
美 [saɪd]英 [saɪd]
  • n.边;身边;一边;一面
  • adj.旁;横;副的;片面的
  • v.支持;偏袒;宽度仅有…;站在…的一边
  • 网络旁边;侧面;方面

复数:sides 现在分词:siding 过去式:sided

dark side,wrong side,bright side,high side,opposite side
take side,see side,leave side,stand side,come side


n. v.


1.[c][ususing](由想象的中线分出的)一边,一侧either of the two halves of a surface, an object or an area that is divided by an imaginary central line

2.[c][ususing](事物左方或右方的) 一旁,一边,一侧a position or an area to the left or right of sth

侧面not top or bottom

3.[c]侧面one of the flat surfaces of sth that is not the top or bottom, front or back

4.[c]斜面;垂直面the vertical or sloping surface around sth, but not the top or bottom of it


5.[c]边缘;边a part or an area of sth near the edge and away from the middle

身体of body

6.[c][ususing]侧面;胁either the right or left part of a person's body, from the armpit (= where the arm joins the body) to the hip

某人╱某物的近旁near to sb/sth

7.[sing]近旁;旁边;身边a place or position very near to sb/sth

平而薄的东西of sth flat and thin

8.[c]一面either of two surfaces of sth flat and thin, such as paper or cloth


9.[c]一面纸的文字the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper


10.[c](立体的)面any of the flat surfaces of a solid object

11.[c](平面图形的)边any of the lines that form a flat shape such as a square or triangle


12.(构成形容词)有…面(或边)的used in adjectives to state the number or type of sides

战争;争论in war/argument

13.[c]一方;一派one of the two or more people or groups taking part in an argument, war, etc.

14.[c]一方的意见(或态度、立场)one of the opinions, attitudes or positions held by sb in an argument, a business arrangement, etc.


15.[c]方面a particular aspect of sth, especially a situation or a person's character

优越感feeling that you are better

16.[u](informal)优越感;架子a feeling that you are better than other people

运动队sports team

17.[c]运动队a sports team

亲属of family

18.[c]母系;父系;血统the part of your family that people belong to who are related either to your mother or to your father

电视频道TV channel

20.[c](informal)电视频道a television channel


come down on one side of the fence or the other

二者择其一;支持两方中的一方to choose between two possible choices

from side to side

左右来回(摇摆)moving to the left and then to the right and then back again

get on the right/wrong side of sb

讨得某人的欢心;惹得某人恼怒to make sb pleased with you/annoyed with you

have sth on your side

有…的优势to have sth as an advantage that will make it more likely that you will achieve sth

let the side down

使自己人失望;未能帮助(或支持)自己的一方to fail to give your friends, family, etc. the help and support they expect, or to behave in a way that makes them disappointed

not leave sbs side

(尤指为了照顾)不离某人左右to stay with sb, especially in order to take care of them

on/from all sides|on/from every side

从四面八方;到处in or from all directions; everywhere

on the big, small, high, etc. side

稍偏大(或小、高等)slightly too big, small, high, etc.

on the other side of the fence

与自己所处情况不同的一面;事物的另一面in a situation that is different from the one that you are in

on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.

不到╱已过 40 岁(或 50 岁等)younger or older than 40, 50, etc. years of age

on the side

作为副业;兼职;在正事之外in addition to your main job

on/to one side

在(或到)一边;在(或到)一旁out of your way

be on sbs side

站在某人一边;和某人观点一致to support and agree with sb

the other side of the coin

事情的另一面the aspect of a situation that is the opposite of or contrasts with the one you have been talking about

side by side

并排;并肩地close together and facing in the same direction

take sides

表示支持一方;表明立场to express support for sb in a disagreement

take/draw sb to one side

把某人拉到一边(悄悄说话)to speak to sb in private, especially in order to warn or tell them about sth

this side of…

在…之前before a particular time, event, age, etc.

字典中 隅 字的解释 ... (8) 事物的部分或片面[ part] (10) ;旁[ side] (2) 同本义[ corner of a mountain or river] ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (a+sleep 睡觉) (a+side 旁边) (a+head 头) ...

外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... canyon n. 峡谷? side n. 边,,侧 disappear vi. 消失 ...


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... late=to bear 搬运 later=side 侧面 lav,lau=to wash 洗 ...


方字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 方略〖 generalplan〗 方面〖 aspect;respect;side;field〗 方石〖 cube〗 ...


高尔夫规则_百度百科 ... 规则( Rule or Rules) 一方Side) 个人赛( Single) ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... minute n. 分钟 side n. 一边;一旁;一侧 river n. 江;河 ...

