
美 [ˈbæt(ə)l]英 ['bætl]
  • n.战斗;战役;战争;斗争
  • v.斗争;竞争;抗争;奋斗
  • 网络作战;战场

第三人称单数:battles 现在分词:battling 过去式:battled

win battle,fight battle,lose battle
long battle,decisive battle,fierce battle,bloody battle,great battle


n. v.

1.[c][u]战役;战斗;搏斗a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people

2.[c]~ (with sb) (for sth)较量;争论;斗争a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control

3.[c][ususing]奋斗;斗争a determined effort that sb makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation


the battle lines are drawn

战线已经划清(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势)used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in an argument or contest that is going to begin

do battle (with sb) (over sth)

(同某人就某事)进行斗争(或辩论)to fight or argue with sb

half the battle

(完成某事的)关键;最艰难的阶段the most important or difficult part of achieving sth


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... battery n. 电池 battle n. 战斗;战役 bay n. 湾; 海湾 ...


刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... board 板子 eg:battle 战役 debate 辩论 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... battery n. 电池 battle n. 战役,战争 be v./aux. 是,在 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... battery n. 电池;一套,一组 battle n. 战役;斗争 ampere n. 安培 ...


红色警戒2神龙天舞_百度百科 ... 《神龙天舞》( Dragon Dance) 作战Battle) 自由交战( Free For All) ...


战场BATTLE)C:比赛项目 比赛时间 比赛项目 比赛与交流场所地点 5月3日下午14:00开始 KOF98 《战场》中国大陆地区 …


英语专升本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... battery n. 电池(组) battle n. 战役,战斗;斗争;作战,搏斗 bay n. (海或湖泊的)湾;山脉的低凹处 ...

Apparently, your journey took a negative turn when you let go of being an angel and engaged yourself in a battle with the dark forces. 显然,你的旅程当你放弃成为一个天使存在的时候踏入了一个负面的转变,约定了自己经历与黑暗力量的斗争。
And just a week and a half after the fatal incident, as residents demand safer streets, Chicago faces a new battle -- this time over guns. 这起殴打致死事件发生后一周半之后,居民们要求安全的环境芝加哥因此又面临着一场新的战役---这次是针对枪而言。
Of course, she is not the only one in the family to battle with her shape - her mother has endured a life-long struggle to manage weight. 当然,她不是家族中唯一一个决心重塑身材的人-她的母亲坚持毕生的精力努力保持体形。
The Vatican said it considered the case closed and added there was no point dredging up the "deplorable" comments in a legal battle. 梵蒂冈表示,它认为该事件已经结束,没有必要为这种“可悲”的言论闹上法庭。
The general sketched out his battle plan to a special group of officers, leaving them to organize the details. 将军向专门的军官小组扼要交代了这次作战的计划,将具体细节留待他们去布置。
As if I had fought a battle and reclaimed my kingdom from invaders. 好象自己停止啦争斗和索还啦自己地王国从侵略者。
The battle had been still going on but he had received a slight wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship. 战斗仍然在进行,但是他因受了点轻伤就被转运到轮船上的医院里。
How this or that celebrity won or lost his or her battle with it seems to fill much of the rest. 而报上的其余版面则充斥着知名人士与癌症的斗争情况,他们是怎样胜利或失败的。
then it's an uphill battle, and one I almost always lose. Because after a week or two of doing this, you'll lose enthusiasm. 时,那接下来将有一场艰难的斗争,一场我永远只会输的斗争,因为一两周后,热情便消失殆尽了。
Perhaps you think I am come on purpose to quarrel with you, knowing Weston to be out, and that you must still fight your own battle. 你也许认为我知道韦斯顿不在家,也知道你还会孤军奋战,便故意来跟你争吵。
Lakshmi Mittal is considering entering the takeover battle for Rio Tinto, the mining group, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士称,拉克什米-米塔尔(LakshmiMittal)正考虑参与对矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)的收购战。
But nothing happened. Most of the battle against the Bank of the United States was fought in Congress. 但是并没有发生什么,大多数在议会的斗争都是反对美国银行的。
After Imjin battle, Ming dynasty was into a serious political and economic crisis, and it was perished less than fifty years after the war. 经过壬辰一役,明王朝陷入了严重的政治经济危机之中,战后不到五十年即告灭亡。
It is commonly believed that because he never won a major battle against Hannibal, he must be a bad General. 依世俗之见,他从没赢得过一场大捷,因此他一定是个蹩脚的将领。
The two battle and Dooku lets his anger get the best of him. 二人决斗之时,杜库向他的愤怒屈服了。
Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays, and battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his way. 他兴奋地进行着准备工作,为这个计划装备了一支看起来很强大的军队,他们装备了收缩射线,冰冻射线,以及陆战、空战设备。
Most of the maniples went into battle as separate blocks of men in a square formation that looked something like a checkerboard from above. 大多数“战团”投入战斗的时候,会独立形成一个个方阵,看上去好象一幅国际象棋棋盘的样子。
Bottom-line, while economic development and urbanization may seem to have negative effects on our waist-line, it is not a battle lost. 最后结果是,当经济发展和都市化也许似乎对我们的腰围有负面作用时,这不是一场已输的战斗。
He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless. 他称有关传言指他俩因竞逐处长职位而不和是毫无根据的。
The corporation's chairman Lee Kun-yao has long predicted such a move by U. S. courts and said he is fully prepared for a long legal battle. 友达董事长李焜耀早已料到美国法院的这步棋,表示他已完全做好长期司法抗战的准备。
And she told Him she loved Him. Throughout her entire battle, she remained happy and trusting, telling everyone how good God was to her. 在最后的挣扎里,她一直乐观,并坚持的信仰,不断地告诉别人上帝待她如何好。
A wounded soldier is on his way out of the chaos of battle, and headed for home. The pain arrives as good news. 伤兵因外出参战,非常想家,而受伤的疼痛意味着好消息(可以回家)。
Red Bull amA US Rookies Cup announced the 23 talented, young riders that will battle it out in the upcoming season. 红公牛AMA美国新手杯宣布了将在即将来临的季节外面对抗它的23个有才华的、年轻骑手。
Thus when chariots and cavalry are not engaged in battle with the enemy, one cavalryman is not able to equal one foot soldier. 因此车骑使用不恰当,在战斗中一名骑兵还不能抵挡一名步兵。
There are at least 200 text entries for these battle reports, so you can imagine the amount of possible combinations between them. 至少有200个,这些战斗报告文本项,所以你能想象他们之间可能的组合数量。
as an interesting and challenging character in battle must match that of a magic user with ranged attack. 一个熟练的战士,在战斗中的乐趣和挑战性将完全比得上一个远程攻击的魔法使用角色。
retrofitting old elevator, the issue in Guangzhou yell for more than two years, up to now is still "a long battle out, partly-veiled" . 旧楼加装电梯,这个问题在广州嚷嚷两年多了,到现在依然“千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面”。
Just a few will be able to completely lock down your opponent's army and can easily turn the tide of any battle if fielded correctly. 只要一些就可以完全锁定敌人的部队,如果使用得当可以轻易扭转战局。
Twelve countries will Battle it out for the Olympic hockey gold at Atlanta. Pool A has USA and German. 12个国家将在亚特兰大争夺奥运会曲棍球金牌,A组有美国和德国。
Roma and Napoli are set to battle it out for the signature of Italian international Dossena when the transfer window opens in January. 罗马以及那不勒斯都希望一月转会窗开放之后争相签下意大利国脚多塞纳。