
美 [prəˈtekt]英 [prə'tekt]
  • v.保护;防护;(制定法律)保护;(通过征关税)保护(国内企业)
  • 网络保卫;警戒;护盾

第三人称单数:protects 现在分词:protecting 过去式:protected

protect environment,protect privacy,protect right,protect interest,protect reputation
effectively protect,adequately protect,fully protect,properly protect



1.[t][i]保护;防护to make sure that sb/sth is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.

2.[t][usupass]~ sth(制定法律)保护to introduce laws that make it illegal to kill, harm or damage a particular animal, area of land, building, etc.

3.[t][usupass]~ sth(通过征关税)保护(国内企业);实行贸易保护to help an industry in your own country by taxing goods from other countries so that there is less competition

4.[t][i]~ (sb/sth) (against sth)投保;为…买保险to provide sb/sth with insurance against fire, injury, damage, etc.


见崎鸣_百度百科 ... O - ocean( 海洋) P - protect保护) Q - quiet( 安静) ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... prosperous 繁荣的,兴旺的 protect 保护,保卫 protection 保护,防护 ...


专业音频术语中英文对照 ... Prosody 韵律 Protect 保护,防护 Protocol 通信协议 ...


保护 英文怎么写_百度知道 ... 1、protect 保护,防卫;警戒 3、defend 辩护;防护 ...


最终幻想8魔法属性分析_K73电玩之家 ... 核爆( Flare) 护盾( Protect) 魔盾( Shell) ...


露字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 滋润〖 moisten〗 庇护protect;shelter;shield〗 败坏〖 corrupt;ruin〗 ...

this moment I declare the vendetta against you, so protect yourself as well as you can, for the next time we meet your last hour has come. 从我向你宣布为亲人复仇的这个时候起,你就赶紧想法保护你自己吧,因为下一次我再碰见你的时候,你死期就到了。
Ship is the place for him to protect himself and imprison himself, also isolated him with the rest of the world. 船就是他保护自己,囚禁自己的地方,同时也是他与红尘隔离的地方。
She had fought for years trying to pass a bill to protect women against domestic violence. 她曾试图争取年内通过一项法案,以保护妇女免受家庭暴力。
Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along? 是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤?
She covered face with her hand, as if to protect her eyes. 她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。
Now he goes by the name Angel, and he fights to protect the helpless from those who would prey upon them as he himself once did. 如今他改名Angel行走人间,努力保护那些无助的人免受迫害,就像曾经他折磨他们那样。
Harnessing the power of the immune system to cure and protect patients from leukaemia is one of our priority areas of research. 利用免疫系统的力量治疗或预防白血病是我们的研究领域要优先考虑的问题。
So they decided to put a stop to this "unauthorized" ministry to protect Jesus' reputation. 于是,门徒决意要禁止这种「未经许可」的传道工作,以维护耶稣的声名。
But the bank continued to suggest that clients keep 10% of their funds in cash, to protect themselves in case the market pulls back again. 不过它仍然建议客户将投资组合总值的10%保留为现金,以便在市场一旦再次下挫的时候自我保护。
As happy as he was to be free, Buck said, his biggest frustration was leaving behind the translator who helped protect him during the riots. 虽然很高兴被释放,Buck说,他最大的遗憾还是没能把那位在暴乱中保护他的翻译救出来。
I no longer look to you to fulfill my dreams. I can only pray to the heavens to have mercy and protect us both. 我现在已不奢望靠你来实现我的梦想,只求上天垂怜,让你我平平安安。
Why doesn't NATO establish a NO FLY zone to protect the civilians in Syria? It should all be over in a few days or a week tops, right? 为什么北约没有设立禁飞区,保护叙利亚平民?它本应该在几天内或者一周内就应该做的,对吗?
You know who killed that guy, but peace with that my grandson. I must do that to protect you since you're not here with me. 你知道谁杀了那个家伙,不过心态要放平和我的孩子,我必须那么做才能保护你,因为你不在我身边。
If you think you might have the risk of been revoked license, you should get some consultation from the lawyer of how to protect yourself. 如果你认为自己有被吊销执照的危险,你应该向律师咨询关于保护自己的适当程序。
From our DVD products, we see that this approach will be able to protect your information into the pit and to eliminate water wave shape. 从我们不入产DVD产物的历程洋,我们发掘这个办法既可以爱护陈闻坑的轮廓又可以消不兴水纹。
Legitimate land acquisition process can better restrict the public's power, protect private rights and balance the conflicts between them. 正当的土地征收程序能更好制约公权力,保护私权利,平衡二者之间的冲突。
NOAA spends forty million dollars a year in an effort to protect the United States from tsunamis. 诺阿花费四千万美元一年,以努力防止海啸美国。
They do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substances besides radioactive iodine. 除了放射性碘,他们不能阻止外部的辐射、或是任何其他辐射性物质。
They used the equation as a kind of talisman, a bit of mathematical magic to protect them against criticism if anything went wrong. 他们把这个方程当成了辟邪的法宝,一种可以保护他们在发生问题以后免受批评的数学魔法。
"He's going to protect the rim as one of the best shot-blockers in the league, " he said. 他是联盟中最好的盖帽手之一,他可以很好的保护篮下。
Although the following is all completely true, to protect the innocent, some of the names have been changed on my expense report. 尽管以下情节纯属真实,但为了保护“无辜者”,我这份支出报告里涉及到的几个人物用了化名。
Many more workers would be hurt if there was no law to help protect them. 如果没有法律帮助保护他们,则会有更多的人受到创伤。
It was interesting to see that Iran, a country we feel we need to protect ourselves from, had the same security headaches we do. 这倒是一件很有趣的事情:我们认为伊朗是一个必须防范的国家,但它却像我们一样在为安全问题头疼。
The recent joint army and marines counter-insurgency manual says the central aim is not to destroy the enemy but to protect civilians. 陆军-海军陆战队联军最新的反叛乱手册说,中心目标不是消灭敌人而是保护平民。
To protect its foreign markets, China is trying to set up a dedicated export supply chain, sealed off from the domestic market. 为保护国外市场,中国正努力建立与国内市场隔绝的、专供出口的供应链。
He said there would be new rules to protect consumers and greater coordination between agencies regulating the financial system. 他说,政府将出台新的规则来保护消费者,促进金融监管机构之间进一步协调。
My wish is for you to help me invest my money in your country in any good venture and for you to be my guardian and protect me and my funds. 我希望你能帮我用那部分钱在你的国家进行投资,作为我的监护人来保护我和我的资产。
Seems to me that China is protecting its businesses. Too bad Congress and the rest of those idiots can, t protect our jobs. 我看似乎是中国。糟糕的国会,那些傻蛋才不会保护我们的就业机会呢!
While this guidance served mainly to protect state interests, it was at least clear and investors could use it to price new portfolios. 虽然这个指导性文件主要是为了维护国家利益,至少还算清楚明白,投资者可以用来为新的投资组合定价。
The NLD lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court to protect the party's legal status, but it was turned down in November. 全民盟提起上诉到联邦最高法院企图保护当事人全民盟的合法地位,但是在十一月为联邦最高法院拒绝。