
美 [bum]英 [buːm]
  • n.繁荣;吊杆;(某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期;帆桁
  • v.激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响
  • adj.〈美〉猛涨起来的
  • 网络隆隆声;兴旺;景气

复数:booms 现在分词:booming 过去式:boomed

economic boom,postwar boom,sales boom
spur boom,see boom


n. v.

商业;经济in business/economy

1.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success

风靡期popular period

2.[ususing](某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期a period when sth such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becomes very popular and successful


4.[ususing]深沉的响声a loud deep sound


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... 贸易差额 balance of trade 繁荣 boom 债券 bond ...


吊字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 吊斗〖 bucketwheel;cablewaybucket〗 吊杆boom〗 吊杠〖 trapeze〗 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bond 契约;公债 boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧 borax 硼砂; 月石 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... bond 契约;公债 boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧 borax 硼砂; 月石 ...


2013年高考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... book n. 书;本子 boom n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣, 激增 boot n. 长统靴;靴 ...


财务英语英汉对照表 (B) - MBA智库百科 ... book yield 帐面收益率 boom 繁荣,景气 boomerang effect 反倾销效应 ...


BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人 boom n. 繁荣,暴涨 boost v. 提高,增加…


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... bone n. 骨(骼) boom v. 迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声 boot n. (长统)靴 ...

This position prevents the boom operator from retracting the boom or from raising it out of the way on disconnect. 这种情况下飞杆操作员将无法收回飞杆或者是将其按向上脱离的方向举起。
Authorities have to walk a tightrope trying to stop the boom getting further out of hand while trying to keep it from collapsing. 当局都不得不走钢丝,努力在防止崩溃的同时不让繁荣失去控制。
In an era of globalisation, we became intoxicated with what cross-border linkages were able to deliver on the upside of a boom. 在这个全球化时代,我们陶醉于经济鼎盛时期跨境联系所能带来的利益。
There was no boom. There was no repression. There was just life on three dollars a day. 那里没有繁荣,没有压迫,有的只是每天三美元成本的生活。
And its monetary-policy arm's overstimulative policy ahead of the credit boom arguably made it a stoker of systemic risk. 而美联储货币政策部门在信贷极度扩张之前实施的过度刺激经济的政策对系统性风险起到了推波助澜的作用。
As fact, Boom is in line with nonlinear bending force mechanism. The stability of the surface is the essence of strength problem. 事实上,臂架的受力符合非线性弯曲的机理,表面的稳定性问题的实质是强度问题。
Suddenly there was a boom, as if the rocket was falling on my head. 突然出现了隆隆声,就好像火箭在我头上落下了。
The housing boom led to a surge in the industry, but now years after the bubble burst the sector has continued to struggle. 房地产市场的兴旺造就了该行业的短暂繁荣,但如今,泡沫破灭已经有几年的时间了,该行业仍在苦苦挣扎。
To be sure, the amount of money flowing into online company formation has not reached anything like the level of the dotcom boom. 当然,流向网络公司的资金数目还达不到网络繁荣时的水平。
A year ago, the boom was expected to be the means of breaking down the divide between China's domestic and export-led economies. 一年以前,中国指望依靠繁荣来打破内需拉动经济和出口主导经济之间鸿沟。
France is scrambling to regain its position as a world leader in nuclear power, before it misses out on an expected boom in the industry. 法国正急于恢复其在核领域的国际领先地位,以免与核工业的未来繁荣失之交臂。
In East Asia, the resulting sharp movement of the yen is often viewed as the beginning of the end of Japan's long post-war boom. 在东亚,日元的迅速升值,常常被认为,是结束日本战后长期繁荣局面的一个开始。
Leonov believes the first boom he heard was that of the jet breaking the sound barrier, and the second was Gagarin's plane crashing. 列昂诺夫认为景气他听到的是第一条超音速喷射、二、被加加林的飞机撞毁。
The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits. 税收套利活动在景气时期达到巅峰,这一事实也提出了一个问题:银行业的利润到底有多少水分?
Worried Beijing policymakers are trying to choke off the supply of funds fueling the property boom. 忧心忡忡的中国政府正努力控制房地产投资。
But some of what glitters in Peru's boom seems to be paving the way for lasting prosperity. 但秘鲁经济热潮中的某些闪光点似乎正为持久繁荣铺平道路。
Nevertheless, trying to scoop the froth from the commodity boom looks justified in the struggle to ensure more balanced long-term growth. 尽管如此,为了确保更平稳的长期增长的斗争,设法挖出从商品景气的泡沫看起来有其正当理由。
This helped to release India's telecoms industry from state control and opened it up to private firms, paving the way for a technology boom. 这帮助印度的电信业从国家手中解放了出来并向私人公司开放,从而为技术繁荣铺平了道路。
Without the competing demands, he says, 'we might have been able to use what boom we had to greater effect. ' 斯坦顿说,如果没有这些互为竞争的要求,我们或许能够让手中的拦油栅发挥更大的效用。
The garden is also home to set up a Hengjia, above boom, a slippery rope, a pair of rings that will allow them to exercise at home. 自家的花园里还设置了一个横架,上面有吊杆、一条滑绳、一副吊环,让她们在家里进行体育锻炼。
Once the banking system began to look frail, there was a boom in the sale of safes for people to keep their cash at home. 曾经当银行系统显现萎靡之态时,由于人们为了把现金放在家,保险柜的销量一度暴涨。
Buoyant demand from the new rich created by Asia's economic boom was one of the main factors behind the company's record results in 2011. 亚洲经济的繁荣造就了一批新富人群,斯沃琪之所以能在2011年实现史上最佳业绩,这类人群的旺盛需求是主要推动因素之一。
This will happen at the last of the children of that baby boom generation finish high school. 这将会在最近的儿童发展一代结束高中时发生。
"The super-cycle does not mean the end of boom and bust, " says Michael Jansen, a commodities analyst at JPMorgan in London. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)驻伦敦大宗商品分析师迈克尔•詹森(MichaelJansen)表示:“超周期并非意味着不再有盛衰轮替。”
Lehman's story ended particularly badly, but this sort of lapse in risk governance was alarmingly common during the boom. 雷曼的故事以无比恶劣的结局结束了,但这种风险管理的失误在繁荣期却是惊人地普遍。
Why does one of the world's top mining countries seem to be missing out on the commodities boom? 为什么在这次矿业产品繁盛期中作为全球主要矿业国家的南非看起来似乎被遗漏了呢?
You're seeing real estate firms shutter, sales offices closed down. Some of the engine behind the boom is at least beginning to sputter. 你可以看到房地产公司,销售公司正在关门。危机爆发的一些引擎已经开始启动。
There was a shock, the lights went out, then a boom that sounded like an explosion, he said. 他说,震了一下,灯灭了,然后是像爆炸一样轰的一声。
Once upon a time, when the yen was the most powerful force in the world, the city overflowed with immigrants, like a gold rush boom town. 有一段时间,当日元是世界上最强的货币时,城市里充满了移民。
An eyewitness gave this account to Israel Radio: "Suddenly there was a boom, as if the rocket was falling on my head, " he said. 一名目击者对以色列电台说:“突然出现了隆隆声,就好像火箭在我头上落下了。”