
美 [ˈbɑdi]英 [ˈbɒdi]
  • n.身体;物体;尸体;躯体
  • v.体现;实现;刻划;使呈现于心中
  • 网络主体;阀体;正文

复数:bodies 过去式:bodied

advisory body,independent body,professional body,representative body,official body
dispose body,bury body



人;动物of person/animal

1.[c]身体;躯体the whole physical structure of a human or an animal

2.[c]躯干the main part of a body not including the head, or not including the head, arms and legs

3.[c]尸体;死尸the body of a dead person or animal

主体main part

4.[sing]the ~ of sth(尤指建筑、车辆或书、文章等的)主体,主要部分the main part of sth, especially a building, a vehicle or a book, an article, etc.

集体group of people

5.[cspv]团体;社团;群体a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who are connected in some other way

大量large amount

6.[c]~ of sth大量;大批;大堆a large amount or collection of sth


7.[c]物体an object

饮料;头发of drink/hair

8.[u](酒的)浓香,香醇;(头发的)浓密the full strong flavour of alcoholic drinks or the thick healthy quality of sb's hair


9.有…的身体(或浓郁味道等)的having the type of body mentioned


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... robot 机器人 474 body 身体 475 broke (动词 ...


内表由主体(body)和一个可选的标题行(head line)组成.标题行是一个隐式的(implicit)工作区.在内表声明的时候,可以选择有无标 …


波纹管截止阀_百度百科 ... 材质 material 阀体 body 阀瓣 disc ...


正文(BODY)这是书信的主要部分,每段的第一行缩进五个字母,其它行与称呼平行.结束语(COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE)结束语相 …


品酒_百度百科 ... 单宁( Tannins) 酒体body) 酸度( acidity) ...


滤清器本体Body)注塑模青岛英联精密模具有限公司 17 整体一次性拉深成型挖掘机配重面板模具 江苏振世达汽车模具有限 …

It is as if I see my body in front of me; my mind commands and my body follows. 好像我能看到身体在我前面,意识在指挥身体继续前行。
First, I need to see his dead body all bloody with one of our soldiers holding up today newspaper in there hand. 第一,我需要在今天的报纸上,看到我们的士兵举起他的血迹斑斑的尸体。
The surface of the bottle mouth and the body is of good luster and smoothness. 瓶口及瓶身表面光泽平滑。
In most cases, your changes will occur in only the body of the SMO and the body is an appropriate root for your mapping. 在大多数情况,将仅仅需要在SMO的主体部分进行更改,因此主体是映射合适的根。
Any of a shopping center, will not deny her to the shelter. Only a weak body, entrusted to bear heavy, marching in the rain, is what reason? 任何一个商场,都不会拒绝她来避雨。仅凭弱小的身躯,托付不堪的沉重,行进在雨中,莫非有什么隐情?
Gov. Palin keeps dumbbells at home, but she says most of her upper body strength comes from snowmobiling with her family. 佩林家里有哑铃,不过她说自己主要是和家人一起玩雪地摩托时锻炼了上肢力量。
As gifts by the target's name, address the contents of this should be written on the front of the body to show respect. 象所赠对象的姓名,称呼这样的内容应该写在正文的前面,以表尊敬。
Did you know it requires far more energy to hold onto all that old sluggish, stuck energy in your body. 然而要保持行动迟缓,并且将能量困在体内要花费比之锻炼更多的能量。
"The next thing I knew, I was seeing legs and a body and a head. It was very strange to be tugging on this thing, " he said. 「接著我意识到的就是,我看到腿、身体和头。用力把这个东西拉出来的感觉实在是非常奇怪,」他说。
And I look down at my arm and I realize that I can no longer define the boundaries of my body. 我低头看看我的胳膊,发现我已经无法感觉我身体的界限了。
She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. 一连三天她都是这样,不论是教会牧师访问她也好,还是医生想劝她让他们把尸体处理掉也好。
This polarity suspension is beginning to lift as well; and this too releases pressure off our global body. 这一极性的悬置现在也正开始消散,这也让我们的全球身躯释放了压力。
Overexposure to the sun can be the cause of heatstroke, when the body stops perspiring and body temperature rises dramatically. 过度暴露于阳光下可能导致中暑,此时身体停止排汗,而提问则会急剧上升。
Rescuers dug into the dirt, finding the body of an elderly man, and quickly covered him with a sheet. 救援人员在废墟中搜救,他们找到了一个老人的尸体,很快用毯子将尸体盖上。
Saying a group of porcupines is a boar, the body is long to stab of that kind of boar, everyone is crowded to together pass the winter. 说有一群豪猪,就是野猪啊,身上长刺的那种野猪,大家挤在一起过冬。
In his blog, Dr Wadge said water and exercise were enough to help the body rid itself of harmful chemicals. 魏吉博士在他的网志中指出,水和运动就足以帮助身体排出有害的化学物质。
The Telecaster, a light-weight solid body with an adjustable neck that was easy to play, is still in production today. Telecaster电吉他,轻量实心的本体和可调节的琴颈,易于演奏,时至今日仍在生产。
You know how you can block those newsletters that you never signed up for by sending an e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the body? 你知道,要拒收你从没预订过的新资讯,只需回复邮件,正文写着“退订”就行。
Food, at least for the better-off, has long been far more than a means of keeping body and soul together. 至少在收入还可以的人看来,食物早已不只是维系生命的手段了。
It learns early on which biological molecules are "self" , in the sense that they are routine parts of the body it is protecting. 免疫系统在早期阶段就了解了哪些生物分子属于“本体”,即免疫系统需要保护的身体的正常部分。
And, if blood sugar levels are too high, many areas in the body, including the eyes, kidneys and the heart, can be damaged. 如果血糖水平过高,身体许多部位,包括眼睛、肾脏和心脏都会受到损害。
Name and money are an extremely fat body and a burden of spiritual progress, which make us no longer lithesome and unable to go ahead. 名和利就是臃肿的身体,是精神进步的累赘,让自己变得不再轻盈,也无法进步。
For women, this might be especially true after menopause, when body fat tends to shift from the arms, legs and hips to the abdomen. 对于更年期之后的女性而言更为普遍,她们的脂肪从手臂、腿部、臀部逐渐游移到小腹上。
the man opened his eyes and looked at his sore , wounded body , with his flesh hanging in shreds. 那个人睁开眼睛,看着他的伤处,他几乎体无完肤了。
Longo speculated that these disproportions might occur in other parts of the body as well. Longo推测,这种比例失调可能同样发生在身体的其他部位。
Things go awry when stress persists and your body has no opportunity to return to its resting state. 当压力持久不变,情形就有了偏离,你的身体不再有机会返回到它的原来的休眠状态。
This dual control on how the body deals with blood sugar is ultimately what determines weight gain and whether or not fat is burned. 这种躯体在如何处理血糖上的双重控制关键在于:是什么决定体重的增加和脂肪是否被消耗。
I'm willing to bet he would not have known most details revealed in the body of the articles-except for those in stories he read completely. 我愿意打赌他对文章主体中所披露的大部他细节都不知道,除了那些他完全读过的故事。
They include the fact that the body has enough oxygen to keep vital organs working for a few minutes. 他们列出了这样的事实:机体有足够的氧气维持重要器官工作数分钟。
I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。