
美 [ʃeŋ]英 [ʃeŋ]
  • n.盛语(肯尼亚的一种简单的语言,包括英语、斯瓦希里语等非洲语言的词汇,尤在城市青年之间使用)
  • 网络升;笙;盛琛皓




音序表_百度文库 ... shen 深 sheng shi 师 ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 劳 lao sheng 绳 sheng ...

有没有知道乐器的名字(十种以上)_百度知道 ... Wind Instrument (吹管乐器) Sheng Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 曲笛 ...


青岛大学物理... ... H. Yang( 杨贺,研究生), Y.Z. Long,Z.J. Li,B. Sun,C.H. Sheng盛琛皓,本科生), M.M. Li( 李蒙蒙, …


中国农业银行总行2011年校园招聘笔试入围人员... ... 徐 Yi 邵昌 sheng 曹份 bin ...


如何用英语教老外输入中文字 - 晴天飞鸟 ... 新 新 Xin1 Sant1 new 生 生 Sheng1 Sank1 student 食 食 Shi2 Sek6 to eat ...


施长春, shi changchun -... ... donglin 旋沙沉冰 sheng 旋舞的蜻蜓 Spire 旋越 ...

'Foreign investors seem to be more bullish on this stock, ' said Nan Sheng, a banking analyst in Shanghai for UOB Kayhian. 大华继显有限公司(UOBKayhian)驻上海的银行分析师NanSheng说,“外国投资者似乎对这只股票更有信心”。
I now have to find the Guanghua Bridge, I Afraid of you hungry, burning up in the Tang Sheng Vacuum Flask, on the out. 我现在已经找到光华桥了,我怕你肚子饿,煲好了汤盛在保温瓶里就出来了。
Mei-sheng to an agreement still up in the flood story and never want to leave so that we moved so far. 尾生为了一个约定在洪水大涨时仍不肯离开的故事让我们感动至今。
Sheng into the porcelain barrel or basin, Cigang months (the next container to be a smooth pad), stored in a cool well-ventilated place. 盛入瓷桶或盆内、瓷缸内(盛器下要垫平稳),存放在阴凉通风处。
I hardly spoke with Wong Sheng when we were in ZMC. My memory of him was blurred. 当我们还在中医学院读书时,我几乎没和王胜说过话,对他的记忆已经变得很模糊。
One day a scholar named Wang Sheng in Taiyuan met, on his way out, a beautiful girl. He brought her back to be kept in his study. 太原王生,早晨出门遇见一位年轻漂亮的女子,便把她带回家,藏在书房。
Mr Sheng, the minister, gave a terse interview (in Chinese) to state television on his way to the scene, saying nothing about human error. 铁道部部长盛光祖在赶往现场的途中,给国家电视台做了一个简短的发言。他表示,没有人为过失。
Among this lonely body, Wang yan sheng was one of the editors having the critical influence. 在这个寂寞的群体里,王燕生是其中起决定性作用的编辑者之一。
He gave only his surname, Sheng, because he said some of those involved had received threatening phone calls urging them to stop protesting. 他只给出了他的姓氏盛,因为一些参与者已经受到威胁电话让他们不要抗议。
We barely sit down in anger Ma Sheng, then the newspaper connected with the shop, then prepared to put the moon cake and eat moon cakes! 我们在愤骂声中勉强坐下后,便把报纸连接铺在一起,那时准备用来放月饼和吃月饼的!
Sheng, jiaxing textile polyester raw material markets a week between the two places overall prices continued to fall. 盛泽、嘉兴两地轻纺原料市场一周内涤丝整体行情继续下跌。
We have talked at length with Comrade Kang Sheng and asked him to hurry to your place by the 12th to confer with you. 我们已和康生同志谈了许多,请他于十二日赶到你们处,和你们会商。
I would have no problem being called a 'sheng nu'. In fact I would proudly accept the name, in whatever language, like a badge of honor. 我也有条件成为一名”剩女“。事实上,我会很乐意接受这个称呼,不管用怎样的语言,这都象一个荣誉徽章。
If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you. 我若是做好了饭菜,不把饭盛好,哄他来吃的话,他宁可饿几天肚子,也绝对不会搭理你。
no packing transit, there must be easy to lift, a moderate amount of sheng. 无包装的半成品中转,必须有便于搬抬,盛量适中的盛具。
ugh! Chih-sheng, did you see that horse brush past Su-su's head, and almost knock her OVER and trample on her? 喔,喔,喔,——芝生,你看见马头从素的头顶擦过,险一些踏倒了她么?
The river is as ferocious beasts in the roar, a deafening Hou Sheng, as if the entire valley in fibrillation. 而河水却象凶猛的野兽在咆哮,发出震耳欲聋的吼声,仿佛整个峡谷在颤动。
The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as sheng chi. 龙产生生命的要素,以它天上呼吸的形式,多数知道到例如shengchi。
However, Lin Sheng Xiang, the lead vocalist and composer, and lyricist Zhong Yongfeng continued to collaborate and compose songs. 然而,主唱兼作曲的林生祥与词作家钟永丰的合作并未中断。
Mr Sheng points out a sporty red Ford compact, with a Mickey Mouse steering wheel and Hello Kitty seat covers, standing out starkly. 盛峰指着一辆花哨的红色福特(Ford)小型车——方向盘套是米老鼠的,座套是HelloKitty的,显得非常扎眼。
It was fortunate for Kang Sheng that he died 9 months earlier than Mao Zedong, so that he could keep a fine reputation in his living years. 而康生最幸运的是,他比毛泽东早九个月过逝,因此在有生之年得以保全住自己声望。
He was about to give vent to his fury, when the butler, Kao Sheng, came in with a message that made his heart miss a beat. 他狂怒到几乎要开口大骂,可是当差高升走上来又说了一句叫人心跳的话。
It was conducted by his harridan wife Jiang Qing and plotted by his favorite ideologist, security specialist and pimp, Kang Sheng. 它是由他的妻子江青和harridan了他最喜欢的思想家,安全专家和皮条客,康生策划。
The thick large, thick, stupid, thick bottom bowl, a bowl of stew on the Sheng, tangy flavor, eat all that ordinary life all taste. 那种厚实的大碗,粗粗的,笨笨的,厚底的碗,盛上一碗大烩菜,扑鼻的浓香,吃的全是平凡生活的诸般滋味。
He sighed, with mouth energetically to peck at a few, the screens down nothing, his mouth Daoba confused Sheng Teng. 他叹了一口气,用小嘴使劲地啄了几下,纱窗倒没什么,倒把他的嘴弄得生疼。
Talking about the recent blocks after another factory, installation Sheng As if enumerating . 说起近来一座座拔地而起的工厂,安家盛如数家珍。
The classic Le Sheng that transmits in the CD machine of barroom, make we as if place oneself Yu Gu's old Europe! 酒吧间的CD机里传来的古典乐声,使我们仿佛置身于古老的欧洲!
Every time I pick a full back of a strawberry , the mother must wash the strawberries Sheng a crock, and that is only let a good night. 每逢我摘了满满一竹篓草莓回来,母亲总要洗净一个瓦罐把草莓盛起来,说是放过了夜才好吃的。
In contemporary slang, single women over the age of 27 are known as sheng nu or "leftovers. " 在现在流行的俚语词汇中,年龄大于27岁的女士被称为“剩女”,意思是“剩下的东西”。
Sheng writes in an afterword to a new edition of her novel, published this year. 盛可以在今年新版的后记中写到。