by chance

  • na.偶然
  • 网络碰巧;偶然地;意外地

by chanceby chance

by chance


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by and by 不久,迟早 by chance 偶然,碰巧 by far 最,...得多 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by and by 不久,迟早 by chance 偶然,碰巧 by far 最,...得多 ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... by accident 偶然地 by chance 碰巧,偶然地 day by day 一天天地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make certain (把…)弄确实,弄清楚 by chance 偶然,碰巧,意外地 take a chance 冒险,投机 ...


GCT联考英语高频介词短语和搭配4-1 ... by and by 渐渐地,不久 by chance 意外地,偶然的 by far 远远——,——的多 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... certain of 一定的,确定的,可靠的 284. by chance 偶然,碰巧 285. take a chance 冒险试一下 286. ...


字典中 偶 字的解释 ... (1) 相对[ face to face] (3) 偶然;偶尔[ by chance] (2) 同本义[ image;idol] ...


凑是什么意思_百度知道 ... [fortunately;as luck would have it] 正好赶上 [by chance] 恰巧 [make a joke about] 逗趣取乐 ...

But the feeling from sources close to Blackstone is that this expansion was more by chance than design. 但接近黑石集团的消息人士感觉,这一扩张行动更多的是出于偶然,而非经过精心计划。
Parenthood, however, is a state which some miss by chance and others by design, and a vocation to which not all are called. 为人父母,不管怎样,是一个或偶然或有意为之的身份,不是每一个人都必需承担的使命。
It was strange about the coincidence of figures: that his room number tonight, allocated by chance, had in it a "24" . 奇怪的是数字上的巧合,今晚他预定的房间号码中碰巧有个“24”。
He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break, the cobbler awoke him with his song. 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便把他吵醒了。
The confusion arises because each result is tested separately to see how likely, in statistical terms, it was to have happened by chance. 产生误导的原因在于实验通常单独检验一个结果,看其在机遇中有多大产生的可能。
A thousand useless things happen day after day, and why couldn't such a thing come true by chance? It would be like a story in a book. 一千件无聊的事天天在发生,为什么这样一件事不能够偶然实现呢?这很像一本书里的一个故事。
Your armory includes a flak jacket, heavy lead bullets and a found by chance catacombs navigator, to say nothing about a bit of luck! 你的武器,包括防弹背心,重铅子弹和发现机会墓穴航海家,更谈不上运气!
Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits heR aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley theRe by chance. 洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。
"Why are the chickens crying? By chance" The father was angry and came out to the yard. “为什么是鸡要哭呢?一个偶然的机会”父亲很生气,来到院子里。
So a run of earthquakes that by chance hit populated places makes it look as though the rate has increased, even if it hasn't. 因此,一系列地震碰巧发生在人口稠密地区,令人们觉得地震好像更加频繁了,但事实并非如此。
spoke the truth and the other told nothing but lies, were travelling together, and by chance came to the land of Apes. 有两个人,一个总是说实话,另一个只说谎话,他们一起去旅行,偶然来到猿猴国度里。
Living creatures are too complex to have come about by chance; therefore they must have had a designer. 生物太复杂了不可能随机产生的;所以它们一定有一个设计者。
By chance, see a TV series, the plot to let me have a hit of the heart feeling. 偶然,看到一个电视连续剧,剧中的情节让我有了一种撞击心灵的感觉。
In a fairytale setting - a castle and a tavern in the heart of a dense wood - a company of men and women are brought together by chance. 在一个童话般的环境--位于茂密森林的腹地中的一座城堡和一个客栈--一群男人和女人偶然的遇在一起。
We just encountered by chance on the way home after hours, and chatted for a while; we even did not tell each other our telephone numbers. 我们只是在下班的路上在地铁上巧遇,所以聊了几句,彼此连电话号码都没交换。
While Miles was at the barber's one day, the manager of the office came in by chance to have his own hair cut and sat just beside him. 英里,而当时在理发的一天,经理办公室来,在一个偶然的机会,以有自己的头发,剪下并坐在刚才在他身旁。
He thought it unsuitable to a reasonable being to act without a plan, and to be sad or cheerful only by chance. 他认为,对一个理性的人来说,没有目标的行为,痛苦或快乐仅凭一时冲动,都是不恰当的.。
After sleeping separately from his wife for a year, Seigo found a diary with a cover of a hydrangea flower in his wife's bedroom by chance. 在和妻子分房睡一年后,一天省吾偶然在妻子的卧室发现了一个封面是紫阳花的日记本。
It is not by chance that the thinkers of today are so much more ready to speak of the condition than of the nature of man. 今天的思想家们大都倾向于谈人的处境,而不愿意谈人性,这并不是偶然的。
Police discovered Mr Strauss-Kahn's whereabouts by chance, when he rang the hotel from Kennedy airport to ask about things he'd left behind. 警方意外在发现了卡恩的下落,当时他给肯尼迪机场的旅店打电话询问他落在那里的东西。
This is only an example, but it is not by chance that the word, no doubt, presents us with these paradoxes. 这是唯一的例子,但是这并非偶然,无可置疑的,这个字词呈现给我们这些矛盾。
My comrade by chance found a woman in her 30's and captured her. 我战友碰巧发现了一个三十岁出头的女人,把她给抓了回来。
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said the timing was just by chance. 美国妇产科医师学会称,两者发布的时间只是巧合。
If I have left, your world will meet a person by chance, she will tell you whisper that it has been midnight , don't go on - -I believe. 如果我走了,你的世界将会偶遇一个人,她会悄悄地告诉你夜深了,别熬着——我相信;
It may appear that you are the victim of circumstances, but nothing happens by chance and is the outworking of your life plan. 它也许体现出你是客观环境的牺牲者,但是没有什么事情是偶然发生的,一直都是遵循你的人生计划。
It was not by chance that he was able to open up a new field and perform great deeds. 他之所以能开辟新天地,成就一番事业,绝非偶然。
He picked up a purse on his way there by chance. 他碰巧在去那儿的路上捡了一个钱包。
Many more examples could be mentioned, but to come to the point: By chance, this concertgoer is a competent music connoisseur. 还可以举更多的例子,但得到达要点:偶然的时候,音乐会的参与者是有能力的音乐内行。
Then she asked if he thought the flowers could have been created by chance. 然后她问Rich是否认为这些花是偶然被创造的。
When by chance he falls into a doze at daybreak, the tailor wakes him with his song. The banker complains. 清晨,当他偶尔昏昏入睡的时候,裁缝的歌声就吵醒了他,为此,银行家很不满。