
美 [bleɪm]英 [bleɪm]
  • n.责备;(坏事或错事的)责任;指责
  • v.责怪;把…归咎于;指责
  • 网络谴责;过失

第三人称单数:blames 现在分词:blaming 过去式:blamed

take blame,shoulder blame,shift blame,apportion blame,bear blame
whole blame,main blame


v. n.

1.把…归咎于;责怪;指责to think or say that sb/sth is responsible for sth bad


be to blame (for sth)

对(坏事)负有责任to be responsible for sth bad

dont blame me

(劝阻别人时说)别怪我used to advise sb not to do sth, when you think they will do it despite your advice

I dont blame you/her, etc. (for doing sth)

我不怪你(或她等);你(或她等)的做法是可以理解的used to say that you think that what sb did was reasonable and the right thing to do

only have yourself to blame

只能怪你自己;是你自己的错used to say that you think sth is sb's own fault


尤字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 惊异〖 staring〗 责备;怪罪〖 blame〗 过失,罪过〖 mistake〗 ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... blacken vt. 使...变黑 blame vt. 责怪 blank a. 空白的 ...


訾字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义〖 caluminate;slander〗 指责blame〗 衡量;计量〖 measure〗 ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... vt.&vi. investigation 调查 n. blame 责备;谴责 n. attend 照顾;护理;出席;参加 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... blade n. 刀刃,刀片;叶片 blame vt. 责备,把…归咎于 blank a. 空白的 n.空白 ...


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... cruc=cross 十字,交叉 culp=blame 过失 culp=guilt 罪过 ...


新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... assurance n. 保证 blame n. 责任 blunder n. 错误,大错 ...

The blame may lie where it ought to lie, and nowhere else, for I wash my hands of every part of it. 那罪过可以由该受罚的人去担当,不要加在别人身上,我对于这事不再过问了。
It would be easy to blame the hospitals for shaking down their patients at the front door, but they have to grab money where they can. 指责那些在大门甄别病人的医院很轻易,但它们不得不尽力挣钱。
I only felt sorry that this had to happen, I did not put the blame on them. 我只感觉得很遗憾,我没有怪罪他有错误。
But some of it is doubtlessly that Wall Street is, all of a sudden, suffering a bit, and like so many Americans, they blame the president. 不容置疑地,突然处在艰难时期的华尔街也会像许多美国人一样指责总统,这也是部分原因。
Some people may be able to blame their beer bellies at least partially on genes, a new study out of Sweden suggests. 一项瑞典的科学研究称,某些人的“啤酒肚”可能与基因有一定联系。
The injury was partly to blame for her split with Gutierrez in 2000, she said. Suleman认为,这次受伤或多或少是2000年与Gutierrez分开的部分原因。
Since when do not know no longer complain, even the boyfriend, because complaining after he will blame me why to find so many things. 不知道从什么时候起不再抱怨了,即使是对男朋友,因为抱怨完他一定会怪我干嘛给自己找那么多事情。
After returning home, my mother did not blame me, just handed me a book - "love of education. " 回到家后,妈妈并没有责怪我,只是递给我一本书——《爱的教育》。
Despite the fact that the Sun has been virtually asleep, embarrassingly quiet, they are on cue getting ready to blame it all on the Sun. 虽然事实上太阳几乎是处于沉睡状态,令人尴尬地平静无恙,他们果然准备把责任一股脑儿推在太阳身上。
Congress and the American press had a field day, vying with one another to see how much blame they could dump at Mr Annan's door. 美国国会与新闻界顿时群起鼓噪,好不热闹,他们互相竞赛,看看他们的指责能让安南多么灰头土脸。
But their efforts have proved that reform is possible, even in a city that has tended to blame poverty and racism for its appalling schools. 但他们的付出证明教育改革是有可行性的,即使是在一个往往将教育失败问题归咎于贫困问题和种族歧视的城市里。
When a relationship is no longer compatible with his heart-centered path, he initiates the break-up and departs without blame or guilt. 当一段关系不再与他以尊重内心为中心的人生路径兼容时,他提出结束这段关系,没有责备或内疚地离开。
Avoid using the word "you" , as this stops you from trying to make the other person responsible, blame them or put words into their mouth. 避免用”你“这个字,因为这阻止你去让别人负责、去责备他们或…
It can be very easy to indulge in self-pity, blame and anger; appreciating what you have will help you stay positive. 人们很容易沉溺于自恋,自责和生气的情绪中;感谢你所拥有的会帮助你保持积极。
Such a man is too ready to blame others to blame himself. 这种人最爱责人而不责己。
And he has no doubt where the blame lies. 他知道该怪谁。
Do not always repent the past, blame themselves for this is not the original, it was not that. 不要老是追悔过去,埋怨自己当初这也不该,那也不该。
In this sample at least, Americans did not single out blame but spread it far and wide. 至少在此示例中,美国人并没有挑出责任应由谁来承担,而只是将它一概而论。
In addition, he said he takes his share of the blame for not explaining health care proposals more clearly to the public. 此外,他还说,自己要承担部分责任,没有更加清晰地向美国公众解释医疗改革。
If you want other people to respect you, acknowledge your errors rather than trying to blame someone else for your shortcomings. 如果你希望别人尊重你,那么就要学会承认你的错误,而不是因为自己的短处而责怪别人。
over the blame again and again and he finally found out that it's time to leave the company. 再三地想过挨的批评后,他终于明白是时候该离开了。
By the means of blame someone else to solve problem is often referred to as look for scapegoats. 用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊。
He tried to blame someone else for the deficits. His lie did not work, however. He ended up in jail. 他试图指责别人造成逆差。然而他的谎话没有起作用。他最后进了监狱。
When our impulses get the best of us, a failure in executive control is often to blame. 当我们冲动行事时,该受责备的常常是执行控制。
"Quantitative easing is the whipping boy, but it is not clear how much it is to blame for the reallocation of savings, " he said. “量化宽松是替罪羊,但储蓄的重新配置在多大程度上应归咎于量化宽松,目前尚不得而知。”
Area Security has been a headache for property companies, as soon as a problem, owners are often easy to blame the property company. 区安全一直是令人头痛的物业公司,尽早一个问题,业主往往容易导致公司的财产。
If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches. 假如你日常生活似乎贫瘠,不要怪罪它;要怪罪你自己,告诉你自己你无法如诗人般的唤起它的丰富。
Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating. 责怪别人来消除问题,常常被叫做找替罪羊。
When you saw his leg after that tackle I don't blame him for getting out of the way of the goalkeeper. 如果你看过他被铲伤之后的脚,我不能批评他跳起来避开门将。
Sometimes even against better judgement, but you hardly blame him for that. 有时甚至会反对更正确的看法,可你难以改变他的观点。