before the end

  • 网络结束之前;倒计时;最后时刻

before the endbefore the end

before the end


海上钢琴师 Legend Of... ... 14 Nocturne with no Moon 没有月亮的夜曲 15 Before the End 结束之前 17 I Can and Then 我可以 ...


倒计时Before The End)董偲遇 34 棋迹 赵默言 35 茶话 王镜开 36 鸡犬不宁 朱晗 37 幸福胶片 陈友康


《海上钢琴师》原声大碟 ... 19 Second Crisis 危机 22 Before The End 最后时刻 23 Playing Love 玩爱 ...


没什麽部落格~~什麽部... ... and FIGHT for other’s life 拯救他人的生命 末日前BEFORE THE END 最后的机会… THE LAST …


The Legend... ... 21.Nocturne With No Moon 无月的夜曲 下载 22.Before The End 最后时刻 下载 23.Playing Love 玩爱 …

I told the manager I wanted to carry on and he said 'we're on the same lines' but I'd like it to be done before the end of the season. ‘我对温格说我想继续踢下去,他说’我们的意见是一致的‘,但是我想在本赛季结束前确定这件事情。’
This book stresses there is a primary school_and_a girl in the story The story took place in Tokyo before the end of World War II. 这本书讲的是一所小学和在那里上学的一个女孩子的真实故事,故事就发生在第二次世界大战结束前的东京。
"There is a risk of this deal not happening before the end of the year, " said one person close to the matter. “这笔交易可能无法在年底前完成,”一位知情人士表示。
And before the end of this service a number of you are going to break through towards your dream in a way you never thought possible. 这聚会完结前,你们有些人会有所突破,以你从不认为可能的方法迈向你的梦想。
China is ready to do its best and work with Japan and the ROK for concluding the negotiations before the end of the year. 中方愿尽最大努力,与日、韩合作,争取在今年年内完成谈判。
Oh! Jane! " cried Elizabeth, " was there a servant belonging to it, who did not know the whole story before the end of the day? “噢,吉英,”伊丽莎白叫道。“岂不是所有的佣人当天都知道了这件事的底细吗?”
When he came into office, he was hopeful that he could orchestrate a peace treaty before the end of his first term. 自他上任以来,就满怀希望地认为自己可以在第一个任期结束前促成和平协议。
At this point, I am not sure when I will be ready to play again, but I hope to be back at some point before the end of the year. 目前来看,我虽然不确定我何时我才会准备好出战,但我希望能够在年末之前的某一时间重返赛场。
The president summoned a bipartisan group of former White House officials to help efforts to gain ratification before the end of the year. 总统召集府官员两党的前白宫,帮助努力争取今年年底之前批准的。
At least, you should be able to understand the basic concept of intergration before the end of this period. 你至少要在这节课结束之前理解一下基本的微积分概念。
But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. 但您已经付出了这么多、历了许多世才开创了今天这个局面,如果在电影剧终之前离开实在是一个遗憾。
He was one of those guys who would stand st the front of the class and yell out how much time was left before the end of a test. 有些老师在一次考试即将结束之时会站在全班之前大声宣布剩余时间,他便是其中之一。
In the last month before the end of that period you will be able to apply for further permission to stay as a Highly Skilled Migrant. 在这个时期的最后那个月你将能申请更长是时间作为高技术移民留下来。
EXAMPLE: The company completed its obligation to its largest creditor by paying its debt in full before the end of the year. 这家公司在年底之前全部偿还了债务,履行了对最大债权人的义务。
But this one is different: it has widespread support and is likely to be passed before the end of this year. 不过这一次与众不同:它获得了广泛的支持,而且很可能在会今年年底前获得通过。
If you've been planning to get some sort of surgery, scheduling it before the end of the year can pay off. 如果您一直在计划接受某种手术,就将手术安排在你能付清款的今年年底之前。
The question to be answered before the end of this phase is whether the project is worth doing at all. 在这个阶段结束前需要回答的问题是,这个项目是不是值得去做。
Marie: I know. I began to get a bit sick of it long before the end. 玛丽:是啊,电影放映不久,我就感到有点厌倦。
If you took a trip that you loved, you could make a resolution to go back before the end of next year. 如果你上年某次的旅游体验很棒,那么设立目标,来年故地重游吧!
Logging companies would have to leave the forest before the end of the year. 伐木公司将不得不在年底前离开森林。
There are reports that Juventus are ready to axe Coach Claudio Ranieri before the end of the season and hand the reins to Ciro Ferrara . 有消息称尤文图斯可能会在赛季结束前解雇拉涅利,费拉拉将暂时做到教练的位置上来。
"We still think they will raise interest rates before the end of the year. . . . We'll have to see, " said Action Economics' Cohen. 行动经济学机构的科恩说:“我们仍旧认为在今年年底之前他们会增加利率…我们坐等分晓。”
"Andrew is now undergoing treatment and expects to be fully back at work before the end of the year, " the spokesman said. 该发言人称:“目前韦伯正在接受治疗,预计年底可以全面复工。”
If he does not, he will find himself in Sweden before the end of the month. 如果选择不上诉,他会在本月底之前被引渡到瑞典。
He has known that Mr. Lee will have to pay the bill of immigrating before the end of August. But so far he has had a financing gap. 杰克知道,李先生投资移民加拿大的最后付款期限是八月末,可是,资金还有很大缺口。
The time of deliver would be delayed unless the blueprint could be finished before the end of the month. 希望你们对图纸的升版工作能在月底前结束,否则将会影响我们交货的时间。
The repairs will take so long that the likelihood of its finding anything dramatic before the end of 2009 is now remote. 这次维修将耗费相当长的时间,所以,2009年年底之前,能得到重大发现的希望已变得极为渺茫。
There will be no mid-term or final paper or exam, and the last paper will fall due at least one week before the end of the semester. 没有期中或期末论文或考试,最后一份论文在学期结束前至少一星期到期。
Before the end of her senior high school year, she was accepted to Parsons School of Design in New York. 高中毕业前,她就被纽约的帕森设计学院录取。
At this moment another taking again extremely sick man comes to holy those to her before, as before the end of that woman. 这时圣彼得又带着另一个极其恶心的男人来到她面前,如同之前那个女人的下场。