While loose monetary policies and availability of easy credit have triggered growth, there has been a flip side to it as well. 由宽松的货币政策和可轻易获得的贷款所刺激的经济增长的影响,其另一面的影响也一样巨大。
Dozens of chief executives came to see history being made and to be seen on the right side of it. But Copenhagen was a flop. 本来期待本次峰会能够在限制温室气体排放上达成新的规范,并且许多企业高管都看到了创造历史的可能性和其积极的一面,可哥本哈根峰会却以惨败收场。
Finally a woman taking out trash picks up the girl and moves her to the side of the road before her distraught parents arrive. 终于,在她焦虑的父母赶到前,一个拾垃圾的女人扶起了女孩,把她移到了路边。
Instead she was holding a small spade and began to dig into the carpet, pushing it away to each side as if making a furrow to sow seeds. 而是她握着一个小铲子,开始在地毯上挖掘,把它推到两侧,好像犁出一道沟缝去播种。
KM: I know it's out of character, but it was fun to at least play a little bit with the manic side of her. 我知道那完全违背她的本性,不过能够至少表现出她狂躁的一面也是很好玩的。
The water beetle, also known as the 'predacious diving beetle', is often fried with garlic and ginger and sold as a side dish. 水甲虫,又称为“龙虱”,常常和大蒜、生姜一起炒熟,作为小菜出售。
An air outlet of the reaction chamber is arranged at the lower part at the higher side of the bottom surface of the inner line. 反应腔室的出气口设于内衬的底面较高一侧的下方。
The application itself can be used as a tool to assist in monitoring your current networks with just a little work on the server side. 该应用程序本身可以用作一种工具来帮助监视您的当前网络,并且在服务器端只需做少量的工作。
"China is ready to join hands with the Arab side to boost new progress of our cooperation, in a bid to benefit the two peoples, " said Yang. 中方愿同阿方携手努力,不断推动双方友好合作取得新成果,造福于双方人民。
He said the Cambodian-Thai Fang Shibing side from time to time throwing a grenade, but Cambodia is not fight back. 他说,泰方士兵不时向柬方一侧扔掷手榴弹,但柬方没有还击。
As a side note, the reader who called me a pedophile priest made me curious enough to research how priests were financially remunerated . 那个读者称我为有恋童癖的牧师,使我非常好奇牧师是如何得到经济酬劳的,决定调查一番。
Ask for salad dressing to be served "on the side" , so you can add only as much as you want. 要求沙拉酱须送达“一方”,这样你就可以只添加了你想要的。
Stood for social activities, do not distorted by the side, not leaning against the wall, ledge, edge of the table. 站着进行社交活动时,不要歪靠一边,不要斜倚着墙壁、窗台、桌沿。
As you know my brain doesn't compute with that side of life. 就如你们知道的,我的大脑不会计算这些。
The lovely Minnie Mouse can usually be found at the side of her boyfriend, Mickey Mouse, or busy in her garden. 可爱的米妮不是在男朋友米奇老鼠的身边,就是忙于打理家中的花园。
At the side of the road, a tall and corpulent monk, with large eyes and awesome look, was plowing a field. 路边的田里,有一个身材魁伟健壮的喇嘛,生就一双大眼睛,目光炯炯地在那儿锄地。
Only time will tell, but fans on each side will no doubt have their minds made up in the mean time. 只有时间才能告诉我们,但球迷一边一国无疑将对他们的头脑中取得的平均时间。
However, his La Liga stint hasn't been the happiest and he's desperate for an Italian return after losing his place in the side. 然而,他的西甲联赛一直很不开心,在失去主力位置后他不顾一切的想重返意大利。
Then he sat down and stared vacantly at the close-cropped grass on the opposite side of the path. 然后他又坐下来,茫然地盯着小路对面剪短的草地。
On the other side of me, a middle-aged man had begun to weep. 而坐在我另一边的一个中年男人则开始哭泣。
"This is something that we did not hope to see. The responsibility lies entirely with the Japanese side, " he said. “这是我们不希望看到的情况。责任完全在于日方,”他说。
Besides being black and white he had areas of bright orange at the side of his head. 除了黑白两色之外,帝王企鹅的头部边缘还有一些亮黄色的区域。
I sometimes think I'd be happier teaching in Spain, but you know, the grass is always greener on the other side! 有时候我想在西班牙教书,我可能会更开心一些。但是,你知道,人们总喜欢这山望着那山高!
"I've had no side effects that I'm aware of, " he said. "For me, it has been a wonder drug. " “据我所知,我没有出现副作用,”他说,“对我来说,这是一种神奇的药物。”
"The Watchung store is the first existing Toys R Us store in the state to be converted to the side-by-side format, " she said. 说:“沃昌店是第一玩具反斗城在现有的状态存储将转换为的副作用,方格式,”她说。
Don't always look on the dark side. There must be something worthwhile to make up for all this. 不要老是看坏的一面,肯定有好的东西弥补这些不足。
You've been a great friend, you've help me so often to see the bright side of my problems, and I never think of you have any. . . 你一直是个很伟大的朋友。你经常帮我从诸多大麻烦中解脱。而我却一直认为你没有任何难题。
His mother, Sue, was tight by his side, eyeing the guests with wary intensity. 她的母亲,苏,紧靠在他身侧,高度紧张地四下环顾。
On the political side, the long-term fix to the euro's malaise is said to be a fiscal union, a true political federation. 在政治层面,据说根除欧元弊病的长远对策是建立一个财政联盟,一个真正的政治联盟。
If you think there is an end to half of the water, then you are a pessimist, you see, life is always good to see that side. 如果你觉得完了就还有一半的水了,那你就是一个悲观主义者,你看人生总是看到不好的那一面。