
美 [bɪˈfɔr]英 [bɪˈfɔː(r)]
  • adv.以前;过去;已经
  • conj.以免;不然;在…以前;到…为止
  • prep.在…以前;在…面前(或前面);(次序或排列)在前面;表示面临或临近



1.在…以前earlier than sb/sth

2.在…面前(或前面)used to say that sb/sth is in a position in front of sb/sth

3.(次序或排列)在前面used to say that sb/sth is ahead of sb/sth in an order or arrangement

4.(表示面临或临近)used to say that sth is facing sb in the future

5.当面in the presence of sb who is listening, watching, etc.

6.(表示面对某人、某事时的反应)used to say how sb reacts when they have to face sb/sth

"I found out just a few minutes before we came out, " he said. “在我们上场前,我才得知这个消息。”他说。
The boat would have to leave this site before 5 am to avoid Chinese patrol ships. 第5天上午,小船将离开这个位置,以躲避中国巡逻舰。
Let me now present the president of the company to speak before you. 现在让我介绍公司的董事长给大家讲话。
My love is all over before it had even begun. 我的爱情没有开始就已经结束。
He rose from his feet and looked at them. And lo! He saw a king and a queen before him. 他站起身来看着他们。天啊!他看到的是一位国王和一位皇后站在他面前。
She stayed about twenty feet from me for a full twenty five minutes before she was willing to approach me. (I completely ignored her). 在它敢接近我前,它呆在离我二十英尺开外足足有二十五分钟。
When I stood on the bridge, three (up to five) vehicles started to move back and forth in front of me before long. 我站在桥上才一会儿,就有三、五辆车开始在我面前开来开去了。
In his revised statement, he said it would not be before next year's harvest had been reaped. 但在最新的声明中,普京表示直到明年小麦收割才会解除。
It is said that he was a great singer before. return Nothing but But he cares nothing but his research. 但他除了他的研究之外什么也不关心。
Until the day before yesterday, she found something of Hitachi City Hall staff, only fix the toilet. 直到前天,她找到日立市事役所工作人员,才修好厕所。
It is possible that consumption growth might be modestly held back, but retail spending was already surging before the market rally began. 消费增长有可能稍微受到遏制,但零售支出在股市大涨之前就已经开始攀升了。
Thus, the recommendation is to slow down all non-bottleneck operations before trying to speed the bottlenecks up. 因此,推荐做法是:在试图提升瓶颈速度之前,先放慢所有非瓶颈操作的速度。
makes it easy to find a great restaurant by presenting a summary of user and professional reviews in a way that has never been done before. 通过搜索用户介绍的摘要和专业的评论,就可以方便的找到一家好的餐馆,这种方式以前从来没有被使用过。
The inconceivable thing was that the spot was just the same with before but the bodies were gone without anything just like having wings. 令人不可思议是,现场毫无异样,尸体们就象生了翅膀一样无声无息的消失了。
A user will tolerate only so much security-related (or other) overhead before he either dumps your product or figures out a workaround. 他转储您的产品或计算出一种解决方法之前,用户会容忍只有这么多安全相关(或其他)的开销。
She walked into her boudoir, and before her mirror began to dress for a dinner to which she had been invited. 她走过她的闺房,对着镜子打扮着,预备应邀赴一个宴会。
You might have to write for a few minutes before you really get into the groove. 你可能要写上几分钟才能真正地进入最佳状态。
Elton decided to walk up to her place and put off by half - an -hour or so the important business which lay before him. 艾尔顿决定到她那里去,将摆在他面前的重要事情推迟半小时左右。
Up to the present, we have had no news about Shiquan except the last one before he went to coal mine. 石泉去煤矿前来过一封信,至今没有他的消息。
Others followed even before the whole string was wet. And I was able to collect and store a great deal of electricity into the condenser. 其他风筝也发生了类似情况,甚至是在那根放飞的绳子全部湿透之前。这时,我完全可以将大量的电收集并储存到电容器里面去。
If that sounds like the right kind of quest for you, click here to buy the Empire Building Kit now, before orders close in just a few hours. 如果这正是你想要的探寻,那么请点击这里,订购你想要的“帝国缔造工具包”,订购几小时后就将结束。
Chandler: I'm right! Right? There was like no chemistry between them. Before they had heat, and now there's no heat! Now. 我说得没错吧!对不对?他们俩之间一点激情都没有,以前他们之间还有点,现在一点都没有了!现在你明白这意。
By the time you come to work your colleagues might have gone through several such iterations before you are even aware of it. 当您回到工作中来的时候,您的同事可能在您没有发觉之前,已经经过了许多这样的迭代。
Shortly before 11am, she emerged to tell waiting reporters that she had been dismissed. 上午11点不到,她现身并告诉在场等待的记者,她已被解雇。
I'm sure you've seen some of these hidden messages before, but I hope I've been able to show you some new ones as well. 我确定有些你已经早就看出其中的奥秘,但是我希望这次能够展示给你一些你还不知道的新东西。
A year before I repeated learning the game process, often thought of Masters said, are not the solution. 此后一年我在反复研习牌技的过程中,每每想到大师所说,均不得其解。
He said he had not read so frightening a detective novel before. 他以前没看过这么惊险的侦探小说。
A process is simply an object that does something, then sometimes waits for a while before it is ready to do a next thing. 一个进程只是一个对象,它完成某些任务,随后在它准备完成下一个任务之前有时会等待一会儿。
Tom was fired by the company, but it wasn't long before he found a new job. 汤姆被那家公司解雇了,但是不久他就找到了一份新工作。
In the Tuscan countryside people start their day quite early, just before dawn, but wind down in the early afternoon for siesta. 在托斯卡乡村人们起身他们的白天很早,恰好黎明前,但是放松下来在提前的下午为了午睡。