
美 [poʊl]英 [pəʊl]
  • n.民意测验;民意调查;选举投票;计票
  • v.获得(票数);对…进行民意调查
  • adj.【法】当事人一方作成的
  • 网络轮询

复数:polls 现在分词:polling 过去式:polled

recent poll,same poll,national poll,presidential poll,place poll
take poll,conduct poll,win poll,do poll,poll say


n. v.

1.[c]民意测验;民意调查the process of questioning people who are representative of a larger group in order to get information about the general opinion

2.[c]选举投票;计票the process of voting at an election; the process of counting the votes

3.[sing]投票数the number of votes given in an election


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The poll watchdog group said there had been a few incidents of polling irregularities. 投票监督团体说,已经发生了几起投票站违规行为的事件。
If the poll results prove correct, banks would be required to put 19 percent of deposits at the central bank by the end of this year. 若果真如此,各商业银行将被要求在年底,将存款总额的19%存到央行
But, in a recent poll, a majority of New Yorkers said they did not believe the project would be completed on time. 但是最近的一项投票调查显示,大多数纽约人都表示他们不认为这个建设项目会如期完工。
President Bush is trying to counter low poll numbers by refocusing public attention on Iraq and his efforts to improve the U. S. economy. 美国总统布什试图将公众的注意力重新转向伊拉克以及他争取改善美国经济的努力,以便扭转民意支持率偏低的局面。
A poll on the micro blog of Sina. com showed that 74 percent of respondents were in favor of the ending which had been leaked. 新浪微博的一项调查显示,74%的调查对象喜欢网上流传的结局。
According to a new Gallup poll, Americans increasingly prefer to have small families of two or fewer children. 根据一项新的盖洛普(Gallup)民意调查,美国人越来越愿意拥有不多于两个孩子的小家庭。
With his poll ratings in free fall and his deputies defecting from the party, Papandreou seems to be running out of options. 随着自由落体,从党背叛他的副手他的民意支持率,帕潘德里欧似乎正在运行的选项了。
Any poll will ratify the significance of that insight: Romney is the front-runner, and Huntsman is languishing in single digits. 任何投票都会认同这个事实:罗姆尼是比赛的领先者,而Huntsman却陷在开始的几步里。
At the beginning of each of my webinars, I poll my attendees: "Where did you first find out about this webinar? " 每次在线研讨会的开始,我都会问参加者:“你最先从哪里得知这次研讨会的?”
What is the point of this party with him as the leader? ? Turned out at the poll we had a choice between GOP or GOP. . . 我们的党让他领导算怎么回事??把选举台反过来看看……明明写的是“共和党vs共和党”。
But his return to power has been inglorious: in a recent poll only 21% of respondents approved of him. 不过,奥尔特加的重新执政并不光彩:最新的民调显示仅有21%的受访者对其表示支持。
A Gallup poll also found that people seem to be abandoning the Republicans for the Democrats. 一项盖洛普民意调查(Galluppoll)发现人们似有抛弃共和党转而选择民主党的倾向。
So much of a national issue that Obama's popularity took a hit, especially among white voters, according to a poll released Thursday. 根据周四公布的一项民意调查,这一问题闹到了全国性的程度,使奥巴马的声望受到了冲击,特别是白人选民的支持率出现下滑。
Seventy-two percent of respondents in a recent poll had no opinion of him at all. 在最近的一次民意调查中有72%的受访者对他一无所知。
It depends on how the questions and answers are phrased and what conclusions you are trying to draw from your poll. 这取决于问题和应答的措辞,还有您想从投票中得到什么样的结论。
The poll also lacked specific details of each of the sites, as well as instructions on what criteria were to be used in forming an opinion. 并且,这份平易近意查询拜访问卷同样短少每个文化遗产地详细细节,及对构成一个观念应采用什么样地规范缺乏阐明。
But a recent YouGov poll showed strong support for the rate, with even a narrow majority of Conservative voters opposed to its scrapping. 但最近的YouGov民调显示,这个税率得到强烈支持,反对废除该税率的保守党选民甚至占据微弱多数。
But what this poll failed to ask was whether we fear governmental abuse of our online data as much as abuse from private companies. 但是民调却没有问,我们是否担心政府会像私人公司那样,滥用我们的网络数据。
We're conducting a poll among the children who have dropped out of school. 我们正在退了学的学生中进行民意测验。
Thirty-seven economists, or 70%, said the effect would be 'very little, ' compared with just 6% in the public-opinion poll. 有37位经济学家(占70%)说,漏油事故的影响将“非常小”,而对公众的民意调查中只有6%的人持同样看法。
For his part, Mr Seck is probably trying to weigh up his options with a view to maximizing his chances in the next presidential poll. 而对塞克先生来说,为了最大限度的在下届选举中有所斩获,他可能正在权衡利弊以做出选择。
Raleigh, North Carolina surpassed Washington, Seattle and Boston to be named the American city with the best quality of life in a new poll. 一项最新民调显示,美国北卡罗来纳州的罗利市超过华盛顿、西雅图和波士顿,被评为全美生活质量最高的城市。
Poll was smug and came out with a load of rubbish, but he was the FA's star ref and I knew I'd get done. 波尔是得意非凡随后又爆出更多屁话,但谁让他是FA的明星,我知道我栽了。
For all the buzz of CPAC, however, the straw poll has never been a reliable guide to ultimate success. 抛开党内的喧嚣,民意调查测验对最终的胜利并没有多大的指导意义。
The poll found a great deal of concern about geo-location services which pinpoint someone's whereabouts. 调查发现,很多人对于能够确定某人所在位置的地理定位服务感到担忧。
He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everybody: the princess, the priests, the wise men, the court jester. 亚瑟回到自己的王国,并开始征询每个人的意见。公主,牧师,智者,甚至宫廷里逗乐小丑的意见他都问过了。
Officials point to another poll finding that, of those who plan to vote in a referendum, 62% favour joining the EU. 官员们指出,在另一份民意测验中,愿意参加公投的人中,有62%的人支持加入欧盟。
The campaign seems to be resonating: this week's poll showed more Australians opposed the tax than supported it. 似乎斥责运动得到了呼应:本周民意调查显示,反对新税收的人数占到上风。
He said the poll was financed by a group of private businesses, which he declined to identify. 他说民意测验由民营企业资助,他拒绝透露是谁。
The remainder of those in the poll said the position they fell asleep varied or did not know. 其余参与调查的人则报告说,他们睡觉的姿势不稳定,或不知道。