
美 [.bi 'si]英 [.biː 'siː]
  • abbr.公元前
  • 网络公元前(before Christ);卑诗省(British Columbia);不列颠哥伦比亚



1.公元前before Christ (used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of years before the year when Christ is believed to have been born)

公元前(before Christ)

2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bay n. 湾; 海湾 BC n. 公元前 be v. 是(原形),其人称和 时态形式有 ...

卑诗省(British Columbia)

卑诗省BC)省提名 British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program萨斯克奇温省省提名 Saskatchewan Provincial Nominee Pr…


不列颠哥伦比亚(bc)省项目 照片: taganga ,哥伦比亚,一个 纽约哥伦比亚大学 (图)哥伦比亚河 哥伦比亚峡谷_图片_互动百科 colu…


下列 判断正确的是BC ) Q 地球 轨道 2 轨道 1 P A.飞船变轨前后的机械能相等 B.飞船在圆轨道上时航天员出舱前后都处 …


整个不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC)的公路系统大致可以看成是“三横两纵”。三条公路贯穿东西,分别是从贾斯帕到鲁珀特王子城(Prince …

By the 4th century BC the figured decoration of pottery had declined, and by the end of the century it had died out in Athens. 到了公元前4世纪,陶器图案已衰退,至该世纪末已在雅典消亡。
Egypt has been a territorial state since the first pharaoh in 3150 BC, but it has never once in five millennia experimented with democracy. 自公元前3150年第一个法老开始,埃及就已经是一个领土政权了,但五千年来它却从未民主过。
With our foot alreadyplantedwithintheASP infrastructure, weest out on behalf of BC to see if their data was at risk to another hosted bank. 利用我们已经在asp基础组织中立足,我们在银行客户(C)表开始,看他们的数据对于其它宿主银行是否有风险。
I was still in a corner of the humble found a BC in ancient Egypt, the stone engraved with the cuneiform , carefree and send the idea. 我还在一个不怎么起眼的角落里发现过一座公元前的古埃及石碑,上面刻满了楔形文字,令人悠然而发思古之情。
BC 776, from the beginning, performing in the form of a competition, people this year as the beginning of the ancient Olympic Games. 从公元前776年开始,表演以比赛的形式出现,人们把这一年当作古代奥林匹克运动会的开始。
Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian empire in the sixth century BC. 伊朗,自从公元前6世纪创建波斯帝国以来,一直是一个独立的国家。
BC: Don't worry, I'll take the heat for you, son. But what these folks have to say is important for my daughter to hear. 别担心,由我来承担她的怒火,孩子。不过这些人有很重要的事要告诉我女儿。
'How much is that BC Rich? ' 'That's not a good guitar, sir, ' he replies. 'You don't want that. ' “先生,那个吉他不怎么好”,他回答,“你不会想要那个的。”
Then, whilst writing this article, I looked to the "basis for conclusion" (BC) in the standard for guidance on the matter. 然后,写这篇文章的同时,我期望的结论,“基础”(公元前)在对这个问题的指导标准。
The Athens of Socrates and Plato, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is often seen as home to a first golden age of conversation. 公元前5世界到4世界之间,苏格拉底和柏拉图时代的雅典,经常被看作是交谈的首个黄金时代。这种观点的产生,主要是因为柏拉图的作品。
He began to prophesy during the reign of Jeroboam II and continued until near the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel in 721 BC. 何西阿在以色列国王耶罗波安二世(JeroboamII)在位期间开始预言,其活动一直延续到以色列国灭亡之时(西元前721年)。
He is excited that this year's RED BULL BC ONE will take place in New York City because he loves the diversity one finds there. 他兴奋的是,今年的红牛车队的银行客户(BC)一个发生在纽约,因为他爱的多样性发现那里。
The main advantage of this decoupled architecture is that you implement a particular data format or standard only once, in the form of a BC. 这种解耦架构的主要好处就是只需实现一次特定的数据格式或标准,以BC的形式。
BC: I would brag that I would allow any bandit that defeated me in solo combat to claim leadership of the camp. It seemed fair, you know? 我曾经夸耀说,任何在单人角斗中打败我的强盗都可以得到营地的领导权。听起来很公平,是吧?
The increase in nominal stress due to live load , BC, is usually small in comparison with the dead load , OA. 活载产生的名义应力的增量BC段与恒载产生的名义应力OA段相比一般是很小的。
The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the Fourth Dynasty around the year 2560 BC to serve as a tomb when he dies. 此遗迹是由埃及第四王朝法老胡夫在大约公元前2560年建造的,作为他死后的陵墓。
Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian Empire in the 6th century BC. 伊拉克自公元前6世纪建立波斯帝国以来就一直是一个政权。
Issued from 35 BC to 5 AD, this coin may have been used as payment as Azes traveled with a gift for the Christ Child. 从公元前35分至5广告,此硬币可能被用作发放阿泽斯同为基督儿童礼物前往。
This unusual tree building at the heart of the experience holds the record for the largest (and tallest) tree house in BC, Canada. 位于这片梦幻地中心的树木建筑保持着加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省最大(并且最高)的树屋的记录。
It is cool that this seventeenth century BC technique is still practiced and enjoyed today. 在今天仍然实施和欣赏这项公元十七世纪前的技术,乃是很酷的吧。
When Qin Shihuang unified China in 221 BC, he decided to have the various sections of the walls linked up and also extended. 当秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国后,他决定把不同地段的城墙连接起来并加以延长。
Several BC pit material into the delivery box, the FCL of the test, should be able to experiment through the fall. 几个装入BC坑材质的输送箱中,整箱的试验,应可通过落下试验。
As early as 2700 BC Egyptians were converting papyrus into thick forms of paper or parchment ready to receive markings from reed pens. 早在公元前2700年,埃及人便开始把纸莎草纸改进为较厚的纸张或是羊皮纸,以便用芦苇制成的笔记录文字。
The names of the rivers Itchen, Wey, Colne and Humber are thought to be pre-Celtic - in use since at least 500 BC. 那些名为Itchen、Wey、Colne和Humber的河流据说都出现在凯尔特人以前,即至少在公元前500年就已经开始使用。
Chineseexploration was an age of exploratory Chinese travels abroad, on land and by sea, from the 2nd century BC until the 15th century. 中国勘探是一个时代的探索中国出国,在陆地上和海上,从公元前2世纪至15世纪。
My own union, the BC Teachers Federation, is an active supporter of the gay rights movement and has published their materials. 我自己所属的工会,即英属哥伦比亚省的教师联会,就积极支持同性恋者权益运动。
The active component, salicylic acid, originally from willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC. 它来自早在公元前五世纪就被用于民间配方的柳树皮,是这种树皮的一种有效成分。
This BC need to have browsing and read access to at least all the user entries which should be imported into TM1. 这个BC至少需要对应该导入TM1的所有用户条目有浏览和读访问权。
Daxi Qujialing culture and one of the characteristics of culture can be divided between the type of housing, seen in BC since 3500. 大溪文化和屈家岭文化的特征之一是分间式住房,出现于公元前3500年以后。
It continued to be popular until the advent of red-figure pottery (c. 530 BC). 黑彩陶器持续流行到出现红彩陶器(约公元前530年)为止。