because of

  • na.
  • 网络因为;由于;由于,因为

because ofbecause of

because of


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... continent n 大陆; 陆地 because of 因为;由于 athlete n 运动员;运动选手 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 390 person 5p\:sn n. 人 393 because of 由于 395 table tennis n. 乒乓球 ...


高中英语会考必会词汇_百度文库 ... beat to death 打死 65 because of 由于,因为 66 make the bed 整理床铺 67 ...


英语常用词组表_百度文库 ... bear… in mind 记住 4. because of 因为,由于 5. before long 不久 6. ...


高三英语第十六周导学案 ... 3. such as 例如;像这种的 5. because of 是复合介词。 2. command n.& v. 命令;指令;掌握 ...


BBC在线收听下载:世界大国与伊朗的核会谈未取... ... out of reach 手够不着,达不到 because of 因为,由于;基于 agree to 同 …


新概念英语第二册学习笔记 ... because 的后面加句子 because of 的后面加词 drive the car into 把车子撞上某地 ...

A person's right to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and not be hounded out of his job because of it, is now enshrined in law. 公民有权利信仰认为气候变化所造成的影响并不能因为追逐它而不工作,此项法案已经在法律中明文昭示。
8 He said to them, Moses, because of your hardness of heart, allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so. 太十九8他对他们说,摩西因为你们的心硬,才准你们休妻,但从起初并不是这样。
Because of the rarity of the entity, diagnosis is often delayed, resulting in unnecessary morbidity and mortality. 诊断常因为空肠憩室的罕见而被延误,从而导致了不必要的发病和死亡。
Because of his huge body and years of such work, now when he finish these, arm pain for a while will almost always. 由于他庞大的身躯和多年这样的工作,现在当他把这些弄完后,胳膊几乎每次都会疼痛一阵子。
Bogart to drink all day long because of steamships played a captain, so in the film shooting is often drunk. 鲍嘉因为饰演一位终日喝酒的蒸汽船船长,所以在影片拍摄中经常是醉醺醺的。
"We have seen a bit of a spike because of the primaries, " said Sarah Chambers about attendance at NYU's Republican Club. 钱伯斯(SarahChambers)在谈到纽约院校共和党俱乐部参与人数时说:“因为有初选,我们看到人数猛增。”
In certain moments we did not manage to be concrete, perhaps because of a lack of concentration, but the team still played well. 有一段时间里我们不是团结,可能是因为注意力不集中。不过球队依然表现的很好。
Because of this somewhat haphazard development, it has not always been clear just what should be covered by these trade terms. 由于这种发展有些偶然性,所以这些贸易条款应包括哪些内容,并不总是都很清楚地。
However, because of the velvet-plated cover, do not let the children contact the figurines by mouth. 然而,因其外面是以绒布包裹,不要让孩子将産品含在口里。
Marble, because of its beauty and hardness, is often used to build things meant to last. 由于大理石美丽坚固,常被用来建造经久的东西。
Ulot had been included in this venture because of his analytical ability, his way of seeing a whole from only a few parts. 尤洛特被包括在这次冒险里是因为他的分析能力,能从少数局部看出整体。
It had nothing to do with you, it was because of their own beliefs and fears. 它与你无关,那是因你自己的观念和担心而来。
But he said the parties failed to reach an agreement because of a couple of outstanding issues. 但是他表示,由于一些悬而未决的问题,各方没有达成一项协议。
Recovery from spinal cord injuries is often impossible because of the formation of scar tissue, which impedes the growth of new nerves. 脊椎损伤后复元通常是不可能的,因为伤疤的形成会阻碍新神经细胞的生长。
So often, we forget to moisturize and protect our chest, which is often exposed to the sun because of low-neck and v-neck clothing. 所以常常,我们因为穿了低领和V领的衣服,胸部会暴露在阳光下,而因此忘记去为胸部保持滋润,而保护到胸衣部。
If it had been found outside it would have been much more difficult to estimate the temperatures because of the fluctuations5 . 如果尸体是在室外发现的,由于外界存在气温波动,要想估计温度将会困难得多。
He said the overall slowdown might be because of changing plumbing deep inside the ice. 他认为,总体的缓慢降低可能是由于冰体内垂直深度有所改变。
There we are, four friends zooming down the highway , unable to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier. 有我们,四个朋友放大了高速公路,不能因为一个小工具,旨在使沟通更加方便。
He did not know how much of the pressure was because of her need for balance. 他不知道她使这么大劲有多少原因是为了保持平衡。
As you know, those who catch on the left hand side, are always complaining, always grudging type because of poor things, they suffer. 你们知道,那些左脉受阻的人往往爱抱怨,因为穷极无聊的事而郁闷,他们在受苦。
Because of it, he has been gone down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of his nation. 因为如此,他在历史上成为他的国家历史上最伟大的自由斗士。
It is only because of him that I am now standing in front of you, " he said. " 就是因为他,我现在才会站到你的面前。
Don't be like the poor elephant and go through your life stuck because of a limiting belief you were given or developed years ago. 别像那只可怜的大象,一辈子受困于一种多年前别人给予你的狭隘观念,又或是多年前养成的桎梏信念。
And He said to her, Because of this word, go. The demon has gone out of your daughter. 耶稣对她说,因这句话,你去吧,鬼已经离开你的女儿了。
Because of the event-driven nature of JavaScript (and Node by extension), whatever you write with it is going to be very fast. 而由于JavaScript的时间驱动特性(和节点扩展),你无论在其中编写什么都十分迅速。
Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often thought of as a grim figure. 由于他是冥界的掌管者,哈迪斯通常被认为是一个严酷的神。
This is often harder to scale because of the dynamic nature of users. 由于用户的动态特性,这通常难以定量。
That you and because of his "wife" there had been a period of love! 因为他和你那“小妻子”曾有过一段情!
As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you. 你们知道我头一次传福音给你们,是因为身体有疾病。
And that ends up being a pretty big number because of how much energy we consume overall as a nation. 这是一个相当大的数字,因为美国的能源消耗量非常大。