bring out

美 [brɪŋaʊt]
  • na.公布;说出;出版;上演
  • 网络生产;阐明;说明

第三人称单数:brings out 现在分词:bringing out 过去式:brought out

bring outbring out

bring out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... bring in 收获(庄稼等);生产 bring out 使…显示出来;公布 bring through 救活(病人) ...


词组“想出;提出”的英文_百度知道 ... think out 想出,了解后果 bring out: 使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出、 bring out 取出 ...


词组“想出;提出”的英文_百度知道 ... think out 想出,了解后果 bring out: 使显示, 出版, 生产, 说出、 bring out 取出 ...


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... make a cup of tea 泡茶 bring out 取出;阐明 bring in 引入 ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... bring on 使发生,引起 bring out 说明,阐明,出版 bring to an end 结束 ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 225、laps = slip 滑,滑走 226、lat = bring out 拿出,带出 227、later = side 边 ...


catch - 英汉词典 ... bear out 证明 bring out 发表,说出 fill out 使完全, 添满 ...

A man with a strong state of mind never lets his feeling affect his mood, but the latter bring out the former. 一个有坚强心智的人从不让他的感受影响他的心情,而是让他的心情滋生他的感受。
These companies often bring out their most advanced products on their home turf a year or two before they ship them around the world. 这些公司常常把它们最先进的产品在本国市场销售,一两年以后才运往世界各地。
You can even encourage her to bring out her vibrator so she can play with it while you do your moves on her. 这样甚至能让她拿出电动棒来跟它玩,同时你可以在她身上展开行动。
Maybe select a little bit of that. And bring out this graph. 要不我们挑一点东西出来,把这个图取出来。
Do not bring out the next important documents and deposit cards, to be placed in a safe place, so long as enough cash to go out like pull. 下次出门不要带重要的证件和存卡,要放在安全的地方,出门只要带足够的现金就好拉。
It was all foreign enough to bring out the bossy nurse in Flora, she had meant to be kind. 这时,弗洛拉摆出一副专横的护士的架子是不合适的,她现在想和气一些。
You bring out all this stuff, as if it were the last revelation from some kind of oracle. 你说的都是废话,而装的倒象某种神灵的最后启示。
i love you for the part of me that you bring out. 我爱你,因为你能唤出我最真的那一部分。
Bring out each item at a time, very ceremoniously, even if it is only an old stock cube or a rubbery carrot or such. 慎重其事地一次取出一样食材,即使它只是一个不新鲜的汤块或者一颗像橡胶般的红萝卜。
If you want something that has no quality to it, fine, but we're out to bring out things of quality, regardless of what type of book it is. 如果读者不讲求成书的质量,但说无妨,可是我们追求任何书都要有品质保证。
We all laughed out loud when Reece joked, "For a minute, Grandma, I thought you were going to bring out the kitchen sink! " 莉丝玩笑着说:“奶奶,我还以为你要拿出个厨房里的水槽呢!”
It was what he wanted to do - to bring out the innate ruffianism of this man he did not like. 那正是他希望办到的事——把这个他所不喜欢的入内在的流氓气逗引出来。
You will note that all the recipes which use almonds also call for a bit of almond extract to bring out the almond taste. 你会发现几乎所有用到杏仁的食谱都会要求你用点儿杏仁香精来调(diao)出杏仁的香味。
It's a really special occasion and I would just like the lads to enjoy it, because if they do it will bring out the best in their ability. 这是一次独一无二的机会,我只希望他们能体验这场比赛。因为只有这样将能发掘出他们的能力。
Striving can only brings out the second best of you, not the best of you. Only passion can bring out the best of you. 拼,只能带出你第二好,不能带出你的最好,只有热诚,可以带出你的最好。
This lessens the intimidation that the word "review" seems to bring out, without lessening its importance. 这样可以减少对单词“检查”可能带来的工作的恐惧,而不会降低其重要性。
And just when they were going to bring out the shrimp, I woke up. . . to you. Life is so unfair! I really miss my parents. 就在他们准备上虾的时候,我一睁眼,居然是你,生活忒不公平了,我真想我爸妈啦!
And weirdly, I think I bring out the best in him. He's been a perfect gentleman this whole week. 相反的,我发掘出他最好的一面。他这个星期都很绅士。
Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own. My mom was one of those people. 有些人把你的最佳潜能挖掘出来,而你却永远不能充分意识到这一点。我妈妈就是这样一个人。
"And what I find really funny is the immature behaviour they bring out in people. Sometimes you can almost hear the faces being pulled. " “我还发现一个非常好笑的现象,电话会议会令人们表现出不成熟行为。有时你几乎可以听到他们在做鬼脸。”
You bring out the beauty that exists in the world, making it easier for you and others to put up with the unpleasant aspects of life. 你会尽量展现出世界美好的一面,好让自己和别人更宽容的对待生活中那些不愉快的方面。
We all tend to think, "Of course they bring out the best in me. I would not be friends with them otherwise. " 我们会认为:当然,他们让我展现了最好的自我,否则,我也不会跟他们交朋友。
One of my teachers used to insist that the word education came from the Latin educere, to bring out. 我的一位老师经常强调说,“教育”这个词来自拉丁文中的“educere”,即“培养”。
Bryant was dropped by all his partners except Nike -- and it didn't bring out a shoe with his name on it for two years. 科比在他的所有合作者中的作用都下降了,除了耐克——在两年的时间内没有为科比提供他的签名鞋。
Love does not go within expectation as well. Thus, do not bring out "I Love You" thoughtlessly. 爱情,也是不会在预料中发展我爱你。这三个字不要轻易说出口。
In her belief, art can bring out its spiritual power, to help people fight against crisis, and become a placebo for heart. 艺术将发挥其精神性,帮助人类度过危机,成为心灵的安慰剂。
"The roasting process can be manipulated to bring out different flavours and minimise any deleterious compounds produced, " he said. 我们可以通过对烘焙过程的监控来产生不同的味道,同时把有害物质的产量减少到最低。
Kate: After dinner, we bring out our gifts to her to give her more surprise! 凯特:吃完晚饭后,拿出我们的礼物,会给她更多的惊喜。
Please do not depart from here until I come to you and bring out my present and set it before you. 求你不要离开这里,等我归回将礼物带来供在你面前。
'We're optimistic about 3-D going forward, ' she said, praising the format's ability to 'bring out a new story-telling element. ' 格罗布说,我们看好3-D技术的未来前景。她还称赞3-D技术能带来一种讲述故事的新元素。