
美 [kənˈsɪd(ə)rəbli]英 [kən'sɪd(ə)rəbli]
  • adv.大幅度地;很大地;相当地
  • 网络颇;相当大地;非常地

vary considerably,considerably improve,considerably increase


1.非常;很;相当多地much; a lot


新视野大学英语1-4册单词表 - 豆丁网 ... considerable a. 相当的 considerably ad. 相当地,很多 cabin n. 小屋 ...

books - HSK Flashcards_馆档网 ... zi3xi4 A:careful[ 仔细] po1 Adv:considerably;quite[ ] chou2chu2 V:to hesitate[ 踌躇] ...


Dealing with Growth ... 3.assumption n. 假定,假设 4.considerably adv. 相当大地 5.outskirt n. [常作~s]市郊,郊区 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... considerable 值得考虑的 considerably 非常地 considerate 体贴的 ...


2011年6月 英语3A考试答案_百度知道 ... due to 由于,因为 considerably 相当的,非常的 Trade agreement 贸易协定 ...


常用写作形容词副词(1)_Landy_新浪博客 ... 78. conservative a. 保守的;守旧的 79. considerably ad. 相当大地;在很大程

This also tends to simplify error-handling of each task considerably, as each processing step is only doing one simple task. 由于每个处理步骤只完成一项简单的任务,因而也将极大简化了每个任务的错误处理。
In the run-up to the government's release of its stress test results and in the aftermath of that news, this sector jumped considerably. 追溯到之前的政府公开其压力测试的结果时,在这一消息之后,该部门增长很大。
Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, made considerably less money than the first family, according to the White House statement. 根据白宫的声明,副总统乔。拜登与其夫人吉尔较第一夫人的收入少出许多。
The next morning he had cooled down considerably, and later the ticket was duly secured, though it did not heal matters. 第二天早上他的态度已经冷静下来,后来他也及时给她弄到了票,不过这并没有弥合他们之间的裂痕。
It has not two but seven sexes, and each one can mate with any of the others, which opens up the field considerably. 它远不止有两种性别,而是七种,每个个体可以和任何其他个体交配,这就大大地打开了求偶的场面。
The traffic might be very busy now, in which case we may be considerably delayed. 现在的交通可能很拥挤,如此一来,我们可能会耽搁很久。
In Eastern countries, the tone is often considerably different. 东方国家,对此看法经常是非常不同的。
There used to be considerably less of this outside of the sterile side of pharmaceutical packaging, where it's been ongoing for some time. 过去有大大低于本以外的不育方面的医药包装,在那里它已经持续了一段时间。
In many of the smaller cities, where the cost of living is considerably lower, US-style fast food is often considered a luxury. 在许多小城市,那里的生活费用是相当低的,美国式的快餐店,往往被认为是一种奢侈。
I also put on a black gown, and remember that it did not fit perfectly, and that it interfered with my movements considerably. 我也穿上了黑袍,我记得它不太合身,严重地妨碍了我的行动。
Today the situation has improved considerably, although it would be premature to say that we are completely out of the woods. 现在形势已经有了很大好转,虽然说我们完全摆脱困境还为时过早。
To do a movement of each part and a fixed distance disjointedly , impossibility is considerably caused because space in the body is limited. 躯体内部的空间因为被限定,哗啦哗啦进行各零件的移动及固定的行程相当产生无理。
And later that day I made a nasty discovery that my own financial cushion was considerably less comfortable than I had thought it was. 那天晚些时候,我还痛苦地发现,自己的财务储备远不入此前认为的那么让人放心。
The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably. 吃穿的费用今年有所下降。同样地,燃料价格也有大幅回落。
The family, as it considerably falls under modern conditions, has estimation in which it was held by an earlier generation. 在现代条件下,家庭的地位已经一落千丈,而不象在早些世代那样受尊重了。
There is no doubt that the dynamics between wave and topography interaction is considerably more complicated a stratified fluid. 毫无疑问,在层结流体中波和地形间相互作用的动力学过程要复杂的多。
If a shop assistant told him she had not heard of it, he would pretend to be considerably put out. 要是女售货员告诉他从未听说过这些东西,他会装出十分遗憾和不安的样子。
The sea had risen considerably. But it was a fair-weather breeze and he had to have it to get home. 海浪大了不少。不过这是晴天吹的微风,他得靠它才能回去。
"Without the lay-over in Tokyo Narita Airport, the travel time would be shortened considerably and worth the higher fare, " so he said. 父亲说:“直航在东京成田机场不停,飞行时间就大大缩短了,多花点钱也值。”
They have seen considerably less of that on the economy than health care, and for that, they are paying a political price. 人们对经济政策的关心远不如对医保政策,正因为如此,他们将要付出政治代价。
I gave you credit for more wisdom than to allow yourself to be inveigled into an engagement with a woman considerably older than yourself. 我相信你有足够的智慧,不会上当受骗,与一个比你大的多的女人订婚。
As you near the end time you will realize this to be true, as your consciousness levels and understanding will have considerably risen up. 因为你接近时间终点,你会明白这是真实的,你的“意识级别”和“觉察力”都会大大的提高。
During the six centuries which had gone by since the death of the Prophet the original ardor of his followers had considerably cooled. 六百年来随着先知和他最初的仰慕者逝去,一切已经相当程度上冷却了。
A horse has considerably wide vision (and the largest eyes of any land mammal) - being able to see a total field of up to 350 degrees. 马的视野覆盖范围相当广(它的眼睛也是陆生哺乳动物中最大的)能够看到350度开外的地方。
School violence is often represented as school bullying, which has been found considerably prevalent in various cultures. 学校欺负是一种较为常见的学校暴力形式且具有跨文化的普遍性。
It has not been dropped upon you out of the blue, and you have been considerably helped for quite a few hundred years. 它并不是突然地掉在你们头上,你们已经被大大地帮助了好几百年。
Much of the front three rows were reserved for Wall Street executives whose responses were considerably more subdued. 前三排大部分座位预留给了华尔街公司的高管,他们对讲话的反应则要冷淡的多。
For your own sake, if your relationship is over, end it in the best way you can and enjoy life, there is only one, and considerably short. 为自己着想,如果你们的关系即将结束,那就让它完美的结束,享受生活,这也是最最精辟的一句话。育路外语。
After being taken aback, my response was that there are many reasons that your average method size should be considerably smaller. 吃惊之余,我的回应是有很多原因让你的平均函数体积应该相当的小。
Reporters must be considerably objective, although it is hard to be absolutely objective for everyone has his own opinions and ideas. 记者应该相当的客观,尽管完全客观是难以达到的,因为每个人都有自己的观点和意见。