
美 [blaɪnd]英 [blaɪnd]
  • n.盲人;窗帘;(尤指)卷帘;用以蒙蔽人的言行
  • adj.瞎的;失明的;(对某事)视而不见的;盲目接受的
  • v.使变瞎;使失明;使眼花;使目眩
  • adv.视线受阻地;仅靠仪表操纵地;盲目地
  • 网络盲目的;盲的;百叶窗

第三人称单数:blinds 现在分词:blinding 过去式:blinded

blind faith,blind person,blind obedience,blind trust


1.瞎的;失明的not able to see

2.~ (to sth)(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的not noticing or realizing sth

3.[ubn]盲目接受的;不能自制的seeming to be unreasonable, and accepted without question; seeming to be out of control

4.[ubn]无理性的that cannot be controlled by reason

5.汽车司机看不见的;隐蔽的that a driver in a car cannot see, or cannot see around


(as) blind as a bat

视力不佳not able to see well

the blind leading the blind

盲人教盲人;盲人引导瞎子a situation in which people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge

not a blind bit/the blindest bit of…

丝毫没有not any

turn a blind eye (to sth)

(对某事)佯装不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼to pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... blackboard n. 黑板 blind a. 瞎的 blood n. 血,血液 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... blank adj. 空白的 blind adj. 瞎的,盲目的 block n. 块,街区 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... pleasure 愉快;高兴 blind 盲的 deaf 聋的 ...


大学英语六级词汇(强烈推荐+免费下载)_百度文库 ... bleach vt. 漂白 blind n. 百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘 block n. 阻塞;障碍物;炮闩 ...


新标准英语小学3-5年级单词表_百度知道 ... useful 有用的 blind 盲的,失明的 deaf 聋的 ...

