
美 [laʊndʒ]英 [laʊndʒ]
  • n.休息室;酒吧;闲逛;躺椅
  • v.闲逛;懒洋洋地靠[躺];吊儿郎当地混日子
  • 网络休息厅;酒廊;沙发音乐

复数:lounges 现在分词:lounging 过去式:lounged



n. v.

1.(机场等的)等候室a room for waiting in at an airport, etc.

2.(旅馆、俱乐部等的)休息室a public room in a hotel, club, etc. for waiting or relaxing in


阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 行李托运处 check in gate 休息室 lounge 晚点 late ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... bar 酒吧间 lounge 休息厅 roof garden 屋顶花园 ...


酒廊Lounge)通常位于酒店的行政楼层(也称作VIP floor------Very important Person Floor,意为:非常重要人士的楼层)。 …


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《Friends》词汇表A ... jerry adj. 草率的, 偷工减料的 lounge n. 闲逛, 休闲室, 长沙发 spinal adj. 脊骨的, 脊髓的n.脊椎麻醉 ...


PET分类词汇_百度文库 ... lawn 草地;草坪 lounge 休闲室;长沙发 Page 1 of 5 学而思教育 ...


疯狂英语阅读9(1)_yangfei37_百度空间 ... ) nevertheless 然而, 不过 ) lounge 长沙发,酒吧 ) scheme 图谋 ...


PET分类词汇_百度文库 ... lawn 草地;草坪 lounge 休闲室;长沙发 Page 1 of 5 学而思教育 ...

