
美 [ˈbæθˌrum]英 [ˈbɑːθˌruːm]
  • n.浴室;卫生间;洗手间;厕所
  • 网络盥洗室;洗澡间;卫浴设备





1.浴室a room in which there is a bath/ bathtub , a washbasin and often a toilet

2.洗手间;卫生间a room in which there is a toilet, a sink and sometimes a bath/ bathtub or shower


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... error n 错误;差错 bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 make oneself at home 别客气 ...


住宅设计规范_百度百科 ... 2.0.6厨房 kitchen 2.0.7卫生间 bathroom 2.0.8使用面积 usable area ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... error n 错误;差错 bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 make oneself at home 别客气 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... error n 错误;差错 bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所 make oneself at home 别客气 ...


关于家务活的英语单词_百度知道 ... kitchen 厨房 bathroom 洗手间 bed 床 ...


求 鲁教版八年级上册英语单词表_百度知道 ... freedom n. 自由 bathroom n. 浴室;洗澡间 bedroom n. 寝室;卧室;卧房 ...


Main Page - Canton Fair... ... Auto Parts( 汽车配件) 5,306 Bathroom( 卫浴设备) 3,900 Bathroom Products( 浴室用品) 1,561 ...

The bathroom was at the end of corridor and I would always feel as if something was walking right behind me. 洗手间在走廊的尽头,每次我去那的时候,总有种身后有人跟着的感觉。
Passing the back verandah where I normally have all meals, I noticed that I had not closed the door from the bathroom leading to my room. 在走过屋后我通常在此吃饭的走廊时,我注意到,通向我房间浴室的们没有关上。
If I had to do it again, the only thing I would change would be to have my own bathroom. 如果要再次入住的话,唯一的不同之处就是,我要拥有自己的浴室。
As soon as I left the bus, I headed for the bathroom to put on a pair of long pants and a sweater. 我们坐了两小时的车来到山脚,一下巴士,我直奔洗手间穿上长裤和毛衣。
Use a disinfecting cleanser once a week on the bathroom floor and sides of the tub and shower; rinse well and dry the surfaces with a towel. 每周用消毒清洁剂清洗浴室地面、浴缸外侧以及淋浴间,然后用毛巾擦干。
In his report, Weston said that he said he saw Lincoln merely standing in the bathroom. 在Weston的报告里,他只说他看见Lincoln站在浴室里。
As a kid, she alternated days doing dish-washing duty with her big brother, Craig. It was also her job to clean the bathroom every Saturday. 小时候,她与哥哥克雷格轮流洗碗。每周六她还要清扫卫生间。
I thought I heard her shouting from the bathroom and went to see what was the matter. 我听到她在卫生间里喊,就去看看出了什么事?。
Guests will be amazed at how much has been packed into this suitcase, which includes bunk beds and a bathroom. 客人们会惊讶于这个手提箱里装进了多少东西,其中包括双层床和一个浴室。
I remember I would go to bathroom and there's a man you know standing with a gun next to me, which makes it pretty hard to pee. 我记得我去上厕所的时候,有一哥们拿着枪就站在我身边,整的我都尿不出来了。
He went into the bathroom and I waited beside the door, when he was finished he leaned on me and we went back to the bed. 他走进洗手间我在门口等着他当他出来后,他靠在我身上,我们走回病房,上到床上。
"You come out of that bathroom! " shouts Brother. He bangs on the door. “你给我从卫生间里出来!”熊哥哥喊道。他用力的撞门。
Coming out of the bathroom, Churchill dropped his towel, and there was the PM, in all his naked glory, pacing and talking. 走出来浴室,丘吉尔下降,他的毛巾,有人时,在他的所有赤裸裸的荣耀,起搏和说话。
When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obligated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom. 当我们中的某一个说要去小便的时候,大家觉得应该马上站起来陪她去洗手间。
Well, let's see. I want her to come in three times a week for a couple of hours to clean the kitchen, bathroom and maybe do some cooking. 嗯,让我想想。我想让她一周三次,每次三个小时帮我打扫厨房,卫生间,或者做些做些吃的。
It had no central heating. There was a paraffin stove in the bathroom, which must have been dangerous. 房子没有中央供暖系统,在浴室里有一个煤油炉,当时肯定很危险。
You got distracted watching the music video that as playing in the corner of your bathroom mirror while you were brushing your teeth. 你正在盥洗室里刷牙,却被玻璃镜一角正放着的音乐录像弄得分了心。
Look, I keep you in the room with me, and I suggest you get one of these and do not use bathroom in this hall whatever if I catch sth. 听着。我们现在是舍友。拿着这个,在我找到某物之前,不要使用宿舍的厕所。
He told me that every night when he gets up to go to the bathroom, the Lord turns the light on for him. 他对我说,每天晚上起床上厕所的时候,上帝为他开灯。
waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom is such a common problem it has a name: nocturia. 半夜醒来上厕所是非常普遍的一个问题,它有一个名字叫夜尿症。
In " bathroom " with a small window opened prettily like the model still between the kitchen, very lovely. 在“浴室”与厨房之间还像模像样地开了个小窗子,很可爱。
Even if you've only got a minute or two, duck into the bathroom to make sure you're looking your best. 即使你只有一两分钟,躲进洗手间确保自己衣冠整齐。
I went back to the bathroom remodel and began realizing that this is what life is all about: change. 我回到浴室继续装修工程,并且开始意识到人生就是不断“改变”。
One night when he had no luck summoning a nurse, and tried to reach the bathroom on his own, he fell and gashed his head on the nightstand. 一天晚上,他不幸没有找到护士,自己试着进盥洗室时摔倒了,撞在床头小桌上,头上划了条口子。
One day, when it was storming, lighting hit the house and traveled up the metal rails that she had in her bathroom. 一个下着暴风雨的天气,闪电击中了她家的房子和她安装在浴室的金属栏杆。
1 - Harry finds himself stuck in just such a staircase on his way back from the Prefects' Bathroom. 在从级长浴室会寝室的路上,哈利发现自己陷进了这样的一个台阶。
The average number of items in a typical woman's bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of these items. 在一个典型女人的浴室,平均会有437样物品。男人认不出其中的绝大多数。
Ten minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom feeling fresh and clean, with only a towel on her shoulders and slippers in her feet. 十分钟过去,她感觉清爽地身披毛巾,脚穿拖鞋走出浴室。
that Mrs. Wilson, hearing groans from the bathroom, went in and found him in an unconscious condition. 听到卫生间有呻吟的声音,威尔逊夫人走进去,发现他已经昏迷。
"What sort of work is it? " he asked, lingering a moment as he turned upon his heel to go into the bathroom. “干的是什么活?”在转身进洗澡间之前他停留了一会儿,问道。