be true

  • 网络梦想成真;要忠心;真实的

be truebe true

be true


梦想成真》(Be True)[RMVB] 下载 #--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推荐日志--> #--引用记录--> #--博主推荐--> #--随机阅读--> #- …


... 635. 爱主要我何去我就去 I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go 636. 要忠心 Be True 637. 我不过是你运河 Channels Only ...


... 28. 某人做某事感到惊讶 sb. be surprised to do sth. 30. 真实的 be true 31. 一个令人失望的结果 a disappointing result ...


to欢迎回到 - 豆丁网 ... be different from 与…不同 29. be true 真的 31. in much of China 在中国的大部分地区 32. ...


May用法,要全,多_百度知道 ... I hope he ~ succeed. 我希望他成功 I fear lest the rumor ~ be true. 我担心谣言会成真 ...


My World: Zi dian 2 ... 配件儿 Fittings 属实 Be true 纪录 Record ...


新约信息 N. T.... ... 要机智:不要无知( Be Tactful: Do Not Be Ignorant) 要忠诚:不要急躁( Be True: Do Not Be Impatient) ...


...开头说:“在本章中,我们将考察希腊文动词be拥有‘是真的’(be true)、‘是这样的’(be so)、‘是这么回事’(be the case)这种意义(亦 …

Raphaelo: Well, I believe the time has come now to digest all this again; all of that sounds too good to be true. Raphaelo:嗯,我认为现在的时机已经到来再次消化这一切,所有的这听起来好得令人难以置信。
I shall look as if I were dead; and that will not be true. 我会象是死去的样子,但这不会是真的
To be true, I never understood what love is, and I felt it faraway from me, until the moment I found myself caring you. 其实我不知道什么是爱,它离我很遥远,直到我发现我不知从什么时候开始非常在乎你的那一刻。
That is one of the issues associated with cardiovascular safety in the long run and whether it would be true for different populations. 药物对不同人群的作用是否一致也是一个与心血管长期预后相关的问题。
He sent them word I had not gone (We know it to be true): If she should push the matter on, What would become of you? 他捎话说我没有前往,我们知道这并非撒谎。假如她竟然把事情推进,你又当处于何种景况?
And yet can you honestly say that you do not FEEL it . . . SEE it in your minds eye . . . when you think of it and KNOW it to be True? 那么你能否诚实说你根本没有感觉到它…以你自己的眼睛看到…当你认为它,知道它会成真的时候?
The prognostications may possibly turn out to be true, or perhaps the only thing we have to fear are the fears of journalists themselves. 这个预兆可能真的会应验,但或许记者们自身的恐惧情绪才是唯一应该让我们感到害怕的东西。
But a new study has found that the opposite may be true - and the reason is often down to violent invasion. 但是一项新研究发现反面可能是对的——原因常是暴力侵犯。
Dear Carole, I am attracted to women with blonde hair. This seems to be true of a lot of men. 亲爱的卡罗尔,我很喜欢那些拥有一头金发的女人,大多数男人也是如此。
From the female point of view, the existence of men who are both hunky and child-friendly might seem too good to be true. 从女性的角度而言,存在既阳刚又喜欢孩子的男人简直难以置信。
At least that seems to be true for the first few values of y that I choose. 最后貌似,对于y取一些比较小的值是成立的。
Some people claim that . . . but more often than not, the reverse seems to be true. 有些人声称…,但经常是,这一观点的反面是正确的。
If that be true of men of intelligence, how much more true is it of the ignorant and illiterate, or those of feeble intellect. 若对有知识智慧的人都如此,那么对无知的人和文盲或那些智力低下的人就更可想而知了。
Aung Zaw said that to a certain extent this may be true, but he doubted it would make much difference in terms of military control. 昂索表示,这个说法某种程度上是有道理的,但是他怀疑对于军事控制来说却有很大不同。
Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It's better to be an original version of yourself! 要做真实的自己,不要为了取悦别人或试图成为另外一个人,最好的就是做最原始的自己!
The same seems to be true of genetic programming run on a loosely connected network of computers. 遗传规划若是在连结松散的电脑网路内执行,状况似乎也是如此。
So far as the general tone or spirit of a language goes, this may be true, but it is not true in detail. 限于语言的一般的风格或精神来说,可能是对的,但在细节上不对。
The Shakespearean theory, that music is at least one of the foods of love, has a strong claim to be true. 莎翁曰,音乐至少为爱情食粮之一,很大程度上是正确的。
Suppose, just a assumption Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption. 假设:为了争论或调查而被认为是真实的事物;一个假想。
Despite your initial resistance to this idea, you will yet understand that it must be true if salvation is possible at all. 尽管你起初会对这观念心生排斥,但你仍应了解这必须是真的,救恩才有完成的可能。
The old saying that life begins at 40 seems to be true . . . so far as women and sex are concerned. 原始的说法,生活开始于40似乎像真的一样。至今为止妇女和性有关系。
As painful as it may be, think carefully about everything I've said, and make your decision based on what you know in your heart to be true. 我的回答可能让你头疼,可你仍得仔细思量我上面说的一切,然后把你的决定建基于你内心认为对你来说正确的东东之上。阿门。
A fact is something that you know to be true, on the basis of observation. 事实是指通过观察所了解的关于事情的真实情况。
It's possible that some of those things on your last performance review might actually be true, you know. 你知道,很可能是你最近的绩效评估中的一些事情可能的确是真的。
What appears to be true might as well actually be true, because we tend to process the illusion as though it were the truth. 因为我们容易把真相的幻影当作真相,所以看起来真实的事物也可能是真的。
So there is something wrong with her! It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true! 那她肯定有点问题。一开始的时候听起来她那么好,根本不像是真的。
When the spy had gone, he said to his wife, 'Can it be true? If it is, I hope that Miss Manette keeps her husband away from France. 在间谍走后,他对妻子说:“这会是真的吗?如果是,我希望马内特小姐让她的丈夫远离法国。”
Don't agree with your date on everything, be true to yourself, and argue if you think this would be worthwhile. 不要迁就这次约会中的一切事,展现真实的自我,发表声明如果你认为这一切值得。你的朋友将会因此感激你。
I wish I could believe there was somebody who would love me for ever. That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true. 我希望我能够相信一个人永远爱我,可是我们都知道,那只是过于浪漫的想法。
Offscreen as on, the face looks a little too beautiful to be true, like the kind of adolescent daydream served up in the comic strips. 在银幕下的生活中,她的容貌太美了令人如幻似真,就象那种被漫画系列唤起的少年的遐思。