be the one

  • 网络你是唯一;感受到爱你的冲动;成为一个

be the onebe the one

be the one


铃声下载 ... I Love You 我爱你 Be The One 你是唯一 Intro 序曲 ...


●圣诞歌曲秀●_北大附中吧_百度贴吧 ... 漫天_ mantian 感受到爱你的冲动 be the one… 我想要 to hold you ...


童话英... ... I'm willing to( 我希望我可以) be the one( 成为(唯一)一个) and the angel that you love( 和 那个你最爱的天使) ...


奥斯卡最佳原创曲候选41首... ... 《Little One》(《 母与子》) 《Be the One》(《 三日危情》) 《When You See Forever …


童话英文版歌词... ... I want to be( 我要成为) be the one( 成为(唯一)那一个) and the angel that you love( 和 你最爱的天使) ...


博客来音乐馆>尼欧 / 红梦时代【精装盘】 ... Be The One 你的唯一 Stress Reliever 疗癒系女生 ...

I'm sorry to be the one to bring the matter to your attention , but someone had to tell you . 很遗憾是我来让你注意到这个问题,但总得有人告诉你。
Because it is possible to inject the assembler property, I must be sensitive to the fact that it may not be the one I expect. 因为可以注入装配器属性,所以必须知道它可能不是我所期待的这一事实。
Although it shouldn't be, Valentine's Day tends to be the one day a year people go all out to show their partner how much they love them. 尽管不应该这样,但是情人节还是人们趋向于一年一次敞开胸怀表达他们是多么的爱着对方。
I didn't want to be the one to break it, but apparently that was my only choice if I ever wanted him to talk to me again. 我不想成为必话的人,但这显然是让他和我说话的唯一机会。
Thus passed the leafy time when arborescence seems to be the one thing aimed at out of doors. 当树木似乎变成户外最集中的事物时,树叶生长的季节就这样过去了。
She thought that she'd be the one who can change the world. Always trying to pave the way for women in a. . . man's world. 她想她会成为改变世界的哪一个,总是尝试着为妇女们铺设道路…在男人的世界。
How do you suggest we do that? I've never been able to think of a way, and I'm supposed to be the one with all the wisdom. 你建议我们改怎麽做?我从来没有想出一个办法,而我应该是拥有所有智慧的人了。
But if I were to start again, and had to pick one or two, it would be the one or two listed below. 但是,如果要我从头挑选,我觉得最初的几个习惯应该是下面列出来的几个。
But she wanted to be the one to clean out his catheter and give him his daily shots, IV fluids and pills. 但是凯西希望能做一位护士,清理他的导管,天天给他打针,静脉流体和药片。
l didn't wanna be the one to have to tell you this about him. 他好不好我不希望是由我来告诉你
and if she says to me, "Drink, and I'll draw water for your camels too, " let her be the one the Lord has chosen for my master's son. ' 她若说:你只管喝,我也为你的骆驼打水;愿那女子就作耶和华给我主人儿子所预定的妻。
Three-quarters of men now say it is no longer important for them to be the one who earns the most, new research reveals. 新调查揭示,现在四分之三的英国男性认为家里谁挣得更多对他们而言已不再重要。
Being thought of as a "lady" may be the one of the highest compliments a woman can receive in her life. 被作为“淑女”的想法,也许是最高的赞美一个女人在她的生活可以接受的。
He may not be the one for you because he is not as smart as you think he is. 他也许配不上你,因为他不是你想象中那么聪明。
He might not be the prominent leader or spokesman which Peter was but he might be the one closest to Christ. 约翰未必是一位杰出的领袖,他也不像彼得那样喜欢发言;但他却可能是门徒之中,与基督最亲近的一个。
"My country is in danger. If I can be the one to save it from that danger, then my health and life are not important. " “不”,克莱说,“我的国家正处于危险之中,如果我不能将它从危难中解救出来,那么我的健康和我的生命也就都无关紧要了。”
I'm willing to put in as long as it takes, and I'm happy to be the one hated. 我愿意一直坚持下去,我也乐意充当被人恨的角色。
I was always the one saying it to my mother, so of course it was on my mind, but to be the one getting it, it just felt kinda funky! ! 以前我总是那个对母亲说节日快乐的,所以它当然在我的脑海中(应该是指母亲节吧~?),但是当自己是那个得到祝福的人时,还是感觉蛮有趣的!!
"Did you kill her? " He knew this question could be the one that would get him killed, but he had to ask it. “你杀了她?”他知道这个问题可能会让他丧命,但他非问不可。
Missing out on the prolific marksman may just be the one regret in a fabulous season for the Lisbon club. Dominic Vieira explains. 多米尼克维埃拉解释说:错过这位高产射手是坐落于里斯本城的俱乐部在这个完美赛季中的唯一遗憾。
Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. 有时即便是一个错误也可能成为我们值得去获取的伟大成就的必要部分。
And of the 16 movies clips they identified, The Champ may be the one that has been used the most by researchers. 而在他们评定的16部电影片段里《天涯赤子心》可能是使用次数最多的。
It is often harder to be the one left behind. 被留下的往往是更难受的。
But given a year of restless populaces worldwide, the winner may be the one providing the greater justice and dignity to the most people. 但是想想忙活了一年的老百姓,胜者应该是为人民提供更大的正义和尊严的一边。
He would be the one who had been born on a bad hair day and who wore a wrinkled shirt that hadn't known an iron in several years. 他会是那个生来头发就没长好,穿着皱衬衫,好几年都不知道熨斗是什么东西的人。
Siemens furniture should be the one inside the paint, could not paint the board easy to bend, not beautiful. 家具的门子里面也应着一道漆,不着漆板子易弯曲,又不美观。
If he ever sneaks out of his second-story room, I'll be the one silently watching from a nearby tree. 如果他什么时候偷偷溜出了二楼的房间,我就藏在附近的树边静静地看他。
Jim thought a lot that night. He knew that Amy would be the one if things went on like this. Jim decided to sacrifice himself. 吉姆想了很多那天晚上,他知道艾米将变得孤单,如果再这样继续下去的话。
and as you stand on the threshold, you think, could this be it? Could this be the one? 当伫立在门口时,你不禁会想,那就是我想要的吗?就是我一直想要找的那个人吗?
That person turned out not to be "the one, " she adds, but "it really was a great, illuminating date. " 结果他(她)不是你要找的“那个人”,她补充道:“但却真的是一次很棒的有启发性的约会。”