It's easy to navigate and equipped with passenger-friendly amenities like free wireless Internet and a pay-to-use arrival lounge. 这里的指示牌一目了然,并且装备了很多方便乘客的设施比如无线上网和付费休息厅。
We make it a true restaurant with a bar area or lounge and a separate entrance on the street. 我们使之成为一个真正的餐厅与酒吧区或休息室和一个单独的入口对街。
When you first meet a guy in a bar or lounge, nothing is better than leaning in and violating his personal space with a whisper. 当你在酒吧或者闲逛的时候第一次碰上个男人的时候,没什么比斜靠在他身上和在他耳边低语闯入他的私人空间更好的了。
Burton came into the lounge presently and caught sight of me. He seated himself in the chair next to mine. 不一会儿,伯顿走过休息室,看见我,就坐在我旁边的椅子上。
Lenny watched from the side, fully dressed, stretched out on a plastic lounge chair, peering out from underneath a baseball cap. 莱尼穿戴齐全,四肢舒展地躺在一旁的躺椅上,眯着眼睛从棒球帽下向外注视着我们。
The sun was shining beautifully in through the lounge windows, when suddenly I heard rain beating down on the roof at the back of the house. 明媚的阳光洒进起居室的窗子,我忽然听到雨点打在屋顶上。
Yes, we get the sun on the front of the house, that streams into the lounge very well all day. 是的,我们的房子从前面采光,整个白天起居室的光线都很好。
Spanish Elm is the largest treehouse, with its own dining and lounge area, an alfresco shower and a wraparound deck fit for a filmstar. SpanishElm为其中最大的树屋房间,拥有自己的饭厅和起居室,以及露天淋浴。
I might be able to post from an airport lounge somewhere along the way. Otherwise, normal service will resume Wednesday. 途中,我可能可以在机场休息室里写博客。不过,周三开始,博客就恢复正常了。
All the child needs to do now is think I would like to go from the lounge room to the bedroom and the body automatically responds. 儿童所需要的仅是想一下我需要从休息室到卧室,身体就能自动做出反应。
Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, is sipping sparkling water in a hotel lounge and comparing himself to Mahatma Gandhi. 尼克格里芬,英国国家党领袖,是在酒店的休息室喝着苏打水和自己比较,以圣雄甘地。
The Royale Lounge provides personalized check-in and check-out services, continental breakfast, all-day refreshments and evening cocktails. 行政楼层提供快速入住和退房服务,自助餐早点,点心饮料及晚间鸡尾酒。
Two months is an awfully long time for your son and his wife to lounge around doing nothing and taking advantage of your generosity. 两个月对于你儿子和他妻子闲逛不干事并利用你们的慷慨,实在是太长了一点。
One afternoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel when Burton came in and seated himself in the chair next to mine. 一天下午,我正坐在格兰德大酒店的大堂里,伯顿走了进来,在我旁边的椅子里坐下。
That weekend everyone except Jason is gathered chilling in the lounge. Kurt is at a desk in the corner with an open laptop in front of him. 那个周末,除了Jason之外,大家聚在客厅里聊天。Kurt坐在房间一角的桌子前,桌上放着一台开着的笔记本电脑。
As a result of these actions, the lounge becomes a sort of transitional space, combining qualities of indoors and outdoors. 经过以上的改造后,休闲室成为了一个过渡性空间,兼具室内和室外的双重特征。
If you often lounge in your apartment on a Friday night, try going out with your friends for a change. 如果你经常在星期五的晚上在住宅周围闲逛,试着和你的朋友们一起出门来改变你的习惯。
Swiss banking officials met me as I got off the plane and rushed me to a private room in the departure lounge. 瑞士银行官员们已经在机场等我了并簇拥着把我带到休息厅的一个私人房间内。
One morning, his mother Lisa was in the lounge putting a video on for her older child. 一天早上,他妈妈Lisa正在起居室给一个较年长的孩子放录像。
Visit our all-day dining or Chinese restaurants for a great meal or come by our Lobby Lounge to simply relax. 您可光临我们的全天候餐厅或中式餐厅尽享美食,或是到大堂贵宾厅放松休闲。
One of the children said just before the power went off an electrical spark or light has filled the lounge room. 我们的孩子说,就在断电之前,他看见电火花或者是闪电进入了厅里。
Apartments come fully furnished with a kitchen and a lounge area and as a guest here you enjoy all the hotel's facilities. 设施齐全的公寓带有厨房和休息厅,客人可享用酒店的一切设施。
"He just died a moment ago, " one of the nurses answered. "Please go back to the lounge and we'll come get you in a few minutes. " “他刚走,”一个护士答道,“请回到访客室,我们过会就来找你。”
Jack is known for combining several items into a single form and the Custom Lounge Chair is great illustration of his proclivity for this. 杰克以善于将各种东西结合于一体而闻名于世。而这个定制休闲躺椅则充分体现了他的这一癖好。
Take a look around an airport lounge; people treat their PC like a rental car, but they flaunt their MacBook like it's their dream car. 看看候机大厅里的人们吧,他们觉得普通PC就是一辆出租车,而MacBook才是一辆梦寐以求的座驾。
If he visited a department store it WAS to lounge familiarly over the counter and ask some leading questions. 他上百货大楼时,总喜欢靠在柜台上和女店员像老熟人一样聊聊,问些套近乎的问题。
For your comfort, the hotel offers a bar and a lounge, to rest after an exciting day spent exploring Nice or visiting partners. 您在游览尼斯或洽商,渡过了精彩的一天之后,酒店还设有酒吧和酒廊让您享受。
room service is available 24 hours and aromas bar lounge provides the ideal environment for a cocktail , little snack or just a cold beer. 24小时客房送餐服务。酒店大堂酒吧是您品尝各式鸡尾酒冰啤及休闲食品的理想之所。
Flanked by two stewardesses, Captain L. L. Treece makes his way to the crew lounge after a quick flight from Chicago to Washington, D. C. 在完成芝加哥至华盛顿的短途航线后,机长L.L.Treece挎着两名空姐去空乘休息室。
Hotel owned All-Day Dining restaurant "CHI" and featured Lobby Lounge "CHA" with its capacity of 200 seats. 酒店设有全天候餐厅—“吃”和大堂吧—“茶”同时可容纳近200位客人。