
美 [bɪl]英 [bɪl]
  • n.法案;账单;喙;海报
  • v.开账单;把(某人或事物)宣传为…;宣布…将做某事
  • 网络比尔;帐单;钞票

复数:bills 现在分词:billing 过去式:billed

pay bill,foot bill,pass bill,get bill,settle bill
controversial bill,congressional bill,same bill


n. v.

付款for payment

1.账单a piece of paper that shows how much you owe sb for goods or services

2.(餐馆的)账单a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant

议会in parliament

3.(提交议会讨论的)议案,法案a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country's parliament so that its members can discuss it

剧院等at theatre, etc.

4.(剧院等的)节目单a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc.

鸟of birds

7.有…形喙的having the type of bill mentioned


fill/fit the bill

符合要求;合格to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose


...此在这款刀推出后就深受各方的推崇,而蝴蝶牌也因为由比尔(Bill)和杰森(Jason)所设计的这种安全装置颇受好评后此后几乎 …


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... rent 租金 bill 账单 receipt 收据 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Bidding Strategy 投标策略 Bill 帐单 Bill of Materials 材料清单 ...


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会计方面专业术语的英文翻译_百度文库 ... bequest 遗产 bill 票据 bill of exchange 汇票 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... bigoted adj. 固执己见的 bill n. 钞票;账单;法案 biochemistry n. 生物化学 ...


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英语自考本科翻译重点词汇 - 豆丁网 ... amendment 修正案 bill 议案 hearing 听证会 ...

Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness. 尽管汤姆至少会离开三天,比尔却奇怪地感觉到他就在附近。
Nobody wants to be surprised by a large bill and left without a full audit of the use that led to that bill. 没有人希望收到令人惊愕的巨额账单,而且还不能完整地审计该账单。
That morning I had signed the bill creating AmeriCorps, the national service program; it was one of my most important personal priorities. 那天上午我已经签署了成立美国服务队的法案——也就是一项国民服务计划;这是我个人最优先重视的事情之一。
It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress, but Bill's head did not turn. 这是一个坚强的人在患难中求援的喊声,但比尔并没有回头。
And she took out a newspaper clipping out of her pocket. I can't read Swedish, but she told me it was all about Bill Clinton eating here. 她从口袋里掏出了一张剪报让我看,我不认识瑞典语,但是她告诉我那全是因为比尔·克林顿在这吃过饭。
Hillary Clinton has no direct experience of this, but she has already declared that Bill would be her "ambassador to the world" . 希拉里对此没有第一手的经验,但是她已经宣布比尔克林顿是她“驻世界的大使”。
The President charged head down at the bill introduced by the opposition, with the result that it had to be put on ice. 总统不顾一切地抨击反对党提出的议案,结果它被搁置了。
However, the other states said that there was no need for a bill of rights because the constitution was a bill itself. 然而,其它州说根本不需要《法案》是因为《宪法》本身就是法案。
He said he also expects there will be some "notable differences" in management style under the leadership of new chief Bill Simon. 他表示,在新任首席执行官比尔-西蒙(BillSimon)的领导下,管理方式预计有一些显著不同。
"Let me be clear, " he said, "BP [the oil firm] is responsible for this leak; BP will be paying the bill. " 他说“我明白,BP(石油公司)要为此次事件负责;我们要求他们买单。”
But the president did not agree. He said this second bill would also be vetoed unless changes were made in it. 但总统仍然不同意,他说,如果这第二部法案不进行修改的话,他仍将否决。
In a little while Tough Bill, accompanied by two huge negroes, came in, and it was easy to see that he was already three parts drunk. 过了不大一会儿工夫,硬汉子彼尔在两个高大黑人的陪同下走了进来。一眼就可以看出,他已经有七八分醉意了。
A bill of lading is usually made out in copies, some in duplicate, some in triplicate and some even in quadruplicate. 提单缮制时,通常是一式几份,有的是两份,有的是三份,还有的甚至是四份。
The machine makes this decision by "reading" how much ink is in different places on the bill. 机器通过“读出”钞票上不同部位的墨水含量来决定钞票的面额。
Bill Koch had a long-standing feud with his brothers after his failed attempt to take over the company in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代因为能争夺科赫公司管理权失败之后,比尔科赫与其兄长期不和。
Bill Gates let computer become a part of our life. It is no exaggeration to say that he changed a generation's way of life. 比尔盖茨让电脑真正成为我们每个人生活的一部分。毫不夸张的说,他改变了一代人的生活方式。
So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. 所以他赶紧来到了鹤那里,他确定她(鹤)能够用她长长的脖子和喙,轻易地叼住那块骨头拿出来。
Pay the bill without hesitation. Asking her to split the bill will be awkward, and paying for her meal on the first date is a nice gesture. 要毫不犹豫地买单。要求她和你一起付账会非常尴尬,第一次约会为她买单是比较好的姿态。
Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and do his homework. 比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他脚踏实地,去做课外作业。
'Our charge is to move forward, ' he said, adding that the bill meets a national need that presidents have pushed for since Harry Truman. 他说,我们需要继续前进,这项法案符合自杜鲁门(HarryTruman)以来各任总统一直努力争取的国家需求;
After about a year and a half of Bob's cow crapping in Bill's yard; being ignored all the while, a semi pulls up in front of Bill's house. 之后大约一年半的时间,鲍勃的奶牛一直在比尔的院子里拉屎;比尔还是不在意;后来鲍勃的房子前面停了一辆大挂车。
Although some of the original backers of the bill may have had good intentions, most legislators saw it as an opportunity for corruption. 虽然一些最初支持该法案的人可能抱有良好的动机,但大多数立法者认为它会滋生腐败。
When paying for a taxi, do not look at your wallet as you take out a bill just grab one at random and hand it over. 付钱给出租车司机时不用看你的钱包,只要随意抽出一张钞票递过去就行。
Writing more insurance policies to raise cash would be 'very consistent with his past behavior, ' says Morningstar analyst Bill Bergman. 晨星公司(Morningstar)分析师博格曼(BillBergman)说,承接更多保单以筹集现金或许完全符合巴菲特过去的做法。
In retrospect, the GI Bill may appear to some to have been a huge public "welfare" program. But it would be wrong to think of it that way. 回头看,《退伍军人权利法》可能会被有些人视为一个庞大的公共“福利”项目,但这种看法是错误的。
The company received a bill to 20, 001 dollars since the engineer to his service. The talked he to do a list of his charges. 这个自己公司之后就收到了一个价值20,001美金的帐单,是这个工程师发过去的服务费。自己公司要他列举出详单。
The name "William" is often shortened to "Bill" . “威廉”这个名字经常被缩略为“比尔”。
Supporters in higher education said the final bill did not go far enough. 高等教育的支持者表示,这个最终版的法案做得还不够。
"To this day they always speak of that Reform Bill as if it had been a dishonest maneuver" (Standard). “直到今日,他们常常提起那个选举法修正法案,好像那是一个不诚实的花招”(史坦达得)。
But the main theme of the speech seemed to be that this bill needed to be passed. 然而演讲的似乎主旨仍围绕着促使该法案获得通过。