
美 [ˈstudiˌoʊ]英 [ˈstjuːdiəʊ]
  • n.演播室;(音乐)录音棚;电影摄影棚;电影公司


open studio,run studio,come studio,build studio,acquire studio
major studio,big studio



1.(广播、电视的)录音室,录像室,演播室,制作室;(音乐)录音棚a room where radio or television programmes are recorded and broadcast from, or where music is recorded

3.电影公司;电影制片厂a company that makes films/movies

4.(艺术家的)工作室a room where an artist works

5.(舞蹈)练功房a place where dancing is taught or where dancers practise

Her mother is meanwhile trying to bribe shady characters on mopeds supposedly connected to the studio, with predictably gloomy consequences. 同时,母亲还试图贿赂一些骑助动车的不三不四的人,以为这些人跟电影制片厂有关系。可以想见,不会有好的结局。
Visual Studio allows you to work with bi-directional languages as you create applications. VisualStudio允许您在创建应用程序时使用双向语言。
As she's speaking, John has wandered off into the studio and is gearing up to start moving. 她说话的同时,约翰漫步进工作室,准备开始跳舞。
STEVEN: Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days. He'll need the whole studio, and we won't rehearse for a week. 史蒂文:迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。他需要整个演播室场地,这样一来,有一个星期我们都不会再排练了。
His studio numbers were unlisted and he moved around between them, refusing to be tied to one place. 他的画室号码没有载入电话簿,他在画室之间来回迁移,拒绝被束缚在一个地方。
I said I could get Warner Bros. to put aside a studio just for us to watch films in private, but she forces me out. 我说我可以在我的私人影院为我们放映华纳兄弟的电影,但是她一定要逼我出去。
I mean, if I had been a contestant in the studio in California or wherever they tape the show. 我的意思是说,如果我是参赛者,在加利福尼亚的演播室里,或是在其他任何录制这套节目的地方。
The artist said the Shanghai government asked him to build the studio two years ago, hoping to create a new cultural district. 这位艺术家说,上海政府两年前请求他建这个工作室,希望以此为契机,建立一个新的文化区。
Cinema Vehicle Services' completed Priest bike is now ready to ship back to the studio. 电影汽车服务改装完毕的骑士机车现在已经准备好运送回工作室了。
No doubt he had several weeks enjoyment out of imagining himself as the head of a smoothly functioning studio. 这种自己要当一个井井有条的工作室主任的想法,无疑诱惑他长达数周之久。
By a simple trick like this, palm trees, sandy beaches, and blue, clear skies had been brought into the studio! 通过一个简单的诀窍,棕榈树、沙滩、和蓝色,晴朗的天空被带进工作室!
The studio to which he was trying to lead your correspondent seemed to have disappeared. 这个曾经的记者发现,他当年工作的那个演播室不见了。
The owner of the studio where Ricky cut the tracks, Mohammed Ben Salah, said he believed they were for a Michael Jackson tribute disc. 瑞奇剪辑录音的工作室主人是穆罕默德•本•萨拉赫。这位工作室主人说,他相信这张新专辑是向迈克尔•杰克逊致敬的光盘。
'For me a solution may be to work for an independent design studio . My dream is to create my own independent studio . ' 冯超说,他的解决办法可能是为一家独立的设计工作室工作,他说自己的梦想是建立属于他的独立工作室。
Upon completion of basic education, students can only enter the factory and studio, three years of apprenticeship education. 基础教育完成后,学生方能进入工厂和工作室,接受三年的学徒制教育。
Visual Studio 2005 carries on the tradition of an easy-to-use visual design experience coupled with an event driven model. VisualStudio2005延续其易于使用的可视化设计体验以及事件驱动模型。
Now the analysis engine is ready to be imported and used in the Design Studio. 现在,您可以导入分析引擎并在DesignStudio中使用它。
AS HE sat in a television studio in Alabama on election night, Artur Davis saw a white cameraman with tears in his eyes. 大选之夜,阿特•戴维斯(ArturDavis)坐在阿拉巴马州的一个电视演播室里,看见一个白人摄影师眼中噙满泪水。
Then we piece it up, I'm going to the studio to record a song she was more good, I think I might go. 那我们一块努力吧,我正要去录音棚录制一首自己比较拿手的歌,我想我可能要走了。
Once the copy is made you can perform the usual solution upgrade as if you were permanently moving to a new version of Visual Studio. 复制后就可以进行常规的解决方案升级工作了,就好像永久性地迁移到新版本的VisualStudio上了。
Elizabeth Hunter, judging by the studio portraits, and the oil painting, had been a beautiful, a passionate woman. 从照片和油画中看出,伊丽莎白?亨特当年是位姿容美丽、热情洋溢的女人。
Alternative agrees. How much have computers, and their evolution since the Aardman studio began, played into the animation produced? 自阿德曼公司成立到现在有多少电脑用于动画制作并且进展如何?
The first was to see if Stefano could help JJ Abrams in preparing all of the VFX shots for a studio temp screening. 首先是看Stefano能不能帮助JJabrams准备所有的工作室临时上映的特效镜头。
THE HOST: Well, Bill Thompson clearing your throat there, ready to speak to us, regular studio expert. 主持人:好,比尔·汤普森正在清嗓子,他准备好讲话了,他是一位录音专家。
But what is striking, said the studio that took the pictures, is that Mr. Remis's wedding took place in 2003 and he waited six years to sue. 让人诧异的是,摄影工作室说,雷米斯的婚礼是在2003年,但是他过了6年才来起诉。
When we sat down in the studio in Chicago, I told him the story of my ribbon assembly line. 当我们在芝加哥的演播室坐下来,我告诉他我的“绸带组装线”的故事。
He said the studio anticipates robust international sales. 他说索尼预计该片的国际票房会很强劲。
Arranged on a platform that rests just above the ground, the home is reduced to a few essential elements, a main house and a small studio. 这两个体量被放置在高台上,与地面成一定距离,住宅内部简约明了,只有少许元素,一个主要住宅和一个工作室。
The Visual Studio debugger provides specific commands to run to the cursor location or to a specified function. VisualStudio调试器提供了特定命令,用于运行到光标位置或指定函数处。
He'd always been in a band before, but I always went into a studio with nothing, really, and just kind of made something up there and then. 这之前,他一直呆在乐队里,而我总是什么都不带就进了录音室,真的,就当场做点儿修补。