love story

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love storylove story

love story


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I'm not very keen on westerns, although my father likes them, but I'm a real softie , so anything with a bit of a love story is good for me. 我不是很喜欢西方的,虽然我父亲喜欢,我是一个心软的人,有爱心的小故事适合我。
During the course of the night, the "Love Story" songstress took the stage for one of her oh-so-spectacular performances. 在夜晚的过程中,“爱的故事”女歌手,她花了哦那么强大的一个舞台表演。
It was a perfect heart hidden away from view - you would not know it was there. You can just imagine the love story. 这是个隐藏的极好的爱心,你也许永远都不知道它的存在。你可以想象这个爱情故事有多美了。
Love theme has always been a good box office, so many directors are willing to shoot a beautiful, touching love story. 爱情题材向来票房不错,所以很多导演愿意拍一部唯美的,感人的爱情故事。
Well, you know, it was, it - not only was it suspenseful ; I loved the love story that was in the movie as well, with your wife. 好的,你知道,这不仅是一部悬疑影片,我喜欢电影中与你妻子的爱情故事。
i know that life is not a fairy tale, and i'm not asking for a happy ending. all i'm asking is a real imperfect love story about you and me. 我知道,生活不是童话,所以我不求童话般的完美结局,只希望能拥有一个不完美但却真实的爱情故事。故事的主角,只有你和我。
The cover of Einstein in Love features a photograph of a young Einstein and a young Maric, implying that this is their love story. 《恋爱中的爱因斯坦》的封面是一张年轻的爱因斯坦和年轻的玛丽克的合照,这本书是讲他们的恋爱故事。
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess, It's a love story, baby, just say yes. 不要害怕,我相信我们终究会冲破困境,这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我。
George had always said that Episode II would be a love story, and it has a real sort of courtly delicacy about it. 乔治总是说EP2将是一个爱情故事,而确实有一种真正尊严而有礼的微妙感情在其中。
It is a love story about a man with a genetic disorder that causes him to time travel unpredictably, and about his wife, an artist. 这部电影讲述了一个由于遗传病而经常不可预知的在时间中穿梭的男子和他的艺术家妻子的爱情故事。
It looked like a love story. But love, as she said, could turn on a sixpence. 看起来这是个爱情故事,但是如罗斯说,爱情会风云突变。
After two years of marriage, the two creators of a unique love story have appeared in public again as a happy couple. 在结婚两年后,这两位独特爱情故事的创造者高高兴兴地出现在了公众面前。
Sarah: A love story of course. Who wants to see car crashes and shoot-outs when you could see a love story instead? 莎拉:当然是言情片。如果可以选择看言情片,有谁愿意去看那些撞车枪杀镜头?
it? A love story, can reveal the terrible war, but more lively performance. 用一个爱情故事,完全可以揭示战争的可怕,而且表现的更生动。
Intends to these happy love story annotates the original works, brings once more audience to that legendary space and time. 意在将原著中那些美好的爱情故事重新诠释,再次把观众带向那个传奇的时空中。
Their love story and the fact that they have been striving so long for the gold makes me in their corner. 他们的爱情故事,他们为了金牌努力这么久,使我站在他们一边。
That sounds like the beginning of a love story. 这听起来像个爱情故事的开头。
I know that life isn't a fairytale, and I'm not asking for a happy ending. All I'm asking is a real imperfect love story about you and me. 我知道,生活不是童话,所以我不求童话般的结局,只希望拥有一个不完美但却真实的爱情故事,故事的主角只有我和你。
As time passed by, what I concerned about more was whether my love story had been deleted from my memory rather than how it started. 我想,故事是怎么开始的已经不重要了,我关心的是自己是否已经不记得了。
This means to apply a little logic or to fill in the details of our love story. 就是说要给我们的旧大脑提供一些逻辑思维或者将我们原来爱情的细节填进我们的旧大脑里去。
to leave me, not daring to tell me. On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious, you said: Our love story is ending. 可事实上你早就想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。在那美丽的夜晚,眼望湖水,恍惚中听见你说:我们的爱情故事已到尽头。
This film has given an account of a girl who is called Beira and a chilly beautiful love story being called Edward's vampire. 这部电影讲述了一个名叫贝拉的女孩和一个名叫爱德华的吸血鬼的凄美的爱情故事。
Titan, main speaks, jack was a boy and a girl named Lucy's love story, Jack is a small hun hun, but Lucy is a great lady. 泰坦尼号主要讲得是一个叫杰克的男孩和一个叫露西的女孩的爱情故事,杰克是一个小混混,而露西是一个大小姐。
It's a love story, baby, just say yes. Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel . 这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧。罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧。他们总在试图左右我的思想。
This marks the beginning of a love story that will be tested under the gravity of many life-threatening situations. 这标志着一个爱情故事将在许多人的生命威胁的情况下重力测试的开始。
The " love story" , I was disappointed to cry too, once trying to redeem, result is a cold refusal, merciless satire. 为了那份“廉价的爱情”,我曾经失意地痛哭过,曾经努力地想要挽回过,结果换来的是冷漠的拒绝,无情的讽刺。
Novels in Jane eyre love story for rochester, vividly as the fire was the enthusiasm and sincere heart, strongly reveals her love. 小说中简·爱对罗切斯特的爱情故事,生动地展现了的那火一样的热情和赤诚的心灵,强烈地透露出她的爱情观。
Later, the strange creature found its way into a love story, where it turned into a beautiful woman like a mermaid. 后来,这种奇特的生物又出现在一个爱情故事当中,化身为一位形同人鱼的美女。
Colin: But sometimes it's nice to see a simple love story with beautiful women and handsome men. 科林:可是有时候看漂亮女人和英俊男人简单的爱情故事是很不错的。
Especially his eyes with moist, like black bead are more beautiful than woman's eyes. Love story like a fairy. 尤其是他水汪汪的眼睛,就像黑色的珠子,比女人的眼睛还要美得多。