastic, wire or wicker .

2.一篮,一筐,一篓(的量)the amount contained in a basket

3.(篮球运动的)篮;投篮得分the net and the metal ring it hangs from, high up at each end of a basketball court ; a point that is scored by throwing the ball through this net

4.一组(不同的物品或货币)a number of different goods or currencies


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... all 整个;所有的 441 basket 篮子 442 bottle 瓶 443 ...

牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... baseball 棒球运动;棒球 basket 篮; basketball 篮球运动;篮球 ...

英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... basis n. 基础,根据 basket n. 篮,,筐 basketball n. 篮球;篮球运 …

外贸包装英语 - 豆丁网 ... bamboo basket 竹笼(篓、篮、筐) basket (篓、篮、筐) big 觥 6 ...


球_百度百科 ... 球茎甘蓝[ kohlrabi] 球篮[ basket] 球面镜[ sphericalmirror] ...


花联商城 ... 蛋糕/ cake.html 花篮/ basket.html 卡通/ gift.html ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... saved vt. 解救, 保存, 保全, 保留, 节省, 储蓄 basket n. 篮, 一篮 peep n. 窥看, 隐约看见 ...

The girl ran up to the old woman, took the basket from her2 and said, "Old granny, let me go with you to your son's home. " 这个小女孩跑到老奶奶跟前,接过篮子说:“老奶奶,让我送你到你儿子家去吧。”
It was capable of safely carrying up to four people and a basket of eggs across a plowed field. 它在穿过犁过的田野时能安全地最多承载四个人和一篮子鸡蛋。
George took a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the basket and rolled it into the middle of the boat. 乔治从篮底拿起一罐菠萝罐头然后把它滚进了船中央。
The two became crazy to open all the goods at all, bamboo basket -- each of two thousand tea above all is the same kind of jinhua! 俩人近乎于疯狂地翻开全部货物、剥开全部篾篓——每个千两茶上面都是一样的醉人金花!
The ball hit the rim of the basket and seemed to hang there for a moment, and then it fell through the basket. 球碰在了篮筐上,仿佛还在那停留了一小会儿,终于,它从篮筐内坠了下来。
"What's his comfort object called? " Lily asked, picking up the stuffed creature which had been placed beside the new child in his basket. “他的舒服娃娃叫什麽?”莉莉问,一边拿起放在篮子里婴儿旁边的填充生物。
That manager has been a basket case here since his wife left him. 自从太太离开他后,那位经理就变得意志消沉。
As used on the little hand, picking the one into a basket carried on the back, as if tireless. 就那样用小手,一枚一枚的捡进背篓,仿佛不知疲倦。
The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done). 有两种可能性被广泛讨论,要么调高本币对美元的汇率,要么转而盯向一篮子货币,就像科威特已经做的那样。
'What's the matter? ' said the old basket-maker. “她是怎么呢?”老制篮商问道。
Then she began taking some of it out each day in a large covered flower basket. 接着她每天出去时把尘土弄到一个大花篮里带出去一些。
Trot up and down the towing-path as hard as you can, till you're warm and dry again, while I dive for the luncheon-basket. 顺着绎道使劲来回跑,跑到身上暖过来,衣裳干了为止。我潜下水去捞午餐篮子。
If it was an offer then the sale would be completed when the goods were put in the basket provided and would therefore be illegal. 如果它是一个提供销售将完成货物时提供篮子,因此是非法的。
It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through. 几年后,有人提出将篮底去掉,这样球就直接掉落下来了。
'Since you can't put your eggs in one basket, you move some of it elsewhere, ' he said. 他说,你不能把全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,你需要把一些鸡蛋放到别处。
I realized I needed another hand! I held my bouquet in one hand, Cognac on his leASh in the other, but I needed to hold the bASket AS well. 我意识到我的两只手不够用!我一手抱着一束花,另一只手牵着拴科格纳克的皮带,可我还得拿着篮子。
She laid me into a crater picnic basket, told me not to make a sound, and went to see Timmy. 她把我放在一只圆弧形的旅行篮里,告诉我千万不要出声,然后去见提米。
M. Gillenormand trembled as he took the letter, read it, tore it in four pieces, and threw it into the waste-basket. 吉诺曼先生接到那封信,双手发颤,念完以后,撕成四片,扔在字纸篓里。
Here is all the money. This time I put all my eggs in one basket. 钱都在这儿。这次我可是孤注一掷了。
"It is a little different at power forward [because] you're parked under the basket and the ball seems to find you, " Odom said. “这跟在大前锋的位置上有点不一样,因为在篮下球好像会来找你,”奥多姆说。
The cat is used to sleeping in that basket and refuses to be moved to any other places. 猫已经习惯睡在那个篮子里而不愿被移到别的地方。
With a basket in her hand, she trudged up the alley to her lodging. 她手里提着篮子,吃力的穿过小巷回到她的宿舍。现代科学技术正在迅速发展。
Okay, but I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket. I need to have dishes in every course that are out of this world. 好了,但我不想孤注一掷。我需要在每个类别里都加上一些极好的菜。
But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall. 他的门徒就在夜间,用筐子把他从城墙上缒下去。
The same applies to unruly Albania, which after years of progress is in danger of turning once more into a basket-case. 难以驾驭的阿尔巴尼亚经过多年的发展却重新让其欧盟成员国身份陷入危险境地,当然也应受到同等对待。
He wondered if she had been afraid at first, going up in that little wicker basket with the hills falling away. 他猜想她起初应该很害怕吧,毕竟,他们站在藤条制的狭小篮子里看着群山渐渐缩小。
By the time I was dressed and ready to roll, he had my newspapers folded, banded and stuffed in my bicycle basket. 当我穿好衣服准备走时,他已经将我的报纸折好、扎好并塞在自行车篮里。
"Jason told him to have confidence, to turn the corner and go in to the basket with a purpose, " Jones said. “基德告诉他要有信心,从边角切进来目标要明确,”琼斯说。
It was a black stream of something oozing from her basket, and it glistened like a slimy snake in the cold still rays of the moon. 那是她的篮子里流出来的一道黑油油的东西,在清冷寂静的月光下看着亮锃锃的,好象一条满身粘液的长虫。
Send her a basket of violets, or a huge bunch of white and purple lilacs for her bedroom, in a Baccarat cut crystal vase. 送她的紫罗兰,或白,她的卧室一束紫丁香巨大的篮子,在百家乐切割水晶花瓶。