best it

best itbest it

best it

I'm not sure I can be there tonight, but I will do my best. It will depend on how much work I finish this afternoon. 我不能确定今晚我到那儿,可是我将尽力。那得看今天下午我能干完多少活。
I don't think I played at my best, it wasn't a well-balanced, consistent game. There's room to improve my blocking as well. 我认为我在场上没有发挥出最好的水平,比赛状态有起伏,拦网方面我还有待加强。
You want a Web search on your name to return thousands of hits, and you want them to be connected to the "best" IT related Web sites. 你还希望自己的名字被搜索引擎搜出来能带来成千上万个点击,你还希望它们能跟“最好”的IT相关网站扯上关系。
AEK have important and talented players that will be trying to do their best. It will be a fight. AEK队也有很多重要的有天分的球员,他们一定会竭尽全力,这将会是一场战斗。
But, at best, it is only the beginning of a liberation of minds and people. 不过,它充其量只是一场思想和人民解放运动的开端。
"All the banks were doing it but Barclays was the best. It was the edgiest, " says one person who knows the business. 一位知情人士表示:“所有银行都在这么做,但巴克莱做得最好。它是最冒险的。”
When that arrives, I am not at my best. It is cold and dark and I have had no tea. 到出发的时候我状况不佳,外面又冷又黑,还喝不上一口热茶,这是我用来对付坏心情的秘方。
At best, it looks like an innocuous kind of billing and cooing Soviet teenagers would practice on their first date in the early 1970s. 即使是最好的情况,看起来也像是纯洁的一啄,就像70年代早期的苏联青少年在第一次约会的时候会做的那样。
If one does his best it doesn't matter what people think of him. 如果一个人尽了最大努力,不管人们说他什么都不要紧。
"It is not intelligence. At the very best, it is a Reader's Digest of media reports, " he said. “这不是什么情报。即使往最好了说,这也不过是一份关于媒体报道的《读者文摘》,”他表示。
At its best, it is always about more than clothes, as the men's wear designer Patrik Ervell asserted before his Monday presentation. 在它最好的状态,它几乎总是超出衣服的概念,像男性服装设计师PatrikErvell在他的星期一的演出前宣称的那样。
At its best, it holds up as a dramatized character study of the father and son presidents which will be watched keenly in years to come. 往好的方面想,他使这对父子总统在今后的几年中都被作为戏剧角色所研究。
It's always difficult when you change positions but I had a job to do and did my best. It was a good experience and I enjoyed it. 当你换位置的时候总是很困难,但是我有工作要做,并且做到了最好。我非常享受这次不错的经历。
At best, it seems, Britain sees it as a chip to be exchanged for setting south Sudan free and making peace in Darfur. 在最好的情况下,种种迹象显示,英国将它作为一个解放南苏丹和促进达尔富尔地地和平的一个缺口。
Avoid trying to pick off tops and bottoms because, at best, it is a subjective and arbitrary way to time trades. 你一定要避免去抓头部和底部,因为那顶多是种主观和没有根据的进出方式。
I love to go on the wild rides. I think the roller coasters are the best. It's fun to scream and get scared. 我喜欢野游,我认为滚环是最好玩的。那种尖叫和追求恐怖气氛是很有意思的。
Facing success or failure, It's no need to care too much. Only if I've tried my best, It's enough for my simple life. 纵然面对成与败,谨记无须太在意。只要吾已竭全力,淡然此生无所系。
The iPod wasn't the first music player, but it was the best; it was simple and wonderful. iPod不是第一个能播放音乐的设备,但确实最好的;因为它简单绝佳。
Some people say that your acting is not the best, it may bar! 有人说,你的演技不是最出色的,那也许吧!
At best, it may lead to a cautious resumption of the former diplomatic process, but at a much less promising stage than before. 这充其量只能使以前的外交进程谨慎地恢复起来,却远回不到从前那样乐观的阶段。
A post by 'Own Worst Enemy, ' one of the most popular on Sina Weibo, may have put it best: 'It's not easy being Premier. ' 新浪微博上由“OwnWorstEnemy”所留的一个热门帖子或许可以最好地总结这种看法,它写道:当总理不容易。
If a person does his best it doesn't matter what people think of him. 如果一个人尽了全力,别人怎样看并不重要。
My grandma cooked traditional Russian food and I liked the soup best, it was delicious. 我的奶奶烹调了传统的俄国食物,而且我最喜欢汤,它很可口。
Take time to do your best. It may be the only chance you get. 实实在在竭尽全力去做。这也许是你得到的唯一的机会。
Analysts say it raises costs, including salaries as firms vie for the best IT recruits, and reduces firms' competitive edge. 分析师称,这增加了公司争抢最好的IT新员工的成本,降低了他们的竞争优势。
Dad, I didn't see what a good father you were to us before, but now I do. You're the best! It's lucky to be your daughter. 爸爸,现在才知道你对我们说是一个多么了不起的爸爸,以前都没这么觉得,你是最棒的,能当你的女儿真的太幸运了。
Bowater Thunder Bay is not only one of the best, it is also one of the biggest of Canadian newsprint mills. 鲍沃特桑德贝不仅是最好的之一,它也是加拿大最大的新闻纸工厂之一。
Simple is best. It's always a good idea to look for the simple core within a complex situation. 简单是最好的。它总是一个好主意,为简单的核心看在复杂的形势。
At best, it's an unpleasant chore: the myopic glow of a clunky computer replaces the friendly pages of a book. 这是个十足的苦差事。光线很差、笨重的计算机取代了友好的纸质书籍。
Try to look your best. It will give you self-confidence while showing respect for the others. 打扮自己,可以增强自信,也是尊重别人。