He is so narrow-minded that if he fell on a pin, it would blind him in both eyes. 他心眼非常小,如果摔倒在一根针上,会刺瞎两只眼睛。
A young woman, so confused she appeared to be blind, gazes in incomprehension around a field strewn with debris and fallen branches. 在遍地废墟、布满断裂树枝的野地里,一位年轻女子茫然不解地瞪着双眼,脸上困惑的表情让她看起来像个盲人。
The boss had better find out what he expects and wants if he does not know. A blind leader tends to go in circles. 如果不知道的话,最好能找到他所期望的,一个缺乏眼光的领导者容易原地转圈。
Eli was now very very old and was almost blind in both eyes. When he heard the terrible news of the defeat, he broke his neck. 艾利现在已经非常非常的老了,而且两眼几乎都瞎了,当他听到这个可怕的战败消息之后,他甚至跌断了他的颈子。
Once upon a time there lived a blind man in a village. He had been blind in both eyes for many years. 从前一个村子里住着一个瞎子,他双目失明已有许多年了。
Its inherent difficulty tends to blind its adherents to a crucial fact: peace, at least this kind of peace, is not the answer. 这种目标本身的困难性,让他们的追随者们忽略了一个残酷的事实:和平,至少这种意义的和平,不是实施暴力的理由。
We seem to have automatic blind-spots to what we do not want to see. 对于我们不想看到的一些事情,我们不自觉地就忽视了。
In a refugee camp on an island off the Indian coast, the story of a priest and a blind man helped other survivors find hope. 在印度外海某个岛上的急难营内,一位牧师和一名盲胞,帮助其他生还者燃起希望。
Getting Started Jesus had healed the blind man just outside the city of Jericho while on his way to Jerusalem for the last time. 在最后一次去耶路撒冷时,耶稣在耶利哥城外医治了一个瞎子。
A Cui did not understand their new husband was saying, while watching A Tao, watching the blind date of these new Lang, myself have laughed. 阿翠不明白自己的新婚丈夫在说什么,一边看着阿涛,一边看着这些新来的相亲郎,自个儿也笑了起来。
The blind girl and her brother held their breath. Beautiful music came out of the old, worn piano, bringing tears to the listeners' eyes. 这位目盲的女孩和她的哥哥屏息而待,优美的乐声从这台老旧的钢琴中传了出来,让聆听这首曲子的这对兄妹忍不住流下了眼泪。
If I was a famous great artist and went blind, I would check out on life, yo! 如果我是个著名的艺术家而又瞎掉了,我会放弃生命!
In a blind scary night, I wander lonely on the bank of Styx. The Dead Bridge is in front of me, waiting, watching and laughing. 在一个漆黑恐怖的夜晚,我独自走在忘川河边,眼前便是奈何桥,它静静的等待着,注视着,狞笑着。
One day, there was a blind man sitting on the steps of a building with a sign by his feet, that reads: "I am blind, please help. " 一天,一位盲人坐在建筑物的台阶上,他的脚边放着一个牌子,那上面写着:“我是盲人,请帮帮我”。
Example: Mike has never worked in advertising before. Having him in charge of the new recruits is like the blind leading the blind. 迈克以前从没做过广告工作。由他来带新人那纯粹是不懂瞎指挥。
He brought his eyes farther round and looked at her, she was staring with blank eyes, like a blind woman. 他把目光从远处绕回来,瞅了她一眼;她两眼无神地瞪着,象是个瞎女人。
His dreams had always been Houdiniesque: they were the dreams of a pupa struggling in its blind cocoon, mad for a taste of light and air. 他的那些妄想始终是霍迪尼式的:那些不切实际的梦想就如同虫蛹在茧中奋力挣扎,狂热地渴望体验阳光和空气一般。
None of the reports described methods used for randomization or whether they were double-blind, single-blind, or unblinded. 没有任何一份报告描述了随机使用的方法,或它们是否双盲,单盲,非盲。
Two years alone had given her a blind person's indifference to the look on her own face. 两年的独居让她对自己脸上的表情很是漠然,就像盲人那样。
She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear. 她是瞎并且聋的,但是她发现了一种方法看并且听见。
From the aesthetic view of the fact that it is not always beautiful, ancient, it is just people turn a blind eye to the subject. 从审美的事实看,它也并非始终是美的,远古时期,它只是人们熟视无睹的自然现象。
And Jesus heals two blind men while on his way to Jerusalem for the last time to meet his "end. " 耶稣在他“末日”时最后一次去耶路撒冷的路上医治了所遇见的两个盲人。
At the Aspen Maker Faire, she displayed a new prototype for a virtual cane for the blind that could be built right into a garment. 在阿斯彭制造者集会上,她展示了一件新样品,是可以装入服装内部的盲人虚拟手杖。
Even if it was a Palestinian group who fired the rockets, Hizbullah would have to at least have turned a blind eye to allow the rocket fire. 国防部的一位官员说“即使是巴勒斯坦人的组织发射的这些火箭弹,真主党也必须睁一只眼闭一只眼。”
I watched him put something in the captain's hand. 'And now that's done, 'said the blind man, and he quickly went out of the inn. 我看见瞎子把一样东西放在老船长手里。“现在事情了结了,”瞎子说,然后迅速走出客店。
You know, I gotta admit, I was kinda surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date with me. 你看,我不得不承认,我真的挺惊喜的,你会愿意跟我约会。
A partisan difference like this one is not a clash of "values, " with each side blind to the other and with no way to decide between them. 双方皆对另一方毫无所知,也没有办法决定他们之间的是非,像这样的党派性分歧并不是“价值”的冲突。
When John found that his wife had gone out without waiting for him, he got into a blind fury and smashed the furniture up. 当约翰发现他妻子不等他就外出时,便莫名奇妙地勃然大怒并且砸坏了家俱。
The areas most commonly referred to as blind spots are the rear quarter blind spots, areas towards the rear of the vehicle on both sides. 最严重的地区通常被称为盲点的后方季度盲点,实现地区后面的车辆两侧。
Now thinking back the course of any passion. I was like one blind, unafraid of the dark. 回头想象我的激情,我像一个瞎子,无惧于黑暗。