
美 [skwɑd]英 [skwɒd]
  • n.队;(对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍;运动(代表)队;(军队的)班
  • v.成立(军队)的建制;把某士兵编入班的建制内;把人员分成小队
  • 网络小组;部队;球队

复数:squads 过去式:squadded

special squad



1.(对付某类犯罪活动的)警察队伍a section of a police force that deals with a particular type of crime

2.运动(代表)队a group of players, runners, etc. from which a team is chosen for a particular game or match

新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... spot n. 地点, 场所 squad n. , 小队 stipend n. 薪金, 定期生活补助 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... spot n. 地点, 场所 squad n. 班, 小队 stipend n. 薪金, 定期生活补助 ...


考博英语词汇 ... sputum n. 痰;唾液 squad n. 班;小组 squalors a. 有鳞的;鳞状的 ...


职称英语考试常用词汇表(s) ... spring n.春天,春季 squad 2.部队,小队 square 2.正方形 ...


标榜英超 - 排行榜 ... 22. everton( 埃弗顿)(13) 23. squad( 球队)(12) 24. move( 转会)(12) ...


2:怎样修改步兵班SQUAD)属性里修改人数,比如国民掷弹兵生产数量我从6个人修改为10个人(LORDOUT下的UNIT01- …


英超足球经理2000-PC攻略-玩客帝国·攻略库 ... Car 轿车 Squad出场阵容) Indiv. Order (个人战术) ...

The young Irishman has been around the first-team squad for a while but this was his breakthrough season. 年轻的爱尔兰人已经在一队有一段时间了,但本赛季是他的突破时间。
I said before, the squad is not as bad as people have said. Today we were without six players, but the rest of the squad showed character. 我之前就说过,球队并没有像球迷所说的那样糟糕,今天我们没有了六名主力,但是剩下的球队展现了斗志。
I am a player of this great squad, and my family and I are happy here in Milan. There is no motive for me to want to leave. 我现在是这支强大阵容中的一员,我的家人和我本人都很满意在米兰的生活,现在还没有任何理由让我想要离开。
Amauri has been holding out for a call up to the Brazil squad, though, and Gattuso believes Italy should never be a second choice. 尽管如此,但阿毛里一直在等待桑巴军团的召唤。加图索认为意大利国家队绝对不应该成为尤文前锋的第二选择。
Theoretically, the midfielder will be young enough to claim a place in the squad, maybe even wearing the captain's armband. 理论上,卡卡还足够年轻可以向队伍要求拥有自己的位置,或者甚至可以带上队长袖标。
Coach said that when the firing squad must concentrate , to hit all the enemy of the body . 教练说过,打靶的时候一定要全神贯注,把所有注意击中到敌人身上。
He said: "On Monday I took a knee to the ribs, which were sore and resulted in me missing the last two days' training with the squad. " 他说:“在星期一我的肋骨痛,这造成我缺席了最后两天的随队训练。”
Ancelotti said the return of Portuguese full-back Bosingwa was a boost for his squad. 安切洛蒂说葡萄牙后卫博辛瓦的回归为他的队伍注入了一支强心剂。
As expected, though, there will be no place for him in the squad to be named on Sunday for the upcoming friendlies against Spain and Sweden. 正如大家所料,在星期天公布的对阵西班牙和瑞典的友谊赛的大名单中,没有鲁尼的名字。
You know as well the strength and belief of your squad depends so much on doing well in these big games that you want to do it. 你还知道你的球队的实力和信心极大地取决于在这样的重要比赛上踢得有多么好,你想做到这点。
How does the squad's mood compare to that of the last few pre-seasons? 现在球队的士气和前几个赛季的准备期有什么不同?
In my years of experience it is best to be without a top player to leave the squad calm in the dressing room. 以我这些年的经验,阵容里没有超级球星会让更衣室保持安静。
The party had not anticipated that the people would respond like this and so only a small squad had been sent to carry out this action. 党没有预料到群众会做出如此的反应,所以只派遣一个小班采取了这次行动。
If I can get in the England squad then that's great but I can only put in my performances for United and see how far that takes me. 如果我可以加入英格兰队,那很好,不过我能做的只是在曼联努力拼搏,然后再看看事情的进展。
The former Udinese forward was called up to the Italy squad for Tuesday's game with Brazil but failed to get off the bench. 意大利队在本周二同巴西队进行了一场友谊赛,前乌迪内斯前锋也被征召进了蓝衣军团,但他没有获得出场的机会。
Kaka seems to be on the fringe of a Madrid Squad which already has a midfielder too many. 在如今中场臃肿不堪的皇马,卡卡似乎成了边缘人了。
But I think the priority is to get in the squad and then show the manager that you're worthy of a place in the starting 11. 但我认为首要的任务是入选国家队,然后让主教练相信你够占据一个首发位置。
From the junior high school has always been a primary duties as squad leader, is the primary assistant teachers. 从小学起到初中始终担任班长的职务,是老师的得力助手。
Owen Hargreaves is determined to prove to his detractors that he merits a place in England's World Cup squad. 欧文哈格里夫斯坚持要证明给他的诽谤者看,他在英格兰世界杯阵容中具有一席之地。
We are working on the new Juve project and are pleased to see that the squad has adapted to the new Serie B reality. 我们正在致力于打造新尤文的计划,我很高兴球队现在已经适应了乙级联赛。
"I'm really happy to be back playing and to be part of the squad for matches again is great, " he said. “很高兴我又回来了,能够再次出场我感到很兴奋,”奥雷里奥表示。
Authorities in Tennessee are looking for a trucker who took the door off one of their squad cars over the weekend. 田纳西有关当局正在寻找一辆在周末将他们的一辆警察巡逻车车门撞走的卡车。
This throws up the question of any innovative methods of allocating squad numbers? 这也提出了一个问题,即使用新颖的方法来分配球队的队服号码?
Here you can see a squad arriving at the home of a computer criminal and arresting him as he makes a dash for it. 这里你可以看到一个在家的计算机罪犯正在仓皇逃窜,一个方队队员正在抓捕他。
After being slammed into the back of a squad car at gun point, they realized the car was actually recovered a week ago. 等我被枪指着塞进警车后面的时候,他们才发现那辆被偷的车已经在一个礼拜之前找到了。
He would be useful for the Italy squad and is always a danger in the area, as he has an instinct for goal, but that is up to the Coach. 他是小组中的重要一员,因为他正点的射门,使他成为球场上,最具威慑力的人物,但这也要取决于教练。
The "deeper reason" was understood to be political opposition, and that could send you straight to prison or to the firing squad. 政治上的反对势力深知“深刻理由”二字的含义的,可能直接送你进监狱或被枪决。
We've got a very big game in Estonia coming up that we have to win and I've got to pick a squad capable of doing that. 我们即将迎来一场非常重要的比赛对爱沙尼亚,我们必须获胜,我得组一支可以赢得比赛的球队。
It was a few days made more remarkable by the fact he hadn't travelled to his homeland to be part of the full national squad. 由于此前从未作为国家队正式成员的身份回到过祖国,所以这短暂的几天显得格外意义重大。
Capped 42 times by his country at youth and Olympic levels, he suffered a serious knee injury days before a first call-up to the full squad. 在代表过巴西青年队以及国奥队出场42次之后,奥雷里奥很不幸地在他第一次接受到国家队召唤时受伤了。