
美 [bæθ]英 [bɑːθ]
  • n.洗澡;浴缸;洗浴;浴盆
  • v.洗澡;给…洗澡
  • 网络巴斯;巴斯大学;浴室

复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed

take bath
hot bath,mineral bath


n. v.

2.[c]浴缸的水the water in a bath/ bathtub , ready to use

3.[c]洗澡;洗浴an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water

5.[c][usupl](旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂a public place where people went in the past to wash or have a bath


take a bath

(在交易中)蒙受经济损失to lose money on a business agreement


巴斯(BATH)———古老传说中这里有一个“国王浴池”{ 这里就是今天老师带我们一起游玩的地方}巴斯的英文意为浴池。


英国大学_英国大学排名2013_专业综合排名-索学网 ... 华威大学( warwick) 巴斯大学( bath) 埃克塞特大学( exeter) ...


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... basket n. 篮子 bath n. 洗澡 bean n. 豆角 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bat n. (棒球、板球的)球 棒 bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆 bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bat n. 蝙蝠,球拍 - 5 - 全国网络学院统考大学英语 bath n. 沐浴,浴室 bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... bat n. 球拍;短棍;蝙蝠 bath n. 浴,洗澡;浴缸 bathe vt. 给…洗澡;弄湿 ...


英国巴斯BATH)大学硕士学位,1988年3月获英国巴斯大学哲学博士学位。1988年4月至1988年12月在英国国家核能联合公 …


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bat n. (棒球、板球的)球 棒 bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆 bathe vi. 洗澡;游泳 ...

One day, she began to take a bath, he stopped her at the door, "Let me take it first , OK? " 一天她想洗澡把丈夫拦在了门外“让我先洗好嘛?”
The trouble was that everyone kept getting on and off the bus at all the stops between downtown and his bath house. 在市区去他浴室的路途上,乘客在所有的站点都不停的上下,这很麻烦。
After he took his bath, he dressed in a hurry, ran to catch the bus, and got to his appointment before it was too late. 他洗完澡,匆忙穿好衣服,一路小跑赶上公共汽车,到了约会地点的时候总算还不太晚。
Should be pointed out that, as a salt-bath salt is a fine powder form of the salt. 应该指出的是,由于盐浴盐是一种细粉的盐形式。
George always has Mr. Dinosaur with him in the bath. So Mr. Dinosaur is in the bath. 乔治总是有他在洗澡.因此恐龙先生。
For You: Apply while skin is still damp from shower or bath for superior moisturization. Use daily to help refresh extremely dry skin. 婴幼儿:宝宝洗澡后马上涂于身上。每天使用,有效锁住皮肤水分,防止皮肤磨伤。
I made it a rule to get up early, take a cold bath, and then do some running. 我已经养成习惯,早早起床,洗个冷水澡,然后去跑步。
If you had planned to redo your kitchen or bath, you've probably had to put things on hold for a while. 如果你曾计划重做你的厨房或浴室,你可能已经暂时搁置了一段时间的事情。
did has been possible not to walk away or immediately to take a bath and so on, should well hug her, to her said praised words. 做完了可别一走了之或者就马上洗澡之类的,应该好好的抱着她,对她说些赞美的话。
One of the first projects we ever did was the harbor bath in Copenhagen. Sort of continuing the public realm into the water. 我们做的最早的一批项目之一就是哥本哈根海港浴,也可以说是公共领域扩展到了水域。
the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " relieve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method. 将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。
After the bath, he goes with me to my room, and I dress in a pair of jeans and a pink T-shirt. 洗完澡以后,他就带我去我的房间,我穿的牛仔裤和一件粉红色的t恤。
There are long days on our job, and every once in awhile I miss putting her to bed and giving her a bath, and all of that. 我们的工作时间很长,有时我会想念抱她上床睡觉和帮她洗澡这些事情。
The children walk to the river and see fish belly up in the water and the water is warm, hot even -- like a bath. 两个孩子走向河边,看到鱼都漂浮在水面上,水是热的,甚至像洗澡水一样烫。
The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath. 你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。
If the child can have a tub bath , sit him in tepid water up to midnight . 如果小儿能用盆浴,可让他坐在温水中使水泡至大腿的一半。
"From Bath, Norfolk, London, York, wherever I may be, " said he; "I will attend you from any place in England, at an hour's notice. " “从巴斯、诺福克、伦敦、约克——不管我在哪儿,”他说,“我只要接到通知,一个钟头内就会动身,从英国的任何地方赶来参加你们的演出。”
For many of us today, taking a bath retains something of a sense of ritual. 现今,对我们中的许多人来说,沐浴更接近于一种仪式。
A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart. 你熟悉的热水澡,甜蜜的微笑,以及怀旧老歌。
And there he dies, stabbed by his wife, in bath water polluted by his own blood. 然后他死了,在被他的血染红的洗澡水之中,被他的妻子刺死了。
I forgot to ask bao zhu to stay here to help you with your bath water. 我忘记了,刚刚该叫宝珠留下了帮你放洗澡水。
We suggest a nightly bath or mud bath following dinner to help trigger the detoxification of the body for the continued ascension. 我们建议每夜在晚餐后沐浴或泥巴浴,以帮助触发身体排毒以继续提升。
You have to feed, education, and its play, give it a bath, treat it as a real pet is always accompanied by the same players love it! 你要喂养、教育、和它玩耍、给它洗澡,把它当始终伴随玩家的真实宠物一样的爱它!
I've found a nice place in this district. Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, high ceilings, a tile bath and a big drawing room. 在这个区我找到一个好地方.三居室,厨房很大,屋顶很高,瓷砖装修的洗澡间,还有一个大客厅。
Friends get through the phone, and the Secretary said a few words and then told me that the Secretary is a bath, let me see him anyway. 朋友打通了电话,和局长说了几句话,然后对我说,局长正洗澡,让我带你去见他。
As is usually the case in a crisis, investors have been overreacting, throwing away the "baby with the bath water" as Wall Street pros say. 危机当下通常会发生投资者反应过度的情况,像华尔街专家们说的那样:不分青红皂白一股脑儿地抛售股票。
Will be to squatting bath, per person per day to save four barrels of water, while saving the family how much? 将泡浴改为蹲浴,每人每天能节约四桶水,全家又能节水多少呢?
Just a minute, please. Oh, yes, Mr. Li, we've got your reservation. A city-view single room with bath. Would you please fill out this form? 请稍等。是的,李先生。我们有您的预定,一个带浴室的单间。麻烦您填一下这张表。
Bath twice a day to be really clean. once a day to be passably clean, once a week to avoid being a public menace. 一天洗两次澡是真干净,一天洗一次澡也说的过去,一周洗一次只是避免对公共场合造成污染。
climbing in and out of the bath tub could be dangerous . shower stalls are safer . shower curtain is better than sliding glass door. 患者进出浴缸或企缸都较危险,淋浴间则较安全,最好用胶浴帘代替玻璃趟门。