beautiful woman

  • 网络美女;貌美的女子;美人

beautiful womanbeautiful woman

beautiful woman


世界第一巨星邓凡的主页 ... 专辑 album, 美女 beautiful woman, 偶像剧 idol play, ...


包含 人 的词语 | 常用词典 | 中华博物 ... [ descendant ] 子孙 [ beautiful woman ] 貌美的女子 [ talent ] 有才干的人 ...


我来说两句美人beautiful woman)的伴奏评论插入表情发送礼物 我也来评论 原唱:December分类:日韩乐队组合翻唱:搜 …


Chinese Poem ... 竹: bamboo 佳人beautiful woman 谷: valley ...


佳... ... [beauty] 美丽 [beautiful woman] 美貌的女子 [nice] 美好 ...


ELEGY ... Beautiful picture.|好美的照片 Beautiful woman.|美丽的女人 Look,my hands are huge.|听着,我的双手很大 ...


英语新闻中的引喻及其翻译技巧_百度文库 ... ( lover 情人 ) , ( beautiful woman 漂亮女人 ) , ( poet 诗人 ) , ...


漂亮的英文怎么说_百度知道 ... beautiful girl 美丽姑娘 beautiful woman 美人;漂亮的女人 how beautiful 如此美好;美极了 ...

Harry's wife, Luz, has just discovered his latest work, a series of sonnets about going to bed with a beautiful woman. 哈里的妻子,鲁兹,发现他丈夫最新的十四行诗里面全都是讲如何和一个美人上床睡觉,于是怀疑哈里与他的红颜知己玛丽昂有奸情。
Austria Pama visit to China period, appears together with him in lens' Chinese choroid beautiful woman picture to make public. 奥巴马访华期间,与他一起出现在镜头内的中国黑衣美女照片曝光。
I knew that love was being passed through the heart of this beautiful woman directly into my heart. 我知道,爱从这个漂亮女人的心传到我的心里。
Oh, you know, because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife will appear out of nowhere! 喔,因为每次我和美女讲话时,我太太就会出其不意冒出来!
Perhaps, he thought, if circumstances had been different, he would have hunted this beautiful woman, Karen. 也许,他想,要是换一种情况的话,他已经追上了这个美丽的女人凯伦了。
Nefertari ? She was one of the most beautiful woman in the history of ancient Egypt, and a symbol of beauty and wisdom. 她是最漂亮的女人在古埃及历史,智慧和美丽的象征。
I know what you're worried about. You must be thinking, such a beautiful woman cannot be telling the truth, aren't you? 我知道你担心什么,你一定在心里琢磨,一个这么漂亮的女人说的话不可信,是吗?
Oh, I wish I could remember that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation with such a beautiful woman as you. 哦,我希望我能记得像你这样的美女曾给我做的口对口人工呼吸。
We've got the outfits, and the cap and I'm lucky enough to be watching the game tonight with a beautiful woman. . . what else could we need? 我们有了全套装备,还有帽子,而且今晚我也可以幸运地和美女一起看球。我们还需要什么?
11 as he was about to enter egypt , he said to his wife sarah , " i know what a beautiful woman you are" . 11将近埃及,就对他妻子撒莱说,我知道你是容貌俊美的妇人。
During the day a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his home, an old spooky witch? 白天,为了向他的朋友炫耀这个美丽的女人;但在夜间,这是他的隐私,自己要面对又老又丑的鬼巫婆?
Helen was the name of this cupbearer. She had the same name as the most beautiful woman in Troy. 天界的那个女孩叫海伦,和特洛伊城里最美丽的女子海伦拥有同样美丽的名字。
So far, had not obtained the Austria Pama choroid beautiful woman to confirm that the choroid beautiful woman status is still a riddle. 到目前为止,还没有得到奥巴马黑衣美女确认,黑衣美女身份依然是一个谜。
Spiderman was probably the major transition for her as she grew into adulthood as a beautiful woman. 《蜘蛛侠》对她来说可能是她成长为一位成熟、漂亮女人的最重要转折点。
She said: 'Keira is a beautiful woman and that's the point. 她说:“凯拉是美女,这是关键。”
I stare at a beautiful woman of in front and seem to see the shadow that she have already been died covering with. 我盯着面前美丽的女人,似乎看到她已经被死亡的阴影笼罩。
My sister was an ugly duckling. She looked strange when she was a child, but she grew up to be a beautiful woman. 我的妹妹是一只丑小鸭---她小时候看起来很奇怪,但长大后她成了一个美女。
Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar that covered nearly the entire 3 right side of her face. 虽然母亲非常漂亮,但她整个右脸几乎被一块严重的伤疤覆盖了。
A beautiful woman is still beautiful if she goes for a week without washing, fries herself in the sun and drinks alcohol by the gallon. 一个美女哪怕一周不洗脸,天天晒太阳,夜夜喝得酩酊大醉,照样是个美女。
When the time came for me to leave, I leaned over, kissed this beautiful woman on the forehead, and went to let myself out the door. 在我将要离开的时候,我弯下腰,吻了这个漂亮女人的额头,然后走出了房门。
You see a beautiful woman that you want to meet and date right? The first question you want to ask me is "so. . . what do I say to her? " 你现在看见一个你想认识并约会的美女了,你的第一反应就是问自己:我该和她说些什么呢?
During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? 选择一个白天可以向朋友们炫耀的美丽妻子,晚上在自己的私人城堡里,面对一个老巫婆?
He wraps his hands around her small, cold wrists, but she pulls loose. She might be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. 他用手握住她细小冰冷的手腕,可是她推开了。她大概是他此生见过的最美的女人了。
Some were in awe of the beautiful woman in the photos and could not believe that She was the one providing them with the gifts. 有些人非常惊讶,难以置信相片中的美人就是赠送他们礼物之人。
But the rich and beautiful woman stayed behind just long enough to collect as much of her jewelry as she could carry. 但漂亮富有的女人却迟迟不走,因爲她想尽量多带一些珠宝首饰逃走
Saw a child holding his hands, the hands of a beautiful woman holding a child, also with a stomach third. 只见他手里抱着一个小孩子,美丽女子手里牵着一个小孩子,肚子里还怀着第三个。
Calling out in return, responding he looked round and saw, over the wall, the head of a beautiful woman over the wall. 答应着,四面看时,却见一个美女的脸露在墙头上,向他一笑,隐去了。
Wife: You told me you had a meeting tonight. But I saw you eating dinner with a beautiful woman. 你跟我说你今晚要开会。可是我却看见你和一个漂亮女人在吃饭。
It is said the Austria Pama after death the choroid beautiful woman is Shanghai Jiaotong University, once was Shanghai vivid ambassador? 据说奥巴马身后黑衣美女是上海交大的,曾是上海形象大使?
What ? How can this be ? I'm the most beautiful woman in the land ! I always have been and I always shall be ! Treacherous mirror ! 什么?怎么可能是这样呢?我是最美丽的女人,在整个世界上!我一直都是,将来也永远是!阴险的镜子!