look up

  • v.查找;查阅;探望;看望
  • 网络向上看;抬头看;仰望

第三人称单数:looks up 现在分词:looking up 过去式:looked up

look uplook up

look up


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... fast 快速的 look up 查阅 soft 柔软 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... look through 看穿, 浏览 look up 查找 lots of 许多,大量 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look to 照管;留心;指望 look up 向上看;查出 look up to sb. 尊敬,敬仰 ...


初二英语下册所有单词_百度知道 ... bright a.明亮的;晴朗的 look up 向上看;抬头看 come along 来;随同 ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... be made in 在……地方制造 96) look up 往上看,仰望 99) look after 照管,照看,照顾 100) ...


PET2词汇表1 - elinor的日志 - 网易博客 ... look out 注意,留神 look up 向上看,查字典 have a look 看一看 ...


求动词和介词搭配的短语集合_百度知道 ... 9. look through 仔细查看 10. look up 查寻,查阅 11. look up 仰视 ...


初中英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... look out of 看……外面 look up 查询,抬头看 lose one’s way 迷路 ...

Simply specify a dictionary server and a query to look up in the large variety of databases available. 只需指定字典服务器和查询就可以在大量可用数据库中进行查找。
used well, they can prove your argument, make others look up to you, and help you get what you want most from life. 运用得当,它们可以证实最终你的论点是对的,让别人尊敬你,帮助你获得你最想要的生活。
How much has he given of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him? 他自己付出了多少时间或金钱去帮助那些敬仰他的人?
I look up to him, you know, because he's been around for so long, and for his results. So a lot of respect from my side. 我很景仰他,因为他已经在网坛活跃了这么多时间,而且取得了这么好的成绩。我非常尊重他。
Whether he likes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew, look up a recipe online and give it a whirl. 不管他喜欢辣子鸡丁还是炖牛肚,去网上找个菜谱,试着给他做一份。
If you want to go to Weihai several big units, suggested that you from-line look up the company telephone, asked directly the office knew. 如果你想去威海几个大单位,建议你从网上查到公司电话,直接问办公室就知道了。
They thrash and roll on the surface of the sea and scream piteously as they look up to see arrogant men gloating over their suffering. 牠们在海面上拍打翻滚凄惨地喊叫,看著船上傲慢的人们,正因著牠们的磨难在忘情欢呼。
Here was an intelligence, a living man for him to look up to. 这儿就是个智慧的精灵,一个值得他崇拜的凡人。
The children look up to illuminate the sky, waiting for a return to the brilliant sunrise. 照亮仰望星空的孩子,等待一回灿烂的日出。
45 degrees sky, won't someone know, look up at the sky close their eyes, with tears in her eyes. 45度的天空,不会有人知道,仰望天空闭眼的人,眼眶里含着泪。
You know, getting off the Metro, and you look up and all you see is McDonalds, and you've got five minutes -- then you're kind of stuck. 你知道,从地铁出来时,放眼望去,看到的只有麦当劳,而你只有五分钟,此时你真的很无助。
The child clapped his hands together, causing Peter to look up at him. 孩子拍了拍手,彼得只得抬起头望着他。
You can look up in the web page of his school for the phone number of Zhang Dong. 有关张东电话号码,你可以查阅他所在学校的网页。
The next morning, I wash exhausted, feeling very hungry, they look up the computer, think of the latest stores to go. 第二天早上,我洗漱完后,感觉非常饿,便查查电脑,想到最近的商店购物去。
Sometimes I think, When I look up real high, That there's such a big world up there, I'd like to give it a try! 有时我想,当我看到了真正的高,有这么大的世界在那里,我想给它一个尝试!
Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together. The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed. 苏说,杰克在苏的旁边坐下来,他们谈得很安静,这只狗继续看着苏,甚至在等着被喂养。
Hou Yi's grief, can only look up to the night sky calling the name of his beloved wife. 郈依的悲伤,只能仰望夜空的名字,要求他心爱的妻子。
Look up to heaven, clouds, passing in the sky, my heart, deep thought of you. 仰望天上浮云,流逝在天际,心底,深深想起了你。
I can easily look up the definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my head. 我能够轻松地查找出这些语法的含义,并运用它,但是,我根本无法在当时立刻想出这些语法的用途。
With a database like this, you can look up anything you want in a second. 有了这样一个数据库,你可以在一秒钟内查询到任何你想要的东西。
On the busiest of days, even the smallest child can simply look up to see fish. And that view is spectacular. 在游客如织的日子,连身材最矮小的孩子也只要抬头一望就能够着到鱼群,那幅景象相当壮观。
You mean, do I believe if I look up in the sky, and promise this or that, the biggie will make all this go away? (指上一句的美丽的风景)你的意思是我是否应当相信当我仰望天空,允诺这个或那个的时候,上帝就会让我们挽回生命吗?
When sunlight slanting through the ruined roof flashed across her way, she did not look up. 日光正倾斜的穿过被毁坏的屋顶,瞬间横照在她的走道上,她没有向上看一下。
I look up to see him standing in front of me just as he throws this bucket of petrol in my face. 我抬起头看见他站在我面前,劈头盖脸地把那桶汽油泼到我脸上。
Children will most certainly look up to their parents if the children are brought up well. 小孩子如果教养得好,大多数都会懂得尊警父母?
Perhaps having someone to look up to would have made it less appealing to succumb to the temptation of THIN. 也许把某些人作为榜样来看待,可能会让我们想要屈从于“瘦”的这种诱惑减少。
He had nothing to offer, he told her, but he gave her a piece of cryptic advice: "Go home and look up normal pressure hydrocephalus. " 那个针灸师说他也没有办法,但是他隐晦地给她提了一个意见:“回家,然后去检查正常压力脑积水”。
This prompted me to look up the etymology of the word swear and I'll get to that in a moment. 这起小事件促使我去查询swear(咒骂)这个词的词根,一会儿就来讨论这个问题。
The momentary elation evaporated as he turned to look up and down the corridor. 他转身上下打量着这走廊的时候,瞬间的喜悦顷刻消失了。
Just a moment, I'll look up the rate for air-mail letters to South America. 请稍等。我要查一下去南美的航空邮件的邮费是多少。